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    It's kinda hard since it has time limit.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    In the last round, I chose between G-dragon and TOP.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    haha! I chose































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    female: I ended up on Yoona.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Scout Leader!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Your murder score is 309 points






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I like them both.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Dried mangoes are really delicious.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Regulars is purely glutton.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    @Taecyeon, that wha't im talking about,,
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Philippines has many mange trees and I love our dried mangoes~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Taeyang and Bom is just purely <33
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I swear, the teaser pics of the rehearsals really got me!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm squealing!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Cl was awesome! She's the girl and she pulled it out well!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'M GUILTY because I read many of them on fics!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    #22: The guy always have perfect JAW LINE
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I thought about Jaejoong. This sentence is always there descrbing him.
































































































































































































































































































































































    1. Out of Taephoong, Mangdoongi, Vick, Shaki and Harang - which one is your fav?































































































































































































































































































































    Taephoong. Ever since I saw Yunho's dog, I want to have one now. My classmate has many siberian husky so i'm always bugging him if they're alright. LOL






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2. What order would you put the members in terms of style in clothes and hair?































































































































































































































































































































    1. Jaejoong - I really love his sense of style. He chooses whatever but it always looks good on him.































































































































































































































































































































    2. Yoochun - He's fashionable.































































































































































































































































































































    3. Changmin - He knows what type of clothes suited him best! :P































































































































































































































































































































    4. Yunho - He dresses his age and the environment.































































































































































































































































































































    5. Junsu - The stylist give him his clothes. <_<






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    3. So imagine your a celeb - Who would you want to ..































































































































































































































































































































    co-host a show with? Changmin.































































































































































































































































































































    be in a group with? Yoochun. :lol:































































































































































































































































































































    co-star in a drama with? Junsu. I want to hear his laugh. *eu kyang kyang* or maybe Jaejoong































































































































































































































































































































    collabarate with? (song) Jaejoong or Junsu or maybe both. ^^































































































































































































































































































































    be in an ad campagin with? Yunho, Yoochun, Junsu, Changmin and Jaejoong. okaaay~






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    4. So if dbsk werent singers what do you think they be doing now?































































































































































































































































































































    Junsu - Soccer player































































































































































































































































































































    Yoochun - Composer































































































































































































































































































































    Jaejoong - Model for clothes or cosmetic product etc. or in a runway, Businessman































































































































































































































































































































    Changmin - DJ in a radio or MC.































































































































































































































































































































    Yunho - Choreographer































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    sooyoungjunho1.th.png sooyoungjunho2.th.png sooyoungjunho3.th.png































































































































































































































































































































    c: LaBelle






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Junho and Sooyoung ftw^^ A bold guy for Sooyoung isn't that bad. I admire his braveness.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    woot :lol:































































































































































































































































































































    Junho and Sooyoung ftw^^































































































































































































































































































































    He's so brave and bold. A bold guy for Sooyoung isn't bad.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    DBSK: Kim Jaejoong and all members
































































































































































    So Nyeo Shi Dae: Choi Sooyoung
































































































































































    Super Junior: Jo Kyuhyun
































































































































































    Shinee: Kim Kibum (Key)
































































































































































    Big Bang: G-Dragon
































































































































































    FT Island: Choi Minhwan and Lee Hong Ki































































































































































































































































































































    2PM: Lee Junho































































































































































































































































































































    2NE1: Park Bom






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sorry, but i don't have any faves



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Wonder Girls:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    For me, SM used to be the best company , because many of my favorite/famous artists are there.































































































































































































































































































































    DBSK, SNSD, Super Junior, SHINee, BoA etc.































































































































































































































































































































    SM's name is now dirty. The accusations were all true, overworking, 3-4 hours of sleep.































































































































































































































































































































    Look at SNSD, currently their leader Taeyeon. According to SM, Taeyeon went to the emergency room because her tonsils were swollen and she had a high fever. She still worked even if she's in that case. And at music shows, the girls looking so tired. Even though their conditions are bad, they still go on. They don't let them rest.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    My opinion:
































































































































































    I believe in them. I don't think they'll allow themselves to go on solos. They love each other. They're used to their daily activities and members. They can't do it without the other. I believe they will just FIX the contract. Since SM didn't listen to JaeSuChun regarding the contract, and now they have nothing to do but to deal with it legally. LSM's back in Korea. Hope that the contracts get fixed so that they can go back to work which they ADORED and LOVED SO MUCH. Why would they leave SM? Their friends which is also their families are there. They trained for a long time and developed good foundation to the staffs and other artists. I mean, they're friends and loved ones are there like Super Junior, SNSD, SHINee, BoA, Zhang Liyin and etc. They don't want to leave them right? They're part of their lives. And I'm sure SM Family including the artists doesn't want them to leave.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    DBSK wants to work because they love their work and they want us to be happy always, it's just that the contract was really unfair and they want to change it but the SM won't listen and now legal actions comes which is right.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Were very worried at disbanding issues which is not necessary at the very moment. They need our support right now!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I have been mostly a silent reader here for a long time but I really want to put my thought in on this..

    The news have gone everywhere from disbanding to nothing is wrong.. to crebeau and now to splitting or what not...
































































































































































    Well i guess as worry as anyone can be, only time will reveal the truth..
































































































































































    Honestly, I wouldn't believe anything but SM's or the boys' actual words right now.. but even so the two sides may varies in their stories.. we can only believe what we hear, read, or see and put our best faith in it since we are not one of the boys or people that are directly involved in this..
































































































































































    But for as much as I can remember, please correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't heard official statements from the boys THEMSELVES on ANY issues regarding their company or contracts, it's always been SM or their manager or in this case, their lawyer, that speaks for them, so you can never know for sure what they really have in their minds
































































































































































    All I have to say is I believe the boys do love each other because no matter what, they have been together for 5 years and even if there are arguments between them that we do not know about, I think all that they've endured together have create a bond that is as strong as blood. So I hope this is resolved soon and I want to see them together again, I love them together as a group, their individualities are great, but they really shine, really is the best, when they are together as one. And I will be supporting them as far as I can, and trusting in them to make rational, right decisions as they are now grown men and that IN THE END, they know what they're doing best.
































































































































































































































































































































    crap, why do i have to top the page now....
































































































































































    sorry I don't have much, i'll just repost some of my drawings of them here































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I cried when I saw you're drawings. Reminiscing their hard works and pains. The times when their very exhausted and almost can't make it.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I love you DBSK! And will always be!































































































































































































































































































































    Saranghae oppas!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Learns faster and also forget the faster. lol.

    - The DJ asked if Sooyoung has gotten any acting offers. Sooyoung said she really wants to act but all they keep giving her are player/bully roles (ROFL!)
































































































































































    Player and Bully roles. hahahaxD suits her image.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    SNSD Sooyoung
































































































































































    I thought she was Japanese. She also looks like a Filipino with black hair.
































































































































































    DBSK Changmin
































































































































































    His looks are so different. He doesnt look like Korean either.

































  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..