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    then, select the .gif file and press Load.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    now, you will have A BUNCH of layers in the pallette.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    now, select the layers you want to delete (click a layer + shift and then another layer to select multiple ones) and delete them
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    when you're done,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    file > save optimized as (save for web & devices)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and make sure the file type is on gif (:

    Hey everyone! :D

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^An issue I'm having on Photoshop that I've NEVER had before is that.. for some reason, when I try to drag the NEW file (on the RIGHT) to the new document (on the left), it becomes all blurry. It's not in it's original state like the one on the right, and there are differences if you can tell. I really need to edit / make the new photos into a collage, so I was wondering if there was any way I can drag the file into the new document without the file getting blurry? (And me having to redit all over again)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks alot! >< (For a school project haha)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    remember to "flatten image" before you drag.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    sometimes, when i look at the mirror in weird angles
































    i see f(x)'s luna in myself. >_<
































































    but.. no one else .. :(
































    too ugly to look like a celeb ._____.








































    Warping Images Question
























    So on the Soshified site, on the header background, there are panels of text that seem to narrow out so it looks like a box. Also, on the bottom it looks like it's curving down. I know for sure that there is a program or some technique that will take a 2-D image and then make it so that you can get some depth into the picture. Does somebody know how to do this and is willing to tell? :o Or tell what program is needed? I have CS4 and Photoshop Elements 2.0































































    for the sides, you use perspective.
































    (ctrl+t, right click, perspective)









  12. i'm sorry..i've followed your link but i couldn't find the sheet music i need from You're beautiful OST :(

    4. OSTs will be filed under the original singers name, except for instrumentals which will be filed under drama/movie titles.

    just look for the artists' name. :)
















































    x. State what kind of battle you want : posters; choose your own pictures; choose themes?































































    x. State who you want to battle: hmm.. moderate? in both speed and skill. ^^































































    x. State how many rounds you would like: 10 round? 5 theme choices for each person ^^






























































































































































    *hi fives self.
































    yes! shiqi is finally back!!
































    and that yangbum is just too cute. ^^
































    i saw that picture of him&shiqi before,
































    and i thought yangbum was a girl. no lie. ^^
































    they're so cuuuutee
































    really anticipating their debuuut :3
























































































    You have no idea how much this thread has helped me w/ my noob photoshopping.























































































































































    Thanks sooooooo much! ^_______^. I now know how to make better pictures.































































































































































    This thread is epic <3.































































































































































    Does anyone know how to make a picture look a lot lighter? :\






































































































































































































































































































































    mess around with the controls.




























































    x. State what kind of battle you want : icon,coloring and cropping and textures. provide pics?












































    x. State who you want to battle: 1 or 2 people. doesn't matter how fast. :D












































    x. State how many rounds you would like: doesn't matter.












































    x. Examples: here.












































    PM if interested :D





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