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    Stranger: im a professional spatula catcher































































































































































































































    You: ok































































































































































































































    Stranger: unless ure mini cooper at throwing of course































































































































































































































    Your conversational partner has disconnected.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ??? LOL? ahh, I'm the boring one, yea. lol































































































































































































































    I'm scared though but some are funny i think. LOL
































































































































































    I was going to make a penpal thread too, luckily i googled it. I want a pen pal! XD





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Email Address:craze-upgoing@hotmail.com






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Age: 17






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Penpal Intro/Request: I would like to have a snail mail pen pal. It would make opening the mailbox much interesting other than the bills. u_u. lol. it would be from anyone, anywhere. ;D































































































































































































































    - i like tons of things. kpop,jpop,jrock, whatever. basically, no genre, just music. XD. epik high's new album is coming out! ok, i love shinee! and ooo, the dramas.































































































































































































































    alright, life has been too boring since it's holiday now. 1 more month to sch starts! :mellow: but still, yep yep. I can write in both english or chinese. Chinese is cool. currently learning korean, so hard. u_u LOL. pm me or email? :unsure:
















































































































































































    cosmage is a name brand!































































































































































































































































    and the pen is so pretty, so smooth to write, the colour is pretty too. sparkling.































































































































































































































































































































































































































    CSJH's Lina and Kara's Park Gyuri.































































































































































































































    they really look mixed! :mellow:
































































































































































































    do you download games to your ice cream?































































































































































































































































































    if yes, where?














































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i want to play games on my phone.































































































































































































































































































    other than sudoku. LOL.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    is it true that the phone cannot multi task especially when listening to radio or mp3? In order to read the message you have to exit radio or mp3?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i read this online, and i don't know it's true a not. if it's true, a bit annoying.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and the external memory can support till what gb?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    thanks. ;D








































































































































































    omg. speaking about jae result.















































    i got into my second choice. D:















































    my first is international business np. omg! i regretted it at first when i put it as first choice.















































    then i made myself like it, thinking can travel, new batch more demand whatever.















































    then i got into my second choice? after all? LOL















































    ok, i quite like my second choice anyway, np business studies.















































    oh wow, this is really tok kok. -_-;















































    anyone from np? LOL














































































    and zzz this year cny is very bland, at least for me. D:






























































































































    i remember the days when i was so crazy over him.






























































































    I love this thread. XD
















































    new! yet not really. new to this thread at least. XD















































    i am now using an omnia. lol















































    i bought it some time ago, i think the price dropped. <_<













































































































    i am having O level in 18 days and i am still using computer.













































































































































    bye people. XD































































































    no timeless? I bet a lot of fans are disappointed.















































    That is like RiIn's classic. :lol:














































































    oh, the thread is really friendly. ^^















































    anyway, I can't resist but also started a fic on suyin +jae, "A Sorry Heart" . teehee.















































    (slap self for shameless advertising. :ph34r: )





























































































































    keep the thread going. ^^v















































































    awww, i agree to the list.















































    XD. i'm addicted to suyin.















































    i even have the arge to write a fanfic on them when i have exams now. T__T.















































    yep, new to this thread. Thanks everyone for suyin's goodies. XD















































    suyin FTW.















































    even suyin sounds so nice. ok, random.









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