Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by Tee




































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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





























































































































    Guy: I like you




































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I miss the person who sits in front of me in one of my classes.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I miss talking with him because he made me feel as if I owned the world.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It's amazing how two strangers could become super close and promised each other they'd always be best friends and now... nothing but strangers, again.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    "I hope you're asleep by now and not watching kdramas.. 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    We don't talk anymore and I've deleted all of the messages from him. That's the only one i can think of.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This drama is sooo funny! The scenes are simply brilliant. I don't normally laugh when watching dramas but this one is an exception! I laugh like every other minute and my mother now thinks I'm crazy. I'm waiting for the next episode to be subbed...




















































    My friend:








































    "Good morning ____, I hope you have a better day today."








































    Just that made my day a lot better. I smile whenever I read this. haha :)




















































    One of my guy friends played a song for me on the piano. I thought that was cute because I heard from his cousin that he doesn't want many people to know that he knows how to play the piano.








































    I asked him to give me a wake up call once, and he stayed up really late just so he could do that (I wanted to go to sleep early and wake up early around 3am to study for a test).








































    I don't know, I just find little things like this cute because we're not close friends, and he's not the type of person who would do these kinds of things for people.








































    I have a friend who would always bring fruits to school for me because she thought it would make me happy. She calls me everyday and would ask me if I needed her to give me a wake up call, or if I wanted her to bring food. I thought it was really cute when she said something like, "Am I your best friend? Well, I just wanted you to know that you're my best friend."




















































    Haha, so fun!








































    You are a quick band who likes to clean feet.








































    You are a kind fighter who likes to bend geese.








































    You are a polite biscuit who likes to murder animals LOL




















































    I have like 3 backpacks.








































    2 jansports and 1 nike








































    I like this one the most:
















































































    Holds A LOT of stuff.




















































    #3 is alright.








































    My brother has a few pair of shorts similar to #4 -_-








































    Some that I like:
















































































    RL%20bermuda%202.jpg 2nd one is hot.




























































































    I am going to wait until it's the right time, preferably after marriage.








































    I don't oppose to sex before marriage either but if you're not going to take responsibility for your actions then don't go around having sex.








































    Kids losing their virginity at the ages of 13-16 doesn't seem right to me, however.




































































































































































































































































































































































































    I have a few penpals from Korea,
































































































































































































































































































































    1 from Vietnam
































































































































































































































































































































    2 from Taiwan
































































































































































































































































































































    1 from France
































































































































































































































































































































    and 1 from Hong Kong
































































































































































































































































































































    They're all really nice.
































































































































































































































































































































    We only started emailing each other
































































































































































































































































































































    but some of them and I are going to start snail mailing
































































































































































































































































































































    because it's more interesting that way.
















































































    They always tell someone to tell me that they like me & I'd laugh it off and walk away. I never liked the guys who liked me. It's been years since anyone ever confessed to me. I think guys are too scared to like me. I guess people just stopped showing interest in me since they know I'd say "No." Some guys even told me they can't imagine me date anyone.
















































































    NBSB ftw!




































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    You are worth exactly $2,284,444
































































































































































































































































































































































































    bleh left some stuff blank




































































    If I were a boy...




























    This would be my ideal girl:




























    - Nice legs




























    - 5'4-5'9




























    - IQ must be at least 130




























    - CLEAN




























    - Does not use profanity




























    - Doesn't drink/smoke




























    - Killer smile




























    - Looks beautiful even without makeup




























    - Good sense of fashion




























    - Can cook




























    - Gamer!




























    - Flawless skin




























    - Big eyes




























    - Germaphobic




























    - Not to thin, not too curvy




























    - Plays the piano




























    - Loves to read




























    - Thoughtful




























    - Kind-hearted




























    - Respectful




























    - Understanding
























































    - Soft pretty hands (not TOO small, not TOO big)




























    - Pretty feet (not too small, not too big)




























    - Good sense of humor




























    - Doesn't get jealous easily




























    - Puts herself 2nd, others 1st.




























    - Emotional at times, but mostly tough




























    - Healthy




























    - Has a goal, knows what she's doing




























    - Loves her family




























    WOAH O_O If I were a guy, I don't think I'd ever find a girl if I set the standards that high




























    i'm friends with many weird guys...
















    and i've met a lot of weird people.
















    here's one...
















    one night
















    i was talking to a guy friend on the phone and suddenly he was like
















    "wait, i'm trying to figure out a good position to sleep, i'm a little uncomfortable right now..."
















    me: okay?
















    him: how big is your bed?
















    me: HUH?
















    him: *repeats question*
















    me: ...like the size?
















    him: yeah
















    me: full...
















    him: is it soft?
















    me: ...yeah ...
















    him: i'm gonna come over right now. let's sleep together.
















    me: FREAK!
















    -awkward silence-
































    and sometimes i would complain to him that my room is hot
















    and he would be like, "sleep naked"
















    dangit why am i friends with pervs ._.
































    I remember one time when I was around 4 or 5.
















    This guy (in his 30's or something! EW..) came up to me and said, "You're sooo cute! I want to marry you!"
















    OMG that really scared me! I ran to my mom and hid behind her.




































































































    I'm a high schooler.
































































    NBSB = No boyfriend since birth :D

































    tell him to come back and see you in 5 years. lol~
































































    agreed ^___^
































































    i like older men like 20-22...
































































    but its only this feeling of "admiration"
































































    but yeah, it would be quite awkward dating them.
































































    maybe it'll be different when i'm 18 or something,
































































    but yeah, i'd be freaked out if someone is in his 20's and tells me they like me o_o
































































    *sigh*...good guys will probably be married already by the time i am ready for a relationship ._.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - healthy looking
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - taller than me
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - smiles & laughs A LOT (but can be serious at time)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - dresses nice (doesn't wear chains, huge shirts, saggy jeans, etc)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - nice smile
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - a gentleman (opens the door for people, waits for people)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - smart
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - prepares for the future
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - serious about a relationship
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - respectful
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - open-minded
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - understanding
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    - strong enough to give me piggyback rides! =D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - a guy who i can call "handsome" instead of "hot"

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  19. the dl link for coffee prince's track 15 (ocean travel)

    doesn't work anymore ... -cries-

    can someone please please reupload it?


    oou and i am also looking for the piano sheets for the song replay by shinee

  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..