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    so what if shinhwa has undergone surgery?!?!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    everyone wants to look good.. is that wrong?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    so please stop making this such a BIG news.

































































  7. ^ he looks HOT in that album hehehe..

    Serena~~~ Thanks so much!!!

    i love reading your diary.. hehe.. so detailed

    Next time bring me to see min's concert okie!?!?

    really wanna go to his concert at least once in my life!

    the concert pics are soooo HOT!!!!!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ if i'm not wrong yes it does..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    can anyone tell me how to re-open it?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    i love her.. she's one of the most beautiful actress in korea!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I watch epi 1& 2..
































































































































































































































































































































































































    and it's so funny!! Lee Dae Hae nv fails to make me laugh! hahaha..
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Lee Ji Hoon is also very cute.. hahahaha
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Worth watching!
































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks so much for making this~~~
































































































































































































    SHInhwa FOrever~~
































































































































































































    Shinhwa Fighting~~
































































































































































































    Shinhwa Changjo~~~
































































































































































































































































































    Thanks Mal for the news & pictures!!
































































































































































































    can't wait for watch Andy on Goldfishery.. and Jindy on Xman ^_^

































  14. serena.. after reading your post, i'm speechless!!

    it's worth it waiting for him outside, you can see him wave!!!!


    how i wish i was there!!!!

    saw some pic of him during the concert.. look damn sexy~!~!~!
































































































































































































































































    Thanks so much for the translation!!
































































































































































































    really appreciate it <3
































































































































































































    Andy.. didn't know he had a hard childhood..
































































































































































































    i guess everyone thought that he's a rich man son
































































































































































































    cos he looks like one

































  16. oh man 15 Jan?? thats so longgggg..

    yahh he look so pale during the fanmeet.. this boy better get lots of rest before his concert!

    Fans would not want to see a sick minwoo.. *heartache*

    i agree with you miss':bella.. he loves his job and most importantly his fans!!




















    Yeah.. don't get mad over such comment! it's not worth!
















    We shinhwa fan just have to continue to support them thats all.
















    We love them and have to love ourselves too!
















    Read my siggy... get it?





    hey there, shazie! or is it huiling? hope i get ur name rite! :sweatingbullets::D

    Yes you got my name right!

    what's your name? i don't even know omg :huh:












    ok.... finally me reporting in JunJin thread... eheheheh...












    hmmm... is this the only 1 thread or is it like Minwoo he has 2 thread too??












    ahhh... saw Huiling in here....












    where;s my dear mrs. park?! hehehee...












    can't wait for Jin's album!! JunJin Fighting!!!












    Finally see you in here Serena! haha..

    no lah.. Jin only got 1 thread.. when he come out album, maybe we can create another one.












    and i also don't see mrs park around here!

    i heard jun jin singing this song called 'resignation' for the first time..

    i love the way he sings this song!! i heard others doing covers of that song too, and to be honest, Jin's the best among them :D so proud of him



















    Eric & Minwoo are definitely not arrogant. Actually I feel that all the members are not arrogant, they are humble and nice boys..
















    Minwoo may be abit flashy about his dance move but dancing is what he’s best at.. if he has it, he should flaunt it.
















    It's sooooo difficult to rank the boys!!!
















    1st: I have 3… Andy, JunJin, Hyesung, I love them equally don’t ask me to choose
















    Andy -- I like his character (not as if I know him personally haha). He’s very natural and humble… someone who doesn’t want much limelight… but yet able to perform and outshine… and when I saw him in Singapore, he always had that smile of the face.
















    Hyesung -- no words can describe why and how much I love him… I just love this guy.
















    he's very professional and able to present himself well
















    JunJin -- first and foremost, he's really damn gorgeous in person *faint*, better than on tv & pictures… He’s a confident person… You can see that he really works hard for what he wants, like his new album.
































    Minwoo -- hmm I don't know why minwoo is my second… he is very attractive in person… I love how he perform on stage.. he's able to capture everyone's attention
















    3rd :
















    Eric -- he used to be my least fav… but after seeing him at the airport, I change my opinion on him… he bowed to us fans when he left the Singapore, so suave…
































    Dongwan -- Don't ask me why haha… I cannot explain!
















    Mommie Alice, I’m also bored at work! haha


















































































    what?!?! he's on Arirang?
































































    jbj, you're callie friend right? the one who fall onto my lap in the maxi cab? hehe
































































    by the way, what channel is arirang?

















    katelin_kim- It's jang woohyuk :) They are so cute together....wonder why no one ever thought of them doing a project group :blink: It would be SO cool hahaha

    i agree, they should release an album together.. like Group S, kangta & vaness.

    They are like the best dancers in Korea!!
































































    In where i live.. JinSyungRic are considered tall.
































































































































    hyesung actually hunches his back????
































































    that is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =DDDDDD
































































    i love hunching my back as well!!!!
































































    no you cannot hunch your back.. it's not nice at all!

    I consider Junjin, DW & Andy are thin.

    Junjin & andy are definitely NOT thin.

    Have you notice how muscular Jin is
































































    Andy is getting fatter haha :D

















    i noe some people that aren't really looking forward to his album...TT

    they are defintely non-shinhwa fans :vicx:

    but who cares, WE are ALL excited about his album..
































































    actually park chong jae sounds ok to me.. hahaha









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