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    Anybody else planning on going? Let me know and maybe we can meetup!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yeah im worried about the airport being London style. I have a really bad feeling its gonna be similar. The security really should put up barriers, cos the arrivals at Sydney airports are so like. Open O_O
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    But yeah @larpy, you're right, they'll prolly fly diff times. But they all need to be there by Friday for the rehearsal, and flights from Korea only come in in the morning. Does that mean they might be flying in tmr morning (Thursday)?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    @ antih3ro funny, i was opting for interior design at uts and now i'm choosing architecture haha! usyd atar's cut-off is somewhat similar (only slightly higher) to unsw. but it's only harder to get in because usyd don't offer bonus points like unsw does. i guess i'll put usyd first to see whether if i can get in, i might just scrap in though! architecture is really difficult and long but i'm always up for a challenge. i hear stories about pulling all-nighters so it's somewhat daunting. not to mention, it has a high drop-out rate. lets just hope i can cope with this! ):
















































































































































































































































































































































    good luck for visual arts tomorrow! :)
















































































































































































































































































































































    i haven't done much studying crap... i'll just rely on bullmini cooperting instead.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Haha yeah true, they don't give bonus points < im relying on them :P
















































































































































































































































































































































    And yeah that too, i heard its a heavy workload :S Thats why i didn't put it first haha xD
















































































































































































































































































































































    4U Math
















































































































































































































































































































































    4U Eng
















































































































































































































































































































































    2U Chem
















































































































































































































































































































































    2U Physics 
















































































































































































































































































































































    2U Eco (Accel)
















































































































































































































































































































































    14 Units
















































































































































































































































































































































    Uni -
















































































































































































































































































































































    B of Actuarial Studies/Degree of B Science
















































































































































































































































































































































    B of Actuarial Studies/Degree of Eco
















































































































































































































































































































































    Actuarial Studies































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    O___O WOW! Out of curiosity, do you go to Ruse?
















































































































































































































































































































































    Le sigh, is anyone getting this massive thunderstorm right now?
















































































































































































































































































































































    AND, i've officially completed my HSC. This is great :D
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I haven't done much studying for VA to be honest. I think just light studying on historical periods and memorising case studies will just do for me :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Your choices are somewhat similar to mine! I've chosen:
































































































































































































































































































































































































    1. B Arch Studies (UNSW) or B Arch (USyd) - I don't really know which one to put as my first one... what difference will it make?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    2. B Arch (UTS)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    3. B Interior and Spatial Design (UTS)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    4. B Interior Arch (UNSW)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ohh nice! Isn't USYD harder to get into though? I thought the ATAR cut-off for B Arch at USyd was higher than UNSW's, or maybe i'm just confused.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Haha I was originally really tossing up putting Architecture degrees first. But then with B Arch in UNSW, the bachelor's is three years and you need a two year masters after that to be an official architect (recognised by the architect's association board of Australia or whatever), so that really made me think twice, i don't wanna be in uni too long :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































    And i also wanted to do something between interior design and architecture, so i put Int Arch first hahah (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































    But great how we have similar interests! =D All the best for VA tmr!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    i've got va and japanese ext on wednesday
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    japanese ext is eating my brain; it kind of feels like wet cake falling apart =_=
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    as for uac choices, my list goes something like
































































































































































































































































































































































































    1) global studies (uts)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    2) intl. studies (mac)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    3) intl. studies & media arts and production (uts)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    4) media arts and production (uts)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    HAHA im dying for the HSC to be over too T_T
































































































































































































































































































































































































    No UNSW in your preferences?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Good luck with japanese ext and VA!



































    @antih3r0: i'll probably be at the airport too..but i hope to see all 12 groups. i wonder if they are all arriving on the same day or are some gonna arrive on the 10th and the rest on the 11th. Did u guy buy the rehearsal pass? i thought it was a bit expensive...but i'm not gonna say anything. lol i just want to get some autographs lolz anyways good luck for HSC! Must be distracting...thinking about the kpop concert and studying at the same time lolz
















    Im not sure about them arriving together, but there is a good chance of seeing the majority of them on the 11th. Haha no i didn't buy a rehearsal pass, it was so overpriced! My friends won rehearsal passes though so they're going. And thanks! Nah it wasn't too bad, the distraction only began this week with the event in a few days and such haha
















    Turns out I can't make it to the airport on Friday - got called up for a really important interview for a grad job I'm going for.
















    I guess we won't be reliving our days of (entirely heterosexual) Lee Minho stalking :( Although I am free all day Sunday so exit stalking is a potential.































    HAHAHA OHH the good ol days hahaha. We were so excited when he came out of the arrival hall hahahaa
















    And yeah i agree with you on the staying outside the hotel thing. There's always gonna be rumours as to which hotel they're staying at, and it's never the right one. So fans end up jumping from hotel to hotel in a rush, everyone is confused, there's too much frustration and whatever.... hahaha
































    what time does concert start and finish?
















    when is the best time to get there if you have VIP standing seats?
















    How about merchandise? balloons etc?
















    Maybe not such a good idea anyway, not so young for this concert loool only young at heart.































    Concert is supposedly beginning at 7pm and going to about 10-11pm.
















    Well JKEnt has organised pre-concert events in the ANZ Stadium Concord (im guessing thats just that massive area outside the stadium) so you could go early for that. And they're also selling merch at this day event (:
















    Im worried the merch is gonna be expensive.... JKEnt has a knack of jacking prices up :S




















    I still have visual arts on Wednesday but it should be a breeze.
















    Then four months break until university begins :phew:
















    Has anyone decided what they have chosen for UAC?































    Yeah i have VA too. Are you studying case studies? I just have a bunch of artists as my case studies, im too lazy to search up historical art periods :S
















    Hmm yeah i've chosen my UAC stuff and it hasn't changed from the first day haha.
















    My choices in order are:
















    1. B Interior Architecture (UNSW)
















    2. B International Studies (UNSW)
















    3. B Interior and Spatial Design (UTS)
















    4. B Design in Architecture (USYD)
















    and i can't remember the rest. Most probably architecture in UTS and a bunch of fall backs, like B arts in usyd and unsw haha
















    What are everyone's choices?





    Oooo sounds fun! I have an exam on the 10th and MIGHT be busy on the 11th... so I'll get back to you on facebook if I'm free~ otherwise I'll meet up with you on the day for sure.
















    Haha aiight, just facebook me. I have an exam on the 9th... my last HSC exam haha goodluck with your exams anyhow! (:

    does anyone know what time and what day the groups will be coming? I want to go see them at the airport
















    I probs will be going too!
















    friend gave me this news just then that B2ST, SHinee, TVXQ, SNSD and MBLAQ are arriving at 8:20am friday together but not really sure how confirm this is..
































    Credits to Cherryjia from soshified.
















    i wonder when the other groups are comming.































    Apparently its cos that's the only Asiana flight coming in on that day, and Asiana airlines are one of the sponsors for the event haha. But im not sure yet, i'm gonna be at the airport anyway cos i have friends coming in from Brissie.
















    After we see the stars (hopefully), we'll probs head for breakfast in the city (my friends have tickets for the rehearsal so they'll be going there later). Ppl are free to join us haha (:
















    Anyway with the flight, there arent any details on the sydney airport website. But probs will be 11th morning, Asiana airline or Korea air. The only Korea air flights that come in are in the morning so, yeah im just taking a chance to wait there haha.
















    Anybody else interested? Probs gonna get mobbed by 12 year olds haha




















    less than one week to go....can't wait...am flying in from Perth.
















    Anyone know the artists flight schedule to Sydney???































    Not sure yet, but since their rehearsal is on the 11th, they'll prolly arrive on the morning of the 11th (: PROBABLY. Not sure haha





    You didn't buy tickets? D;
















    Nope, not yet... I know, i was actually contemplating on if i should go or not.
















    But now my sis and i are pretty set on going, but we're trying to save up for our overseas trip beginning of next year.
































    We should meetup on the day or something, if you're free! (: Im meeting up with some mates coming down from Brissie on the 11th, join us if you wanna (:




















    I did Persians War, Pericles and Mycenaean Societies. I went better than expected much to my surprise because I hated most of my topics that my school chose. Oh well. Pompeii multiple choice questions was a complete joke, I reckon!
















    I know everyone is finishing up their HSC this week. I have Visual Art exams next Wednesday, which is my last exam. Sigh.































    I have art too! Man everyone's like done already and im still slaving away T____T

















    OH don't rub it in RiceinMaBowl. HAHA i haven't seen you around anywhere during exams? Are we still gonna do the dance thing or what haha!
















    Anyone here do legal? I had legal yesterday and i think i got smashed by it ):




















    Completely agree - JK NEVER seem to get it right.
















    Unfortunately they'll continue to blossom as a business since they are pretty much the ONLY company doing anything of the like here in Australia. Sad.































    Gotta agree too... the SHINee concert in Jan earlier this year was pretty badly organised too.
















    It was just chaotic and people were scrambling all over the place, pretty sure some people who didn't even pay got into the venue too.
















    But i guess we gotta cut them some slack, like you said, they're the only ones doing this kinda business here, and i guess they'll learn and improve as they go along as a business. Ppl gotta start somewhere, yaknow =P
















    Going with my Sister, saw this in the MX newspaper haha you can apparently win 20 free tickets
















    i got gold !! damn expensive :(































    Ooo, 20 free tickets where? O_O




















    heyy, i started going to another karaoke place, and imo its the best one i've seen so far. it's called K1 (or K2 i dont know HAHA) in chinatown. It doesnt have a lot of kpop, but lots of english songs! which is all i really care about since i can't sing in korean anyway
















    its 10 bucks for 3 hours or 10 bucks for 2 hours and a drink. for one hour its 5 bucks per person. the rooms are really nice and there are actually MV's for most of the songs (rather than some weird video).
















    it's pretty cheap compared to other karaoke places! so yeah, it's my new fave :)































    That one is K1! It took over Phoenix i think. And its much cleaner than Phoenix was haha. The kpop there is really slow to update, and it only has the really popular mainstream kpop songs. But i agree, i like the english selection there! And its relatively cheap and not so grotty looking! (:





    well hopefully all those online atar calculators lie or else i'm screwed and am going to go have to go to tafe and get beaten by my rents.....................................................
















    Our school deputy is always scoffing at online atar calculators, saying they're rubbish. Haha and i agree, i've not once calculated my atar on there.
















    Don't bank on them! Remember, your marks may be pulled up depending on how your grade does as a cohort.
















    I will dress up as a Spartan for my ancient history exams and ace that mini cooper tomorrow!
















    ...no, not really. It will defeat me before I have begun.































    HAHAHAHAHA how did you find Ancient? What were your topics?
















    My school did Xerxes as the personality and Ancient Persia for the society. And we did Minoans too....
















    Surprisingly i didn't get raped as badly as i thought i would... xD



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