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    Seems the new 3.0 firmware , is giving lots of people problems from freezing's, sound and controller malfunctions . Anyone suffering from this?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Credit: http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2009/09/05/p...ating-features/































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Im getting my hands on a slim on christmas , since i read some reports , they are hiding a second slim model that will have 250 gb and some more features . So ill wait till then haha .
































































































































































































































































    Stark's number 1 Espada. Yammy's is number 10 , but released his number 0 , and if hes explanation about the actual rankings are from 0 to 9 , since arooniero something like that couldnt release, then i want to see what will happen in Hueco mundo.
































































































































































































































































    With this, I shall seal all of my prayers.





































    after play both the goblin and the worgen at blizzcon

    i prefer the goblin over the worgen any day







































    Goblin's racial's seems better than worgen , but still i really dislike the class , anyways they said they'll be redoing everyone's racial's .

























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