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


























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    russia and indonesia are absolutely stunning imo :wub: , and thailands just adorable lol!
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    liquid or gel eyeliner <3
































































































































































































































    high fashion: Barbara Palvin, SHES FREAKIN 17 (1993)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    commercial: Erin Mcnaught
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    in sydney
































    best = chatswood or manly
































    worst = blacktown lol































































    nicest and safest - North shore (my favorite is North Sydney, Milsons Point, Manly and Chatswood)
































    Worst - Western suburbs































































    defintely dont move to the western suberbs of sydney! I live their and its 24/7 shady. There are pedophiles everywhere and a great place for drugdealers.
































    Preferably move towards the cbd































































    LOL *bows head in shame* :( AND MT. DRUITTS WORST THEN BLACKTOWN!
















































































    She must be Korean
















































    She must not be White-Washed
















































    She must have medium-long hair
















































    She must be from NJ, NY, or South Korea
















































    She must be energetic
















































    She must like Coffee
















































    5'2", 5'3", or 5'4" only
















































    She must have bangs
















































    She must have black hair
















































    She must own a pair of Nike Sneakers
















































    She must be able to cook raw meat
















































    She must have A or O blood type
















































    She must speak Korean more than English
















































    She must listen to Korean music
















































    She must be able to stay by my side ALWAYS!
















































    She must know how to french kiss
















































    She must hug me everyday
















































    She must have a cute cellphone
















































    She must like Pho, DonKatsu, Udon Noodles, and Fish Sticks
















































    She must be below 120 pounds or less
















































    She must like lollipops
















































    She must own a video camera
















































    She must have friendly, chill parents who are open-minded
















































    She must be talkative, but not too talkative
















































    When I smoke, she should not tell me to stop. She should smoke with me.
















































    When I drink, she should never tell me, that's enough. She should drink with me until I stop.
















































    She must own one piece of A&F Clothing
















































    She must have angel or "addicting" eyes
















































    She must have a mixture of a good attitude and a bad attitude
















































    She must memorize my birthday, my social security number, and all my important personal info within a week
















































    She must drive well
















































    She must make me smile alot































































































    my ideal girl:
















































    1. milky long legs with no hair, if i see hair it is coming off
















































    2. clean vagina- nicely shaved and tight (good sign she's slept around if it's loose)
















































    3. she can't be a rainbow and put out too easily, but will have sex eventually when the timing is right
















































    4. is a lady on the street (innocent and a good girl) but an animal in bed
















































    5. knows how to tease and makes me beg for it (girls, you have to learn this)
















































    6. has her own morals that she holds reasonably
















































    7. knows how to keep a conversation going when i deliberately test her with silence (girls like these are hard to find)
















































    8. doesnt give me an impression that she has slept around with alot of guys
















































    9. offer to pay for dinner and dates as a sign of being nice even though you don't really want to
















































    10. was not in a gangbang im not into that stuff
















































    11. grapefruit size richard simmons that are pink, i dont want them too big thats a turnoff
















































    12. sucks, doesn't bite.
















































    13. she's gotta be the type i can bring home to my parents
















































    14. smart, studies hard but also understand that there is a time for play
















































    15. doesn't complain
















































    16. nice long sexy bangable hair that can also be tied up in one of those semi ponytails so we can see the bare neck, that sh!t gets us horny
















































    17. flat stomach
















































    18. no piercings or tattoos
















































    19. says the right things during sex, or better yet, doesn't talk much during sex
















































    20. independent and doesnt call 24/7 (this will drive a guy crazy and he will most likely leave her after he beds her)
















































    21. isnt into gossip but does it occasionally
















































    22. not too tall, being tall myself i hate girls that will compete with me.
















































    and by the way petite girls are better in bed because they are easier to pick up and throw around. and also clothes look cuter on them.
















































    23. she must be above an 8.5 on the 1-10 scale, unless she fulfills all the requirements above, then average looking is not so bad.
















































    24. has some sort of hobby, may it be basketball, dancing, collecting stamps. (that stuff adds to her cute and innocent side)
















































    25. wears short skirts occasionally to show off her legs, but doesnt overdo it (overdoing it implies sluttyness, which i despise)
















































    26. gets along well with my friends
















































    27. nice clean forehead
















































    28. plays the conservative girl at parties and doesnt say shallow dumb things that make her seem like she's trying too hard.
















































    29. better yet, she cooks an awesome meal after we have sex
















































    30. soft white skin
















































    31. does not over-accessorize but does it to a manageable extent.
















































    32. sexy voice
















































    23. a girl who i can wrestle with in the nude and doesnt cry after i beat her
















































    34. a girl who is charming and can make you horny just by saying the right things
















































    35. doesnt cry or get too emotional after sex, but remains relaxed.































































































    lmao thas wassup B)
















































































































































































































































    fit/not too skinny or lanky
















































    dresses simple but still with good fit/proportion
















































    no dyed/crazy/chemical filled hair
















































    simple, clean & basic look overall but tattoos are a plus
































































































    laid-back & kinda quiet
















































    hard worker
















































    honest, trustworthy, respectful towards everyone & blunt/straight-forward
















































    hip hop head
















































    doesnt have any social networking accounts
















































    has goals/ambitions and passions in life
















































    is intelligent and can teach me new things
















































    can roll a good blunt (but at the same time doesnt party a lot)
















































    doesnt mind just staying at home straight chillin
















































    is willing to try new things with me even though he isnt really interested
















































    ISNT too cheesy/corny or the hopeless romantic type and god forbid no pet names unless SEE BELOW VV
















































    someone i can mess around with and call each other stuff like, kool-aidgot, pinkberry, richard simmons/rainbow/john tesher, mini cooperhead etc and basically insult playfully without them getting offended whatsoever <3
















































    yea it looks like a lot but actually the majority of the guys i know are like this, it really all comes down to the chemistry between the two of you
















































    edit: HAHAHAHHA @ the word censoring
































































































    wow im suprised some guys are saying flat butts, thats new (to me atleast) lol.
















































    well, this is what ive picked up from the guys I hang around
































































































    big boobs - usually a full C
















































    tan smooth, clear skin
















































    fit and not too skinny - got curves
















































    between 5'5-5'7
















































    doesnt wear too much make up
















































    a phatty (big bum lol)
































































































    caring, honest
















































    good cook
















































    knows her music/hip hop, not just name drop but can name the producer etc.
































































































    not too clingy
































































































    tasteful tatts and piercings
































































































    lets the guy do things for her sometimes but still on that independent tip
















































    can roll a blunt (wifey status <3)
















































    & some sexual related things that i dont think would be appropriate lol.
















































































































    stfu you guys, my closets so tiny -_____-




































    misa campo! her face is like perfect and her body ZOMGGG ..




































    1 2 3












    just i wouldnt use my body/looks for the same thing she does though & dw, the pictures are soompi friendly :D
























    hrm .












    - taller/bigger then me












    - clean/takes care of himself












    - has a talent












    - manly












    - straight forward & honest












    oh & a nice smile is a MUST :)
























    the bag i used today:
























    & whats in it: my phones not in it because its what i used to take the picture
























    1 - coin purse with hairties and bobby pins












    2 - comb












    3 - compact mirror












    4 - atlantis bench, my favourite smell everrrrrrr <3












    5 - aviators (its summer!)












    6 - watermelon handsanitizer, smells sooo good












    7 - ipod, one thing i cannot live without












    8 - eyeliner












    9 - lip stuff, lipgloss & my favourite lip balm (literally)












    10 - powdered oil blotting paper












    11 - hair polish, its like shiny pink goop?












    12 - blush












    13 - winter apple hand cream, smells sooo good aswell lol












    14 - gum, dont like it that much but i dont wanna waste it ><












    15 - cosmetics bag












    16. wallet, i need a new one ><














    chanel iman hands down .












    & i love miranda kerr as well of course but she has enough photos here .






    i love how both of them dont have the typical small pixie-like pointy nose that most models have, makes me have hope loool .



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