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    For me it'll be Sohee! Haha. Because i'm a heedragon shipper and i believe that she's currently dating G-Dragon. :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    If it's about a trio, my favorite are the unnies. Yeeun, Sunye and Yoobin. They all look and work together when they're with each other though being with the whole wonder girls is better. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    OH MY GOSH. The holiday thing event is about to end yet the pop up is still not working for me. :(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I can't say anything more, I'm very proud of these girls. Very wonderful. -applause-.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So they're in Japan again. Wow. Its nice to see them 5 on the same stage again. Woot, loved the perf xD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Just lol @ that minahn gif! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA.
































































































































































































































































    Wonder Girls are in Good Hands <3 .
































































































































































































































































    I just saw some videos from the first wonder in seoul O_O if thats the dvd that you guys are talking about .
































































































































































































































































    <- tell me @ the first wonder @ seoul.

    anyway, yesterday, i read the newspaper and saw a wonder girls related news !
































































































































































































































































    the CEO, President or whoever they are, those who has HIGH positions in one of the biggest tv network here in the philippines ( abs-cbn ) danced to Nobody. i was like WOAH!! @___@
































































































































































































































































    & last week, i went to a magazine-store and saw a lot of magazines with wonder girls' front cover in it XD
































































































































































































































































    then one of the magazines there mispelled yeeun's name, they spelled it "SEEUN" but thats okay . ^^




































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    1) How long have you been a big bang fan?deadicated fan from the beginning or only just recently?


    Since Early 2008. I LOVED THEM.


    The first time i've heard about them, i really didn't cared a lot. but man, after listening to lies back then, i was hooked.


    i thought BIG BANG name is such a COOL name for a boy group.




    2) Do you like how big bang have developed? meaning do you miss the old hip hop and baggy clothes or do you like how they are now?




    I liked Big Bang back then. I wasn't into Hip Hop but i don't know why but i was inlove to them.


    AND, right now ? i can only say, IM .. MORE THAN INLOVE TO THEM. if theres even such a word (:



    3) Do you think big bang could go to America?




    WHO KNOWS (: i don't really know but i hope they will. they're like TOO FAMOUS now in Korea & other asian countries so go to america & i bet they'll get BIG. (:



    4) What is your fav and least fav hairstyles of the boys? why?


    For DAEDORAE. i guess its number 6, number 5, number 4 or number 2 ? i can't really decide but he looks really handsome in those numbers ^^




    FOR BAEBAE. NUMBER 1 & NUMBER 4! (: HOT HOT (: I love his Mohawk style!


    FOR TOP. NUMBER 8 & 3! :>


    FOR BABY. NUMBER 2 & 5 ? CAN'T CHOOSE ALSO. D: but he lookes good in his hair @ strong baby era! :>




    Aw goodness. i haven't been here for long. hahaha. anyway. unnie! those pictures looks coooooool ;D thanks for sharing !!


    i love their winter collection photos ~ baby's looking matured ! HOHOHO :> JI = HOT. no more no less. i have nothing to say now. hahahah. & the boys are nominated to MAMA! lets vote for them @ mnet's site. its @ mnet site where we can vote right ? :> :>



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