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    I hope to do whatever I can to help. Will share the 450p version(MU Link) from now till end of the drama.But please be patient, it won't be as fast as aja-aja.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I find their current and previous announcements distasteful and childish. Their diva-like, holier-than-thou attitude is immature to say the least. I thought password protecting their files was a good way to let people know that the files was from their site. Do they get revenue if people download directly from them? If so, then be upfront about it. If not, then what does it matter if people are downloading directly from their site or from someone else's. It really is juvenile to throw a hissy fit because they found their links somewhere else or they feel they weren't given proper credit. If they were providing this service to share with the rest of the world, then they should understand that links are going to be shared.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I feel sorry for the young person who was harassed, cussed out and threatened with physical violence. That type of mob mentality is really uncalled for. I hope those people know that they are also stealing because the Korean networks have not authorized their video files to be shared.

































































































































































































































































  6. After downloading, you have to join the 7 parts (.001, .002...) using 7zip, HJsplit (Windows) or Split&Concat (Mac). Then you'll get a .zip file. Just unzip that and you'll get a folder with 2 .avi files plus subtitles.

    I know I made it too complicated. From now on I'll post .rar files.

    It works! Thank you. I never heard of 7zip before so thank you for letting us know. :)

  7. Rewatching Choi Kang Chil Woo right now... episode 18...

    Finished watching He Who Can't Get Married episode 1 and 2...

    So far so good... not as funny as I expected but never the less entertaining...

    I felt the same. I watched the first two episodes of the Japanese version so it was like watching the same two episodes over again. But it does get better and I found myself laughing out loud at some of their antics.

    I didn't recognize Yoo Ah In in Antique Bakery because he looked so different from the older character he protrayed in Chi Woo. He's much cuter when he plays his age.

  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..