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Posts posted by K-POP_2193
















































































































































































    blame nichkhun all you want he still has more fame then block b will ever get.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    getting fame with the hate. yay~
















































































































































































































































































































    You got 
































































































































































































































































































     out of 170 answers correct











































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    on my first try. better then i thought.






























    I haven't posted in the forum for a while, but I just can't contain my happiness. because of my beautiful 6WONDERS!!










    I just can't stop smiling :D seeing that picture gives me a lot more hope that 6wonders will be possible in the future.










    (not that I didn't think it was possible than). I'm just so HAPPY! :)
























    they're going to do the Livechat in US! It depends on which country you live in but they said it's going to be 9am EST. Just use time converter to find out what time is it in your country. The day's February 10 people!!! At some place though it could be a different time and date.



















    thank you. dang i havent seen their live chat really "live" its always youtube.










    9am so that mean its going to be 6am for me.
















    we're is wonder girls exactly when they're going to do their live chat?



















    south Korea or new york?






























    when is it again?? Time and Day.
































    thank you ♥
















    You Are A: Turtle!










    turtle_x.jpgThese reptiles, famous for their hard outer shells, spent their days roaming for food and relaxing in the water. As a turtle you are not very speedy, nor are you soft and cuddly. You tend to hide in your shell and you aren't much of a sprinter, however you are as cute as you are fascinating.










    You were almost a: Bear Cub or a Duckling










    You are least like a: Squirrel or a Puppy


































































































































































































    BCAL / INFJ "Wordsmith"































































































































































































































































    potential gifted writer; imaginative, conscientious; has concern for the needs and development of others; empathetic; enjoys enriching inner life; methodical; quietly forceful; counselor; language skilled.
































































































































































































































    I got 68. lol “I should be in jail”
































































































































    well i almost went to juvy, but i don't think im a bad person. i just made stupid choices. lol.
































































































































    but it was fun.... man i am evil. lol.
































































































































































































































    just watched the first episode (after my sister annoyingly told me to)
































































































































    it's not that bad actually.
































































































































    the three of them and their acting was good. i like it.
































































































































    but seriously whats up with the way barbie looked in the flashbacks?
































































































































    one minute she looks real young (the one in school protecting the girl)
































































































































    then next she looks so old and pale, like the john tesh happend?!?!?
































































































































    anyways looks like i have another drama im keeping an eye, on.
































































































































    i hope luo xi and xia mo end up together, but sadly the manga is different
































































































































    although we never know. lol.
































































































































    it's a drama after all, they can rewrite it all they want.
































































































































































































































    3 weeks, my stupid internet got cut and well the first week was alright, i was still "ill survive"
































































































































    second week i was like "nothing to do im soo freakin bored!!"
































































































































    third week i was soo bored that i was crying lol.
































































































































































































































    sunmi's been depressed, i see that and i bet alot of wonderful see that aswell, i support her taking a rest and im glad she is and if the rest of the girls do too, then i would understand.
































































































































    but is it really necessary to replace sunmi?
































































































































    JYP shouldnt do that, cause thats just saying to
































































































































    wonderfuls that sunmi would never came back
































































































































    to being a wonder girl.
































































































































    if he put lim on there and they gain success
































































































































    its like they wouldnt need sunmi anymore,
































































































































    its not like he just replaced sunmi and when she comes back
































































































































    lim gets kicked out, its unfair to both lim and sunmi.
































































































































    he should just keep it as four members and leave the spot
































































































































    open for sunmi when she does comeback.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    chat just ended which sucks cause after i went on, they were already saying goodbye. T_T
































































































































    its okay, at least i got a glimps of them lol.
































































































































    i like yoobin's new hair, its cute.
































































































































    hehehheeh random but she totally looks like dora. lol ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































    EDIT: its kinda too late for that ain't it.
































































































































    i think theres a glicth in california idk, but i actually asked my sis to buy it since she just got her pay check hehehhe lol. she said it won't let her continue.
































































































































    i live in washington and it worked perfectly fine for me.
































































































































    it so good to actually understand what they're writing, lol.
































































































































    i had a hard time reading yeeun's handwriting. (it looks like she rushed it, but its still cute)
































































































































    from the looks of it, it looks like sunmi has the best handwriting.
































































































































































































































    awww i wanna buy it, but im broke and i cant ask my sister since she already
































































































































    pre-ordered the album for me, (that would be selfish of me).
































































































































    i really like the trance remix, cant wait to hear the rest of it.
































































































































    ^ i got yenny's picture as well, lol.

































































    Guys, I don't know whether I should share this or not. But recently I opened Yubinrapper's twitter page.

    Then I noticed the background changed. This was the background.
































































































































































































































































    Not sure who that is, but I don't think she's stupid enough to post her own picture there.
































































































































    Please remove this if this isn't appropiate. Thanks.
































































































































    I just hope people will stop all this twitter feud.































































































































































































































































    don't suspect it, you never know if that person posted that picture and its not her, to get people to start hating/attacking that person the poser hate. i bet this anti only has HATE on his or her mind all the time and IT'll attack anyone and right now the target are Wonder Girls. pathetic.
































































































































    anyways i dont want to get that off topic.
































































































































    i can't wait to see kara perform nobody.
































































































































    i love it when other celebrities cover each others songs.
































































































































    and awwwwwww they pushed it back to november, its okay i guess, i hope it just stops at november and doesnt get push up all the way to december.
































































































































    i can't wait!!! ^^
































































































































































































































































    hahhaahahaha those marriage certificates just keep getting funnier. EunSun FTW!!! ^^
































































































































    EDIT:# 2
































































































































    someone should tell the girls to look at the chatbox instead of facebook one.
































































































































    so they wouldn't be disappointed thinking no one is answering them, lol
































































































































    and we can all live happily ever after. hahahaahh lol.
































































































































    can't wait to see this, last time i fell asleep and missed it.
































































































































































































































    anti's will be anti's, but come on how can people be absent minded (is that even a word lol)
































































































































    that yoobin wrote all those stuff, when clearly its not her.
































































































































































































































































    i cant wait for the album october here we GO!!!!
































































































































    i hope they release it sometime in the beginning of october.
































































































































    that would be GREAT!
































































































































































































































    but yeeun just twittered, saying she just watched FAME with her friends and sunye's been twittering.
































































































































    so is it just yoobin and sohee in korea and the rest still in US???
































































































































    im a little bit confused....ill just wait for news, to come out.

































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