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Posts posted by shesays

  1. shariman66 said: @shesays
    Dear, are you sure he/she meant our KHJ as being a 'bottomless jar'?If he/she did then he's/she's a pabo ~The definition of 'bottomless' is actually 'limitless' or without limit ^_^
    Or did he/she mean it in the literal sense?Then whoever is capable of understanding Korean as well as able to write it should mock or deliberately misunderstand him/her, with the first definition.You know, thanking him/her for the praise on the 'limitless' worth of our KHJ, which is the truth anyway ^_^
    I wish I was fluent in Korean because it would give me great pleasure to rile him/her up.

  2. If Sn stayed by TH the 2 years of how he spent in agony she must have cried out her pain in the loniness of her chamber many times,sounds cheesy that some people who stay and feel the pain by someone loved for such a long time may not even cry in the final part because they just don't have any more tears left...or cry in silent...

    My personal experience my younger brother was slowly dying from Cancer. I cried so much the day we found out he was stage 4 cancer. Watched him suffering so much from treatment knowing outcome is not so good. When he died I didn't cry much as before. Because he is in heaven, no more suffering and finally I peace.

    SN knew he is dying and she cried a lot till the end.

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    After reading all your comments/observations, out of curiosity I asked a friend who is not interested in drama thing but very expressive when it comes to loving.  I begged him to watch just for the death scenes of WY & TH (without eng sub).  Afterwards, I asked him about the comparison between SN's reactions about their death.  He said, SN had more love for WY than for TH.
    Have a nice day to everyone.  Still waiting of Ep. 51 with eng. sub.

  4. Nayuki Tran said: I guess ep 50 today is one of the saddest, the ep where I feel empathetic to the characters.  I guess Wy loves Sn more than himself, and Th loves her with all his might too. I once doubted Ths love for Sn a few eps ago, but now I realized his love is great and tolerant too. I think he loves her more after knowing about Maha. I guess he came back to his old self for now. Why do I feel like Sn comes back to her tough side now. In ep 49 I was surprised that she was so submissive to Th, but today she looks resentful next to Ths bed. Why, does she still love Wy much? Anyway I just wanna say that I feel sorry for Th. He loves his queen really much and now he s about to die. So sad.I wonder what will happen wih the letters? Will it ever be revealed? ! Maybe not.

  5. seohaseurri22 said:
    Regarding on the matter about uri Paeha, I think it is too early to say about what some of us assume he did to SN. I thought of three options:

    1. He tried to subdue SN, but eventually passed out instead. Then, they just slept beside each other in the bed because both of them are drunk and exhausted. Imagine, pushing here, pushing there, trying to kiss here, and pushing away again. Of course, that would be too tiring!

    2. He tried to subdue SN. SN struggled, but TH was way too aggressive, but SN struggled harder. In the end, TH gave up, and slept instead.

    3. He eventually subdued SN, but SN consented it. Is it because SN felt pity on TH? I can't really say.

    But there is something that made an impact for me. It is when SN worried that TH would leave her. Omo, I am already 100% convicted that she really loves TH! I remember a saying that a drunk never tells a lie. And SN is half-way drunk when she thought of this. She can never tell a lie about what she feels.
    FYI when TH barge in SN's room...she wasn't drunk. She was reading.

  6. hanaseyes


    I found BA is not that bad to him. He's just bad for SN, but not for TH, he still at least think for him, and for Yuan ( even that idea of war is fool ), how he act after the beginning of ep 42 that make me love him a little bit.

     That's a problem, I thought the screenwriter lose their direction about BA. Even he kill WY because he think that TH's thinking.


  7. pegster said: C-subs are out already, but I don't have time to watch it now, gotta head out for a bit.
    I'll just translate the preview.  I'm not sure how accurate this is because I find this source sometimes have mistakes.  I have two different sources of C-subs, but in most cases they're pretty accurate.

    TH: Gwibi even if you're like this, I still won't give up on you!

  8. It just doesn't make sense that ANY character who was involved in bringing down El Temur would also be the *Masked Man*. The writer's have really backed themselves into a corner with this one - but since they foisted a one-episode pregnancy and birth on us, plus multiple personality transplants ~ I guess it's possible that Golta is a criminal mastermind. 8-|
    May be Golta's twin brother? Just the thought







































































































































































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