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Status Replies posted by Bambiina

  1. Hi, why is song song couple thread closed for futher comment? Can someone create another one? Really love it.

    1. Bambiina


      Don't worry itbis temporary .. btw cannot create another same topic.. the thread will be open in short while

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Hello there, I love your post and your enthusiasm. I'm with you, when I ship some CP, I ship them hard. hahaha. *hug*. Good luck to our CP!

    1. Bambiina



      Yeahhh .. I lovre our ship ... lets pray for the best .. may happiness be with them always :D


  3. Hello Bambiina, since u r a big fan of SJK, may I ask u something? 

    What u think about SHK and SJK dating rumors? 

    1. Bambiina


      I will be happy... whom ever can make him happy.. I am happy.   He is 30 years old sp yeah.. but I don't like to be dissapointed so don't want to have high hope..

  4. Ooo.. Legend gitu:wub:

    1. Bambiina


      Wahahahhahaa o sherrrr


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