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    I’m so confused I don’t know what to think anymore. Everything is just a big headache and to think this is about a comment made 4 years ago…this issue has actually only been going on for a week but it feels so much longer. Even though it feels like so many things have happened, it’s logical jay would still feel embarrassed since it has been only a week. It won’t be the same for him right away and I’m sure he doesn’t want people to think that he rushed back. I’m sure he wants to “reflect” a little longer. That being said, he would feel guilty for the rest of the members to wait for him. I mean you can’t expect the rest of the members to just sit around and wait for him… But I’m not sure if I can fully trust an entertainment company’s statement. Since it’s business not personal.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    However, regarding the supporting of 2pm I’m really torn. I guess I’m not taking any sides yet.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yes 2pm does not equal one member…but at the same time it’s not equal to 6 members right?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yes we do want to support the other 6 boys, but will Jay feel that they can do just fine without him and not return?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    JYPE is a company after all and it wants to keep making money.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    At least JYP isn’t adding another member and put a glimpse of hope within the statement that he will accept Jay back once he returns (yet this again goes against the whole should we trust a company’s statement?)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So actually it just comes down to this…how much do you trust what the company states? Apparently Khottest don’t believe it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Everything is just a mess.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    On the other hand, I noticed that Jay logged into Youtube at 4 am today (we’re in the time zone) and I was hoping that it wasn’t because he couldn’t sleep but because he’s back in Korea haha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Wouldn’t it be nice, when 2pm comeback time comes that they’ll announce that they have a surprise guest and its Jay? Haha I can dream can’t I.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I wonder if the clubs will continue to boycott…
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    but i guess moping around and arguing with each other is not gonna help anyone. so lets just sit tight and wait :)

































































































































    Instead of doing the expensive skybanner project, can you instead give Jay something he can actually use? I remember in one of his old interviews he said he was jealous because he lost his iPod and another member of 2pm just received an iPod as a gift from his family at the same time. Maybe you can buy him a nice iPod touch, and put pictures and messages from his fans on it instead? It's a lot cheaper and is something he can use. If he is feeling down, he can always listen to his fans and see their videos so I think this would be 1000X more better than paying over $1000 for some skybanner ad. The only problem is trying to find out where he lives. We know its in Edmond inside Seattle though... don't want to seem like stalkers though, so if anyone here is a friend or can get in contact with his close friends it might just work
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    oh yea i was thinking about that too! yea the plane idea sounds awesome! but it would be like a 30 minute thing or so. we can use that money to buy him perhaps a better laptop he can use in school and/or and ipod touch that he can listen music to :) and we can fill those up with fan's messages and what not. these things will help longer...laptop for school..ipod for music when he's down...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Omg, the banner idea is so amazing. He’s sure going to tear up when he sees it! I know I would… :o
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I’m also glad to see the boys at school
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    for the boycott or not...this is amazing....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i am really in awe while looking at these photos. really proud of the khottest. they had a goal and they are doing anything they can to achieve it. jay must be really touched while following this...it's almost midnight here and i'm sure he's all ears what is going on in korea right now.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    from the twooneday twitter.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    why did they change the original date of the protest? i was really excited on how many people would show up and what effect it would have...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    the korean petition to bring jay back is very near its goal of 160,000 people :o (right now its at 99%) has REACHED ITS GOAL!!!!! oh jay you're so loved! ...and more are still signing it..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    i'm also glad that international hottest are being recognized in the efforts to support jay :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    more good articles have been coming out regarding this situation and it brings me hope. can't do anything but wait now...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    thank you to everyone who posts up all the translations!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I LOVED THE COMIC STRIP! it was the first thing in 3 days that i laughed about. i want to see more :X
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I don't think I have the time to reread all those pages but I know that everyone is hurting right now but no one is stressed as much as JYP and 2pm themselves...i don't think boycotting is such a good idea because what will it do? just stress jyp out even more. he has to deal with one problem at a time. 2pm consists of the other 6 boys too...and jay will feel even more burdened than before. i'm glad that the wonder girls are done with their tour and that 2pm is done promoting so they actually have the time to sit down and discuss all of this. we can't do much except show jay that he can take however time he needs and when he is ready we will still be waiting for him. we can't pressure him to come back and then have him be criticized with "oh so it only took him 3 days to rethink all of that" or whatever lame reasons netizens will come up with.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    at least now in seattle he can breathe and do whatever he wants for the time being and be a normal kid. if he was in korea, he'd be stuck in a building where people would demand interviews and barge in to take his pictures. he honestly needs a little breather. ever since the news broke out its like complete chaos. i do want netizens to learn that breaking down a person is so much easier than building someone up. and really...they need to look at themselves. are they perfect? worry about yourself first before worrying about others.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    so i guess the thing to do is sit tight, and make sure that jay and the rest of the boys know that we will support them and wait for them...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    but it's only for people who have a daum account so I think it reflects the Korean community more?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    For an international one...there are a lot i'm sure I signed a bunch but I'm not sure where they are now :X
































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    As for the rest..I just know that 2oneday forum has a lot or projects!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I"m really touched by everyones support on this matter. It's really nice to see everyone fighting for the same cause :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm sure Jay knows that a lot of people are rooting for him, fans and celebrities alike!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    her english is getting really really good.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and to think that these girls have just learned english...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    on the other hand,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i was happy because yeeun actually tweeted me. i wish sunmi and sunye would tweet more...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    nobody!!! I was literally in shock! i ran to the cashier and i asked him, what radio station is this?! and he said oh no this is my own cd. and then as i walked out he kept on singing it! haha too funny, but it just shows that the song is popular everywhere :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    in hawaii and couldn't help but check how the girls were doing :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ love the dresses
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and i love sunye's and ye euns hair. much better to the side for sunye. not sure if i'm a fan of hair being parted in the middle for yoobin, but they are cute nontheless :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    woo are they recording their teens choice awards right now?! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    When I saw the news about the Wonder GIrls attending the Teen Choice awards, i was really really happy.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I wonder if the Jonas Brothers invited them as their special guests :) either way it is def. great exposure and they get to meet so many new celebrities!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    my fellow san jose fan*tastics and I (i'm the one who sunye has her arm around hehe)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i actually like everyones hair cept sohee's. she looked like she stepped out of a dr. seuss's book :X
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    please please let them have nice hair and make up :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    my fan*tastics shirt :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^^ OOH cute pictures :D

    My FAN*TASTIC experience was really great. Though, we didn't get to chat with them at all like I'd hope we would. =[

    Bummer was, after passing out fliers, we met up in the front where Hana said she'd "for sure" be back for us so we can go back for the meet and greet--she never did. We waited for over an hour. There was so much disappointment and we felt really neglected. Our group was even nice enough to have brought the heavy boxes of fliers all the way back to the tour bus where we saw the girls walk into. So we waited outside until someone came out to get the boxes and we hoped that the girls would come out or something because Hana never came back for us at all. After about a minute or 2 she finally came out of the bus to put it back into the storage space. She didn't even apologize for never coming back to get us. >.< But nonetheless, WG were so sweeet! Will be posting pictures tomorrow. xD































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    nope happened in san jose too. we waited for ever and i was freezing in my tshirt. waited past 12 and no one came out. we weren't even sure on what to do with the extra fliers...dissapointed :(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i already posted up my fan account from san jose on spec ..should i post it here too?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ nope we didn't get one either in san jose :( was the one in sac super rushed too? like you barely got any time with them and you can only get one thing autographed?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Does anyone know if the girls can accept gifts? I would like to give the girls something but if they aren't allow to take anything from fans i wouldn't want to trouble myself and bring anything to the concert. Was anyone else able to give them anything?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Also were anyone allow to bring posters or signs to the concert?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thank you































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I was a Fan*tastic yesterday. It was exciting but also a little disappointing how little time we got with them. they were very strict. we could only get one thing signed and they almost didn't let someone give them their gifts. i made them cupcakes and wrote them a letter and gave it to them anyway :D we only did one single file line and got things signed, the people in the beginning didn't even get individual pictures :( yes you can bring posters and signs, but yea only one thing get signed..at least in san jose
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    anyways i'll post my fan account later.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    question: can you send JYP a direct message on twitter even though he's not following you?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    omg 99%!!!!! LIKED IT!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    that's amazing!! good job guys! sucesss!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    wooo spirit fingers!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    omg, listening to it right now! i'm so excited!!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ready to go crazy with my mouse to pick it!!! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    thanks for all the pictures! i think the red dresses are really pretty. love yeeuns' and yoobins hair
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    edit: did the dj say sohee? i didnt hear it..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    JonasBrother's Twitter:@wgyenny I will be voting for the Wonder Girls on radio disney. -Mr. President
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I like how everyone is tweeting they are voting for the wonder girls now because the jonas twitter replied to ye eun that they will vote for wonder girls on radio disney :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    woooo spread the loveee
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    thanks for all the suggestions!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    would they eat home made things? or should i rather just buy them...?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    super exicted! i got the call to be a Fan*tastic for the August 3rd san jose show!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    who else is one?!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    no body answered my question yet so....what is their favorite candy/snack?
































































































































































































































































































































    Poor Ye-eun :(
































































































































































































































































    she and the rest of the girls really put on a smile but i guess its hard...
































































































































































































































































    does anyone know that the girls' favorite candy is?

















  22. just started watching city hall

    aww he is married, but him and kim sun ah have such good on and off chemistry! haha o well...


    he really reminds me of johnny depp

    his acting kinda too and his deep raspy voice...

    he prefer him, like most men, clean shave though :D

    he got married really early O_o like when he was 18...
















































































































































































































































    just saw the CF
















































































































































































































    o my i love it... i really miss them in the korean scene...:(
















































































































































































































    everyone was so good :)
















































































































































































































































































































































    ^ whoa, photoshopped or real? looks cool!
































































































































































































































































    I'm at work so I can't watch it :(
































































































































































































































































    but I hope the whole thing gets uploaded somewhere.
































































































































































































































































    maybe i'll go check her website...
































































































































































































































































    wonder girls <33
































































































































































































































































    edit: the performance was soooo good!!! closeup on ye eun!

































































    Wonder Girls are seriously getting more recongition!! IN A GAY SHOW!!!
































































































































































    hahahahah.. wow...find another one...gays love wonder girls!! hahaha...
































































































































































































































































































































    this cover group call themselves as wonder gay...o_0''































































































































































































































































































































    HAHAHHA this is funny...
































































































































































    can anyone tell me how many days they were contacted after, after sending in their fantastics video?

































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