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dee duckie

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Posts posted by dee duckie












































    Happy 5th Anniversary Big Bang!!! Before debuting you've all worked hard to do your best and BE the best. From the very beginning it was your heart and effort that led you guys on top. Being brave and unique has always made you guys stand out. Your brotherhood is also something that we, your fans, adore. Being there for each other, even through tough times, made me fall more in love with you guys. Keep strong and never let the bond break. Hopefully in 2012 Big Bang would be united as one and stronger than ever. Big Bang Fighting!
















































    hello hello~




































    i was wondering when & why taec went back to the states?




































    was inki pre recorded since he was MCing? because how would he be able to MC when he is currently in the states?




































    anyways thanks hottests!
















































    Just wanted to share my excitement with the rest of you guys




































    so a package arrived for me and it was....












































































































    ^^ AUTOGRAPHED <333




































































































































































































































































































































































    hello fellow 2pm lovers~
































































































































































































































































































    i was wondering if anyone knew what was 2pm's youtube launching event's prize was and did anyone in here win?












































































    humm i have a couple of Qs to ask u guys~




































    anyways so dropped my itouch today and my power button is jammed that i cant turn it on or off because i cant use the button so i was wondering if i should go to the apple store and get it fix and how much it would cost.




































    i was thinking that if i dont get it fixed my touch would be find because of sleepo mode....




































    anyways thanks for the hep~
















































    ahh hyungmoon hair is fab fab fab! totally in love with it!




































    i hope their outfit changes too




































    need more itt!
















































    im utterly socked about this




































    ive been a silent reader and was a fan of xing since their first single




































    one by one the member have left and replaced by sitr members




































    this seems like they havent really debuted.




































    we cant offcially call them a group until they all stay




































    i can understand one mayb two leaving




































    but there is now only left with one original member.




































    did they even debut?




































    right now im not sure whats with xing ent. but i really wished they revealed the reasons behind the replacements.
















































    those were intresting chapters




































    but i dont get why he did that o-o when she was pissed of at that girl for hurting her cousin




































































































































































































































































































































































    =O so they seriously dating?
































































































































































































































































































    why is that guy wet?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    =] write more!! ^^ its getting good












































































    omg!! that is arg!! how can her sister do that. her sister does get what she wants from her mother. what she want? her fathers love too? how greedy T_T




































    i bet yekyungs end up staying at yuhwan's place?
















































    ahh the player couple fighting lol... intresting




































    yet its cute how yekyung relied on yuhwan to fix woori




































































































































































































































































































































































    omg omg omg!! concert??!?!?! omg omg!! <333 why cant they pref on music core and stuff omfg!! <33












































































    aww i love how he said "if she let me" xD about marrge!




































    soo cuuute
















































    funny how he likes to tease her..mayb their feelings are mutal mayb they <33 each other but in denial <3
















































    those evil girls are stupid




































    because they put her in danger for him, he feels the need to save em then falls for her =]
















































    =O she getting soft?!?!




































    no way!!!




































    post soon =]




































































































































































































































































































































































    those itches =F i fang them!
































































































































































































































































































    anyways i think that two faced ppl are the worste
































































































































































































































































































    her sister is soo ditzy T_T
































































































































































































































































































    i wanna see more of the two lovely couple developing =]
































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ thanks for responding, but i can't use clubbox. and do you know where i can find working direct link for the ost? i tried the links from past posts, but they've expired.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^^ yes, can someone reupload the sendspace links for soulmate? i'm addicted to this drama, and i've been trying to find links to get it. thanks!












































































    meelah is a richard simmons !




































    i mean she threw herself on his hand ew..




































    anyways =] i would love to read the chapter where they act as bf and gf =]




































    it will be intresting indeed




































    =] i think meelah is jealous of her looks




































    because she's all plastic and the yekyung isnt =]
















































    good chapter =)




































    anyways i think they have something going on but she to dense to kno




































    hthe first person she was looking for was him




































    u kno the two beezies can go fkcu their hooligans because she is too strong for them to make her back down








































    omg that is soo brave of her.




























    T_T what the heck those two biznitch should die!!!





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