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Posts posted by piglets888

  1. OMG. I am not understanding this at all. In terms of t,he princess ( the sister to the 8th princes), did she want to marry one of the princes?!!!!  Are they not all siblings?  The king is her dad so they are all half or full siblings. How can they get married ?  The 3rd prince ask her to marry him but she wants the 4th prince  WS to offer her a better deal as the 3rd already is married or has a marriage contract.  This is insane. 

    • Like 5































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It's amazing how in KDrama that paternity testing can be done without sampling the fetus..... it's truly a miracle... they can tell who the true father is and that the fetus is a boy without any specimen from the fetus.... :wacko:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I hope people will start picking up this drama soon. It's a good daily drama.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    PHY, love the man.....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Because of him, LD cannot leave Korea. He froze her bank account so that she has no access to the money that YJ wired. He told her right out that she will pay for what she has done and that the only reason why she hasn't been handcuffed and thrown in jail was because he didn't want to see LS cry.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    HY told LD that she can forget about her dream of qualifying for the bar and warned her not to contact her mom, LS and even evil YJ.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Take that, evil LD.... should have thought about your little sister instead of letting jealousy blind you... :angry:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    YJ's jealousy has really driven her to the lowest.... in the last scene with LS, she told LS that it was Romeo and Juliet... the poor princess who fell in love with the enemy's son... the enemy who kept LS and her dad running and hiding for safety... the enemy who caused her dad's death... YJ is really evil... no one know what actually happened to LS's dad and how he died... She made it sound like HY's dad killed him... YJ really wanted to drive a wedge between our princess and her prince charming.... tongue2.gif

































































































































    just a question...........why do the sister of LS have the royal pouch/purse thing that was given to LS's father?!?! Is she going to pretend to be the princess because she has that?!?!?! :ph34r: OR is SHE the real princess...naw can't be....LS had all the memories...right?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    She stole the royal purse from LS when they were younger. LS had memories of seeing the purse before when the Professor was studying some artifacts in one of the books. LS had said that she saw something similar in her house before. LD will later be influenced by the evil girl and pretend to be the real princess. I think the professor will somehow have proof that LS is the real princess...

































































































    WTF? Is SH now teaminjg up with AR again?

    And AR wins the contest? (what das daesang mean?? winner, right?)
































































































    how come she freaking wins the contest with 2 people in the jury who should hate her!!































































































































































































    She bribed some of the judges on the panel..... hopefully, she will be caught and her title denounced..... :angry:
































































































































































































    What an insane episode....... bordering on being ridiculous.... What the heck???!!! SH pretended to commit suicide and just happen to return just the day before the wedding to ruin it??? :wacko: Poor President Min.... One daughter who is absolutely insane and one who is mentally challenged... Next week will be even crazier with AR brainwashing SH will EJ's "bad deeds".... :fury:
































































































































































































    can anyone help with the translation for episode 56?
































































































    애리는 은재의 명함을 손에 든 채 바들바들 떨고 있다가 이내 널부러져 자고 있는 교빈에게 과일을 부어버린다. 한편, 은재는 천연화장품을 직접 만들고, 이에 민여사는 감탄하며 왜 이런 좋은 재주를 갖고 있으면서 그동안 집에서 살림만 했는지 물어본다. 그러자 은재는 사랑하는 가족을 위해 밥상을 차리는게 꿈을 이루는 것 처럼 값지다고 생각했다는 말을 들려준다. 잠시 후 은재가 퀵으로 보낸 천연화장품은 교빈의 집으로 도착하고, 이에 애리는 화가 폭발한다. 한편, 강재네 집에 간 하늘은 강재의 잠자는 모습에 그만…
































































































































































































    Ahh... that evil woman switched her pee with someone else's to prove that she is pregnant.... I have to give her credit for quick thinking.... now the dad has to let them get married... :tongue2:
































































































































































































    I wonder how long the father-in-law will live.... in the last few episodes, he kept on holding the back of his head... I wonder if the PD will give him a stroke and either make him die or be paralyzed and the evil couple takes over the company and the inheritance :tongue2:

































































    Synopis: A serious accident left Jung Gyo Bin believing that his wife, Eun Jae, drowned and died. However, Eun Jae survived the accident only to return to find that her husband has another woman and a child.

    I got the information from Wiki.































































































































































































    I think it's darker than that.... from some of the opening scenes... it looked like Eun Jae was left to drown by her husband... they were both in the water and he pulled her hand away from him and swam to shore to his mistress..... poor Eun Jae saw him swim ashore, leaving her to drown... looks like they planned the whole accident in order to get rid of her.... this sure is one twisted drama especially with the crazy sister who is obcessed with her brother (even if they are not related by blood)... :crazy:
































































































































































































    Can anyone help with translation of the character descriptions and the relatioships??
































































































    Many thanks in advance... :D
































































































































































































































































































































































    This should be an interesting drama to watch....
































































































































































































    looks like a really twisted storyline... Eun Jae was forced to marry her husband because he took advantage of her when she was drunk and got her pregnant.... The husband's family treats her like dirt and order her around like a maid....
































































































































































































    The husband has a blatant affair with Eun Jae's best friend (who has liked the husband for a long time... she came back to Korea just to snatch him back from Eun Jae).
































































































































































































    Will have to watch how this story develops.....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Does anyone have any online viewing links to today's episode?? either youtube or VEOH (without downloading the VEOH TV software)??

































































































































































































































































































































    that must be TL Kang Behind KBS ans HCH..
































































































































































































    not sure... but doesn't that look like a dress on the shadowy figure??
































































































































































































































































































































































































    does anyone have any online links for episode 7? aaawww.... I've only managed to find a link for the first 5 mins of today's episode....

































































































































































































































































































































    anyone care to translate EP14 title and previews?
































































































































































































    preview... at the beach... SH said to GP... let's run and live without regret from now on.... the bad cop had become a complete loser... getting desperate.... I think GP told GN the truth about her parents because you can hear his voice saying he wasn't trying to hide it from her and that he was going to tell her later.... then you hear him saying that GN would be much happier lving there... :tears:
































































































































































































































































































































































































    just finished watching the show....
































































































































































































    I felt so bad for KH.... I was disgusted by KH's mom... she lied to KH and told KH that the DNA test showed that he was the dad and asked him whether he liked NY and if he did, to marry her..... he was so excited and happy at the news.... then when he went to his mom's shop to pick up the ring, he found the DNA test results... it was such a major blow...... :tears:
































































































































































































    So SH is the real dad..... will the guys tell him?? will he stop NY?? can't wait til tomorrow...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Missed most of today's episode due to buffering..... but finally found the links for VEOH..
































































































































































































    in case anyone else wants to watch it again...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks to greentea8202....

































































































































    Throughout the whole drama, I never felt any "vibes" from NY toward SH but at the end of today's episode....

    the way NY was looking at SH and the way SH was looking at NY....I felt NY was feeling "jealousy"?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Did any one else feel that way?
































































































































































































































































    I really hope they don't go into..few years later "type" ending.....
































































































































































































































































    I have the same feelings... I think NY likes SH but didn't express her feelings... she looked upset when she saw SH with SY...
































































































































































































































































    I hope things work out for the 2 of them.... Mr Button is so cute as well....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Chinese translation of Preview for 15 - copied from http://johyunjae.hk/blog/rewrite.php/read-3369.html
































































































































































































































































    和國同以積極姿態展現對娜英的愛不同,一直對女性非常大膽的國熹不再壓抑著感情來告白讓三個男人的關係進入全新的局面。另一方面,一直表現遲鈍的書賢,在一次偶然的機會下與娜英在渡過甜蜜的時間中對於自己一直理不清的感情開始無法隱藏,讓書賢看著娜英的一瞬間感到非常緊張… 書賢為了消除對娜英那理不清的混亂感而加快與素研結婚的決定,彼此對感情糾纏不清的三個男人和娜英,抱著複雜的心情回到首爾,卻不知道有驚人的消息在等著他們。
































































































































































































































































    譯文 : 稻草人

































































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