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    I and mostly likely a majority people here don't think it's better to have two boyfriends. You should have one boyfriend who you like for who they are.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Let's say if one of your boyfriend dumps you. What if the other one dumps you around the same time as the first?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Fat, beautiful, and whorree?! T^T
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I had that once before when I visited a part of California. From where I live, it''s basically a desert so nothing special. No trees and always dirt with rocks. Although there were some trees, they aren't as green as California trees are.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I was surprised to see MANY bright green trees/grass! My friends thought I was pretty stupid for getting excited. Not my fault I barely go out of my home state :phew:

































































































































































































































































  8. I must be the stupidest person alive. I can't believe myself for going to a party where I knew barely anyone. What was I thinking? Throughout the WHOLE party, I felt like a loner and someone leeching off people because of that. Before the party, I thought" Hey I must know someone I could hangout with there!". Boy was I wrong. There were people I knew.. just not close enough to hang out with. I feel REALLY bad bugging people because I hated looking lonely. Every time I look back to this event, I'll feel regret. I hate that feeling. I hate remembering about this party. It makes me feel lonely. The only good thing was many of the people at the party were people I'll probably never see again... except for one or two. But those one or two people make me feel ashamed when I see them at school. I don't like looking like a loner nor being lonely. If I knew I was going to be this lonely, I would've reconsidered attending. The party sounded fun with everyone there (except my friends -_-) yet I still wanted to go without knowing anyone I know going. I really HATE being lonely. I was trapped with feeling for many situations and this by far is the worst. I had never felt so lonely in my life. Just when I thought it was going to be a great party, I end up feeling depressed. After I got home, I ran up to my room and started crying. Every tear drop all came running down unknowingly. This has to be the worst night I felt so lonely!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    City Hunter & Lie To Me
































































































































































































































































































































































    Somewhat Miss Ripley... It wasn't as interesting as I thought it'd be. Not sure if I'm going to keep watching.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hooked on:
































































































































































































































































































































































    City Hunter
































































































































































































































































































































































    Lie To Me
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Romance Town
































































































































































































































































































































































    The Greatest Love
































































































































































































































































































































































    Once the first subbed episode of Miss Ripley comes out, I'm watching that :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    That's very interesting...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    How I have been acting these past weeks, friends, and high school. :(






































    Okay I might get flamed for this but this is just my opinion.





    I think non-Asians should just stick to America or Europe...I know some of you guys who are Non-Asian have this dream that you will become a huge Kpopstar one day, but in reality do we really want a non-Asian Kpop singer? Kpop is known for it's Korean heritage culture and if a non-Asian can come and takeover then the Kpop culture just won't be Asian anymore..It might as well be just another run-of-the-mill manufactured pop music we have in America (Jsutin Beiber anyone?) Their is a reason why they only accept Asians and not just Koreans.





    And the truth of the matter is not just racism but it's XENOPHOBIA. It's still considered joke in Japan and Korea that a non-Asian can sing or speak Korean...They see it as a novelty factor...The same factor they would see a bear or a dog walk on it's hind legs. They don't see it as actual talent but as a novelty act. Asians are very defending and territorial if a non-Asian even looks at our culture the wrong way. So they might think "Oh how cool! That white guy can speak fluent Korean!' at first, but after awhile "Geez...Can't that white guy shut up? He's such a Koreaphile..."





    So all in all I don't think I will see any non-Asians becoming a a Kpop celebrity in Korea in my lifetime.





    **Also the people who have mentioned about Avex trainees being foreign, you do realize those trainees and celebrities are half Japanese right? A full non-blooded non-Asian to make it as a full fledged Jpop or Kpop artist is still unheard of and yet be witnessed...Even the Expat actors in Korea and Japan can't get acting roles away from being foreign. Singers like Shannon Williams from Star King ( who I have heard just signed with a Kpop company) are still half Korean and they have the looks to be a Kpop celebrity because of another issue to be considered: The beauty..Korea is known for it's over zealous beauty ranking..From ranking how small your face is to a fist, to how milky white your complexion is to a white rose, to who tall or how asymmetrical your face is, to the width of your S-line to V-line and etc...Alot of non-Asians can't really fit into the mold of an Asian beauty. how are you guys cgoing to handle it when the Korean netizens pick your looks apart because, let face it, they will  compare and contrast your looks to their local Korean celebrities.









    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one thinking this :/


  14. Any anime recommendations please? Something similar to:

    - Darker Than Black

    - 07 Ghost

    - Pandora Hearts

    - Death Note

    - My-hime

    - Shana No Shakugan

    - Code Geass

    - Vampire Knight

    So generally, genres somewhat with fantasy, action, supernatural, drama, adventure, etc. I'm also currently watching Tegami Bachi: Letter Bee :P

    Oh and maybe a few animes likes: Ouran High School Host Club, Myself Yourself, Clanned, or Bokura Ga Ita?







    Although I tell this to all my friends, no I don't think I'm pretty at all. There are those rare times when I glance at myself in the mirror and think I look cute, but most of the time whenever I see myself in pictures or a "window mirror" I'd don't find myself attractive at all.








    Yeah I was..





    I was usually beat for mostly little things I did wrong or should have done better. Big things involved hitting the most which left a huge purple bruises. My parents used to hit me with the ends of whatever stick they could find :/





    Up until this year, I actually thought it was normal for asian parents to beat their children T_T" I found out most of friends never really got discipline that way.. only be threatening, yelling, or a little slap.





    Luckily, they stopped but they still threaten me from time to time.


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