Jump to content


Friends of Soompi
  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by s@nbi

  1. I'm watching this drama on TV, i don't know what episode it is. But i am curious about MinSu that BoK-Hee is looking for.  On yesterday's episode it showed that MinSu died as a baby in a fire at a clothing factory. 
    But i get the feeling Yoon Jae (the doctor) is MinSu. If So, on what episode does it confirm that he is MinSu?

  2. Episode 35 Preview Translation

    도현은 검찰에 자진출두 하지만 김종보가 진실을 말하자 건강악화를 핑계로 병원에 입원한다. 일문은 고문변호사를 통해 자신의 천지조선 지분이 사라졌다는 것을 알게 된다. 

    DH voluntarily appears athe Prosecutor's office but when KJB tells the truth about everything, DH uses his health as an excuse to get hospitalized. IM learns through his lawyer that his shares of Chun Ji Josen has disappeared.

    화가 난 일문은 해주의 공장에 드릴비트를 훔치러 갔다가 실수로 불을 낸다. 연기에 질식한 해주는 병원으로 이송되는데...

    Angry IM goes to HJ's factory to steal the drill bit but accidentally starts a fire. HJ suffocates due to the smoke and gets transported to the hospital...

    Episode 36 Preview Translation

    또 다른 출생의 비밀을 알게 된 해주는 믿고 싶지 않은 진실에 괴로워한다. 일문은 결국 방화, 절도죄로 정우에게 붙잡히고 수갑을 차게 된다. 

    HJ finds out about another birth secret and is miserable about it, not wanting to believe it's true. IM gets arrested by JW for arson and theft.

    금희는 자신이 창희와 같은 목표를 가지고 있다는 것을 알게 되고, 인화를 부탁한다. 그리고 도현의 마이크로필름을 찾아내는데...

    KH finds out she and CH has the same goal/mission and asks CH to take good care of IH. Then she finds DH's microfilm....
  3. Question: Does anyone know what brand the camera that Lee Yeon Hee used in today's episode is? The white one where she used it to take a picture of the sandwich she opened and emailed it to Soh Ji Sup on the camera. It looks so cute i want to get one. Any help would be much appreciated!

































































































































































































































































    So finally Yun Hee is

    finally pregnant ?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Why is Gwi Nam mad at her at the end of epi 27 ?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I also like watching the Yi Suk - Jae Yoong pairing
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Gwi Nam is not exactly mad. He doesn't want his pregnant wife to work. So he was asking her to quit her job but she keeps insisting that she will be okay and will be careful. But he opposes her working in a unsuitable enviromment for a pregnant woman. That;s what they were arguing about.

































































































































































































































































































































































































    HI! Has anyone taken the park & Ride shuttles before? I was wondering if I can still use it even though i don't need the roundtrip but only when I get back and where are the location of the shuttles at hollywood bowl when they come pick you up? I tried finding the phone number for the shuttles but couldnt find it, should I try calling the hollywood bowl box office itself?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I have taken the Park & Ride shuttles every year i went to the KMF. The price went up to $10 per person roundtrip. But you don't have to pay for roundtrip. One way trip is $5 per person. So you would only need to pay $5.00. You need to have exact change as the buses don't carry change.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I usually take the Rowland Heights location. After the concert is over you need to hurry and go to the buses as they leave 20 minutes after the concert.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    All of the buses are in front of the Hollywood Bowl. We would go down the bowl and go through the tunnels and end up on the other side of the bowl where the buses are. if you don't know where you are going, just follow the crowd. There are a lot of people who take these shuttles. I would usually exit the last entrance in the tunnel.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    There are a lot of buses going to different park & ride lots so it's important you take the right one.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hope this helps.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Has everyone received their tickets in the mail?  I'm getting worried because I haven't gotten my tickets yet.  I keep trying to call every phone line Korea Times posted, but it just keeps ringing and ringing until I get a recorded operator message, saying that the line is no longer available.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    What happens if the tickets are lost in the mail?  Does anyone know the process of getting your tickets again?  What should I do?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Did you try calling these numbers?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    At least one of these numbers should work. I was able to get through each year. If you have no luck then you should try visiting their office in LA in person.

































































  7. Korean preview for this week:

    수목 [해를 품은 달] 19회    주상이 침전에 무녀를 들였다는 벽서와 윤씨 일파가 전 세자빈을 시살했다는 내용의 고발 벽서가 나란히 붙자 고을엔 윤씨 일파의 음모라는 쪽에 신빙성을 두고 소문이 퍼진다. 윤대형이 자신을 버릴 것을 예감한 보경은 훤에게 반란이 일어날 것을 알리러 가던 중 훤과 다정하게 있는 연우를 발견하고 만다.   한편, 보경은 쫓겨난 전 성수청 국모 권씨를 불러 성수청 국모 자리를 돌려줄테니 연우에게 흑주술을 걸라고 명한다       수목 [해를 품은 달] 최종회      강무날, 종친과 대신들을 거느리고 종묘로 향해가던 훤은 윤대형의 사병들에게 포위되고 만다. 반란군의 선두에 선 양명은 훤에게 칼을 겨누고 두 사람의 모습을 지켜보던 윤대형은 어서 훤의 목을 베라 말한다.   한편, 홍규태와 함께 은신처로 피신하던 연우는 불길한 예감에 사로잡히는데...

    If you can translate that would be great!  Thank you!

    Apparently the preview text is for both Ep19 and 20. So i have divided fidelity's translation by episode as she combined both into one.

    Preview Translation:

    EP19 Preview

    When the rumours that the King kept a Shaman by his bedside and that  Minister Yoon had the former Crown Princess killed spread into the town,  people lean towards the idea that Minister Yoon is the true conspirator  and continue to talk. Bokyung, who predicts that her father will  abandon her, goes to Hwon in order to warn him about a planned  revolution. However, on her way, she catches the sight of Hwon warmly  chatting with Yeon Woo. Bokyung calls the head Shaman who has been removed from the Palace [one  that her father attempted to conspire with last time], and offers her a  place back in the Palace on the condition that she casts black magic on  Yeon Woo.

    EP20 Preview

    Hwon, who is on his way to [-- not sure what this part means  --], is surrounded and attacked by Minister Yoon's rebel forces.  Standing with the rebel forces, Yang Myung points his sword to Hwon  while Minister Yoon encourages him to quickly behead him. Meanwhile,  Yeon Woo, who has taken refugee with Hong Kyu Tae, gets a sense of  foreboding and feels unsettled...

  8. Girls what do you think about han gain acting? because in Daum i see people hate she acting and it makes me angry because too rough

    yea i read on the MBC Moon Sun Homepage and other Korean sites and many viewers hate HGI and say her acting is bad in this drama. That she sounds like she is reading from a book when she talks and not natural. Although i don't think she is that bad. I think her acting is pretty decent.


    BK: I'm pretty sure he's hiding something in his room.

    MH: I have something to tell you, Sung Bang Nim.

    Hwon: What do you want me to do?

    YM's mother: From now on, whatever you want to do, whatever decision you will make...

    BK's father: I came to ask you for a glass of liquor, Yang Myung Gun.

    Hwon: I won't forgive anyone who committed a crime, even if it is family.

    Hwon: Until i return you to your rightful place, next to me, I will protect you.

    I will give you everything.

  10. Thanks, s@nbi :) You're always our life saver!

    I hope you don't mind that I use these to closed caption the preview ;) Naturally, you'll be credited :D

    Sure you can use it. But please use the revised translation as i fixed some things.

    There is one part I'm not sure about when Hwon says "running away with the King's woman is considered ___? " Not sure if that word 명모 means crime/sin. That's the only part I'm insure of.

  11. EP17 PREVIEW

    Hwon: Yeon Woo ya. Yeon Woo Ya.

    Did i really come see you?

    YW: I'm sorry. Please be free now.

    Please make sure you lead a happy life.

    Hwon: Hyungnim, do you know what you have done?

    Running away with a woman belonging to the King is considered a crime/sin. (Not sure about the crime/sin part)

    BK: Heo Yeon Woo, that girl will become the owner of Gyotaejeon (Queen's Chamber)!

    Grandma Dowager: NK, How dare you!

    YW: Your Majesty...

    Hwon: Finally... we are becoming one.

  12. the video preview is out for ep 16


    omg we have a long awaited kiss scene...swoon!!!!!

    s@nbi, to the rescue-can you please translate the preview for us, thank you.

    Nk revealed that MW was involved in the process of YW's death.  Now, both the ladies MW and  BK are fearing for the  worst to come.

    Here is the translation. I can't wait for the kiss scene tomorrow! They better give us a really good one not just a slight peck.

    EP16 Video Preview Translation

    HS?: There is traces that Miss's (YW)'s grave has been touched.

    NK: Are you going to reveal everything and go to his Majesty's side or just continue living like this?

    You have to choose.

    YM: If i say i will leave her (YW), are you prepared to step down from your position as the King?

    Hwon: Hyung Nim!

    YW: The Princess?

    Why? Why would she?

    BK: Heo Yeon Woo! She is alive!

    Hwon: Answer me! Is Wol, the shaman, Heo Yeon Woo who died 8 years ago!

    Yeon Woo ya...

  13. This is the question for Korean speaking viewers - who from the young cast has best sageuk speech? I mean who manages to deliver best diction, tone? I read it's kinda difficult for those who never played in sageuk before? Can anybody answer me?

    Well all of the young cast, Yuh Jin Goo, Kim Yoo Jeung & Lee Minho have been in several sageuks before this drama so they are all good. I thought Yuh Jin Goo & Kim Yoo Jeung's acting were really good, it's expected since both of them have been in lots of sageuks before. Siwan (Heo Yeom) was pretty good too for his first time in acting.

  14. Text preview for Ep 16 is up at iMBC.

    Can some kind souls please translate ? Pretty please? Thanks!

    달의 정체

    무녀 월을 본 보경은 죽은 연우가 살아돌아온 것이라 생각하고 패닉상태에 빠진다.  중전을 만나고 궐을 빠져나가던 연우는 은월각 앞에서 훤과 마주치지만 자신이 연우라는 사실을 밝히지 않는다. 

    한편, 녹영은 연우에게 지금 훤을 만나러 가는 길이라며 8년 전 그 사건에 연루된 의외의 인물을 털어놓자, 연우는 충격에 휩싸이고...

    Apparently additional text was added to the EP16 preview so here is the revised translation:


    BK panics when she sees shaman Wol, thinking YW has come back from the dead.

    YW while trying to leave the palace after meeting the Queen, she  runs  into Hwon in front of Eun Wol Gak but doesn't tell him that she is YW.

    Meanwhile, NY tells YW that she is on her way to meet Hwon and confesses to her an unexpected figure that was involved in the incident 8 years ago and YW is in shock...


    HS: She is being taken to Seohwalinseo. This will be the last time.

    ??: There is an order to stop you from entering.

    Woon: A sword that you use out of anger is dangerous but using it in the name of love is even more dangerous.

    YW's Mom: Yeon Woo! Yeon Woo ya!

    BY: You were my first love, your Majesty. You know that more than me, so how could you be so cruel?

    HW: I wasn't looking at you (Wol), i was looking at her (YW), so it's okay if you stray away from me....

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