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    i think we should just face the fact that kids in this generation are growing up too fast...
































































































































































































































































































































































































    god, i see 14 year olds smoking ?! WHUT. !!?!

































































































































































    She's 12, but she got skill. She's cute and she's good at it :).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i agree with you 100%!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    she's really skilled in doing her makeup, and what she's only 12?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i mean why are people being so pessimistic about it.. yeah, shes only 12, but what kinda 12 year old already knows how to do makeup at such a young age and still make it look professional and cute? not many.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    props to her. ^.^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    as for her age, she is a bit too young to be putting so much makeup on, but she is 12, and she's experimenting with herself and what she likes to do with her face. im still pretty sure shes doing it for fun. let the little girl live a little. (=
































































































































































































































































































































































    im still addicted to the $5 footlongs.. idk but for some reason, i just like em a lot..
































































































































































































    ahh. chicken breast with swiss cheese toasted on 9 grain honey oat bread, with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, green peppers, banana peppers, pickles, and a choice of honey mustard and sweet onion sauce. that's all. what else should i try there? any suggestions?
































































































































































































    omg im craving subways so much atm :'x
















































































































































































































































    i dont go to starbucks often, but i usually get whats on the menu, strawberry frap (=
































































































































































































    im a simple person, my order doesnt have to be a paragraph long. haha
































































    woooot! I got my MacBook Pro today :)








































    I'm still getting used to it...and i hate the touchpad already haha








































    I'm sure I'll need your help from now on :D








































    oh btw, is there a need for a anti virus software? ^^°















































































    you really dont need an antivirus, mac checks for updates often and it rarely gets virusus or does it crash much.








































    you basically get what you paid for. im guessing you payed around 1k for your macbook? :]
































































    21.5inch imac! it's my baby, hahaha. got it this year in feb as a birthday present =]








































    im looking foward to getting a white 13 inch macbook sometime in the future, for travel purposes.
































































    eurasians, most of the girls always have high nose bridges even if they're 1/4th caucasian.








































    is that a predominate trait?! cause they always seem to have such nice noses :x








































    jealous -.-;








































    but yeah, they're pretty, but thats cause they have makeup on and a bit of makeup can change everythingg








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    im pretty sure that it's a diff person, the girl in the before pics' it looks like her head was pphotoshopped on.
































































































































































































































































































































    real heads dont look like that on a person's body, it;s out of proportions.
































































































































































































































































































































    the magic of makeup.
































































































































































































































































































































    ulzzangs are crazy -.-
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    it all depends on how well you pull it off :)
































































































































































































































































































































    some asians look nice with blonde hair, it all depends on what color of blonde you die your hair and what your skin tone is.
































































































































































































































































































































    take all that into consideration.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    checks itouch
































































































































































































































































































































































































    quite a comfortable #.
































































































































































































    and i listen to all my songs, i update quite often.
































































































































































































    maybe 4x a week?
































































































































































































    im always on the internet and finding new things.
































































































































































































    you learn something new everyday right?.



































































    I don't really know the difference.

    Can someone please elaborate ?



















    wikipedia both sushi and kimbap. (:










    i believe you use oil for the rice of kimbap and for sushi you use rice vinegar or something like that,










    the fillings are different also.










    i love sushi, never tried kimbap, but i will soon ^^














    - name-Shannon








    - picture-
















    - gender - uhh female?!








    - age (specific or general, e.g., 20+) turning 15 real soon!








    - location-brooklyn, ny








    - ethnicity-chinese!








    - interests-shinee fanatic, dbsk, jonghyun, jaebum, kimbum, suju, fashion, makeup,








    - links to soompi threads, myspace, xanga, aim, msn address, etc. [you can see it in my sig]



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