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Posts posted by Meezu

  1. Hi guys :)
    Ok so, I'm being too clingy/needy with my boyfriend and I really want to stop this. Let me start off by giving some background information. My boyfriend and I have been together for about a year (he's my first boyfriend and I'm his first girlfriend) and we are both 23. When we first got together he was all over me like white on rice (calling/texting all the time, touchy-feely, always available, always wanting to know what I'm up to, etc.) but I wasn't really the same with him because I just wasn't like that, I was always doing my own thing but I didn't mind that he was at all. 
    Fast forward a few months, he progressively became less like that (I think this usually happens in most relationships after the 'honey moon' phase') but now I notice that I'm being all over him like he was with me. Now, when he's not all over and about me, I feel rejected or that he's not interested anymore but I know this isn't true, he has his own life to live apart from me but it's like my feelings don't understand that. Usually I wouldn't care if a guy was like that, I'd just do my own thing but now it matters so much to me. I don't have many friends now because they've all graduated and the best friend I did have moved away some months ago so I feel like I depend on him a lot more because I have no one else (I should also mention that I'm going to school far away from home and he is back home). I think I'm being clingy or needy because he's pretty much all I have now. I am busy with school and figuring out my life but I still always find a way to be all about him. I want to be with him but not like this, this isn't me. 
    So my question is, how can I be less about him and more about me?

  2. Meezu said: Hey guys,
    So, let me just get to it:
    I (22 yo) met this guy (24 yo) at a club and I already know that meeting guys at night clubs don't usually amount to much in terms of long term, but this guy seemed different. I told him right away I wasn't interested in a booty call or fling or whatever and he went on and on that he wasn't either, he wants to get to know me. I still wan't sure but he seemed genuine about it, so I gave him my number at the end of the night. We went on a date (Walk in a park), and we hit it off. I was starting to like him and wanted to see where it will go, and he seemed to like me too. After that date, he didn't really text that much but when he did he followed up on activities that I mentioned I was going to do (like how my essay was going for class, etc.). Fast forward a couple days, we ended up making plans to do something  on the weekend after he was done work (second date). Weekend came, and he says that his friend he hasn't seen in a while and is only in town for the weekend, wants to go out that same night (to the same night club I met the guy at) and asked me if I wanted to come. I said no, I didn't want to. Then he said he hasn't seen this friend in a long time and I said O ok (Who am I to tell him what he can and can't do). He didn't text back after that.
    To me it seems like he's not interested because he ditched me to go to the club with his friend but I'm wondering if I should let it go since he hasn't seen this friend in a while? I like him but I mean, I don't want to waste my time. 

  3. Hey guys,
    So, let me just get to it:
    I (22 yo) met this guy (24 yo) at a club and I already know that meeting guys at night clubs don't usually amount to much in terms of long term, but this guy seemed different. I told him right away I wasn't interested in a booty call or fling or whatever and he went on and on that he wasn't either, he wants to get to know me. I still wan't sure but he seemed genuine about it, so I gave him my number at the end of the night. We went on a date (Walk in a park), and we hit it off. I was starting to like him and wanted to see where it will go, and he seemed to like me too. After that date, he didn't really text that much but when he did he followed up on activities that I mentioned I was going to do (like how my essay was going for class, etc.). Fast forward a couple days, we ended up making plans to do something  on the weekend after he was done work (second date). Weekend came, and he says that his friend he hasn't seen in a while and is only in town for the weekend, wants to go out that same night (to the same night club I met the guy at) and asked me if I wanted to come. I said no, I didn't want to. Then he said he hasn't seen this friend in a long time and I said O ok (Who am I to tell him what he can and can't do). He didn't text back after that.
    To me it seems like he's not interested because he ditched me to go to the club with his friend but I'm wondering if I should let it go since he hasn't seen this friend in a while? I like him but I mean, I don't want to waste my time. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I started when I was 13. At the time I thought it was cool to wear makeup, I didnt wear anything else but black liner.I wore it every single day through most of high school, and then one day in grade 12 I was in a rush in the morning and forgot the eyeliner at home and my day was ruined. I cried because I felt ugly. After that day I realized it needed to stop because that was ridiculous, that little black eyeliner become my everything, I felt I was nothing if I didn't have it on and I'm looking back now and I didn't even put it on properly lol.That was about 4-5 years ago. Since then I don't wear makeup, unless I'm going out. 

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  5. The situation:

    I've been good friends with this guy for about 5 months now, and recently he confessed to me that he likes/has feeeling for me.

    I didnt say anything at first because i wasn't sure what to say yet, i wanted to think about it. He asked me about it again a few days later and i said let's just keep things the way they are. A few days later I initiated a conversation online, and we were conversing like normal but then he started saying that he needs some space and he needs time, and he does not know how long that will take. He also said he knows that i dont feel the same way as him, but he still wants to be friends.

    How I feel:

    He is a great guy. He's really nice, shares same views on things, friendly, funny, polite, considerate, treats people well, thoughtful, etc.

    However, he is a few years younger than me (although we are both freshman in university), smaller and shorter than me, looks young and does not have any experience with relationships. I also have zero experience with relationships. I can't help but feel that if he doesn't know what to do in a relationship and I don't know what to do...then what we gon do? I keep thinking it won't work. I need someone else to take the initiative of the relationship in the beginning and sort of, for lack of a better word, teach me because I myself have no idea. I don't think he can or will.

    I'm not sure what to do about this. Should I just try it and see where it goes? or just leave well enough alone? I also feel guilty about hurting his feelings and such. I don't want to consider/feel like i should consider a relationship with him just because of that guilt. He's a great guy and i don't want us to not be friends or be as close in the future because of this. I can also understand if he simply did not want to continue speaking with me either. Right now I still have a chance to change my mind, but if I wait any longer then it won't be fair to either of us...help?





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Love that 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    C.S.I. NY. Pretty good 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    When applying eye liner to the top and bottom lids, should it cover the whole way or 2/3?

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  9. Did you "friend zone" him or how did you two begin? There's a high probability that he sees you as "one of the guys" and guys simply don't hug each other. If he likes you "that way" but got friend zoned, then he might feel like he doesn't want that touch in that way (because he secretly wants a lot more and hung around for four years because of it).

    We met, and then we've been best friend ever since. I think the first suggestion is right though. He probably thinks of me as one of the guys because he doesn't seem attracted to me at all.

    Thanks for your response. :)

  10. I'm a girl and my best friend is a guy. We have been best friends for four years now.

    Now, this might seem silly for me to "worry" or even ask about but, he hugs other people and compliments other people, etc. but he does not do that with me. There was one time specifically when he did something real nice for me, and I hugged him but he just patted my arm, and looked away and moved kind of away...it was very awkward and made me not want to do it again. What does this mean? Am I just over reacting?

  11. There's this guy who has a crush on me. He confessed to me one day, but I paused and said I wasn't sure and I never really thought about it. It was true at the time. He called two days later and we were talking, then he asked me again. I gave them same response, and then he said he will still try or something like that. We text like every other day, and he calls sometimes. Whenever we talk or text, he always says nice/"sweetsy" type things and he's always so nervous when he talks to me. The other day he said he would make cookies, so I went to pick them up. He asked me to stay a little while so I did. After that, he gave me some flowers as a surprise. I don't like him that way. I'm afraid if I tell him, he will be upset and not want to talk to me anymore, and I really want to be his friend...but that's it. If I tell him I don't like him, do I tell him why or do I tell him only if he asks? What should I do about this?

  12. I have this friend who has a girl who is trying to get with him. She wants something serious, whereas he just wants fun and fooling around, etc. She really wants him, and he's worried that if he tells her that he just wants to "chill" with her and take it slow, that she'll think too much of it and assume he likes her more than he does, etc. Already she does not know him and wants to introduce him to her family. He doesn't really like her, he just kind of likes her looks. He doesn't want to just forget about her, because he wants to try it out, but he's afraid she'll go too far. He's not sure what to do, and I'm not sure what to tell him.

    What should he do fellas?
















    Thanks to much for your comment! What is your major, if you don't mind me asking?












    If I were choose York, do you think biomedical or biochemistry be a better choice?






























    Will York be having another strike within the next 6 years?












    What are the pros and cons of York?












    Is the life science program good?



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