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Posts posted by eastlight

  1. i havent log on to soompi for so long, but tonight i just have too. Because i never thought, i would see a k-pop group performing on one of the top and well loved show in the US and around the world.

    I can''t really call myself a true sone but i just have to say that was one impressive US tv debut the girls had. From letterman to kelly, they were flawless, they brought that snsd energy and fierceness to the performance and their vocals were great. I loved the Kelly performance because i can clearly hear their voice and taeyeon and seobb totally killed it. For Letterman, i loved that they remixed the boys and added the dance break, i guess for a late night show with an older crowd they needed something stronger and more energetic and boy did the girls bring it! The part where they all shouted "girls bring the boys out" made me so proud of the girls,they were confident and they were the snsd that the fans loved nothing more and nothing less. They didnt change anything, their appearance, their style, their teamwork it was all there.

    Although realisticly i dont see this as the "breakout" point of snsd into the US market, i have to say being able to showcase k-pop and what snsd is made of will make people who dont know them yet sit up and pay a bit more attention. I dont think they have ever seen a group of 9 beautiful young ladies who can sing and dance so well and so in-sync with each other before.

    All i have to say is, sones i know you guys are proud of the girls and you should be, so keep on supporting the girls and forget the haters. Because seriously SNSD was on freakin Letterman! and they gave it their all. I am looking forward to whatever the girls are planning to do next, because i know they wont dissapoint.

  2. Yoochun Baeksang award

    although i'm a bit worried about him travelling from LA to Korea and back again to perform on the 27th, i think this is something he wants and decided for himself (probably with jae and su support). Baeksang awards are prestigious and it'll be a good exposure for yoochun and JYJ, if he wins then it'll be like seeling his place in the acting world and a good way to start off 'ripley's" promotions. You'll only win a best new actor award once so i'm praying yoochun gets it. (although i am almost 98% sure he will) and the popularity award will be the icing on the cake.<3

    the US tour seems to be going so well and the boys are having fun, US fans thank you! and thanks everyone for the updates, news,pics and vids. JYJ family awesome as always.

  3. oh gosh its just pissing me off with the interfearence of the boys appearing on programs. Don't they get it? if they keep doing this our support and love for the boys just keeps growing not lessening. Fans will do everything they can to make sure the boys will always have their support even if broadasting companies don't. Even without promotions or coverage from these broadcasting companies dont they get that we the fans will not give up on them and that no matter how deep they try to bury the boys we will find them and pull them back up again and again?

    it must be killing the boys right now not being able to appear on tv and promote their talent. Especially yoochun who is doing a drama right now, he must be worried how the cast and crew will be affected because of his involvement in the drama and because he is yoochun from JYJ.

    Broadcasting companies, SM or whosoever blocking the boys are just pushing it way too far and the public not just the fans but the general public are noticing it more and more. People with even an ounce of justice and fairness in them can clearly see that this is wrong and shouldnt go on. God i wish there was some powerful figure or leaders that can say enough is enough. Its getting sickening and my view of the K-entertainment is diminishing bit by bit.

    *sigh* end rant. I hope the boys stay strong and focus. There will be bright days ahead for them, they've shown that they are not mere puppets content on living in a caged box. They are fighters, they will bring change to the K-Ent scene and if the companies and broadcasting companies dont like that then too bad because we are moving on.

    anyways thank you guys for always keeping this thread alive. have strength everyone!

  4. rarely post here but OMG! i just have too today :w00t: the preview for mr.taxi is just DAEBAK! i loved the song when i first heard it and i am so glad they decided to do an MV for the song with a powerful choreo. The girls all looked amazing and so mature. Sexy but classy.

    I am so excited for their japanese promotions just because I miss them so much being active on the stage and on varieties.KScene seems a little empty without them.I hope they keep the mr.taxi image and comeback with something more stronger and darker, something totally new and totally snsd. Whatever it is they are going to blow everyone's mind away when they do comeback.

    can't wait for the full MV! :wub: thank you everyone for vids,updates etc <3 daebak thread as well.* lurker mode on*

  5. that was a wonderful read. Thank you au_dinosaur for sharing. Jae have grown so much from his experiances these past year and i am so proud of him always striving to be a great musician. I hope they could do another interview for junsu and yoochun i would love to hear this kind of honest one on one talk with them.

    Just dropping by to say a huge thank you to all the Thai fans, your love and support is incredible! I'm glad the concert was a success. As the tour moves along it'll be more and more improved and outstanding.

    So glad the boys are doing so well in their own endeavours, and dear god please let them relase a full korean album soon with 'in heaven' and 'boys letter'. Two beautiful songs the world needs to hear from JYJ.

    Thank you everyone for news,pics and videos as always:-)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This is not Yongseo related or anything but Japan was hit with a massive earth quake and tsunami. Uri seohyun was just in Japan a few days ago, thank god she returned home safely and is now in Thailand.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Please pray for those effected and to everyone please stay safe. My thoughts and prayers to those effected.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Truly you never know what will happen in life, so just cherish every single day and every single moment we have together. <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Stay strong and positive gogumas!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  7. whoa ok..does anyone know where the boys are at right now? cause i am kindda worried about the Earthquake and tsunami happening in Japan. I hope everyone stays safe and are ok. My thoughts and prayers to those effected.

    edit : if i am not mistaken junsu is in japan right now?can anyone confirm this. Please be safe.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So then its confirmed that uri yongseo will be leaving soon. Like the statement said that everything has its ending but really I am glad that MBC had at least given us fans early notice and the fact that it would be shot sometime next month is also wonderful news. We still have a good amount of time with our couple to celebrate and to reminisce the time they spent together. So Cheer up gogumas lets just enjoy whatever time we have left with our couple. Don’t be sad, Lets celebrate life and lets be thankful for the little happy things that we have going for us in this go-chun.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I’ll be keeping MBC’s word that the ending would be done as beautifully as possible for uri YongSeo . They deserve it after a year of wonderful memories of friendship, changes, love, understanding ,tears and laughter. Lets sent them off with love and happiness as well.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And to Thai gogumas you guys are daebak! Thank you for everything, keep on supporting and loving YongSeo!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hi go-chun villagers, It is hearbreaking for us when yongseo ends but we have to say goodbye to them someday. When they started this journey a year ago, we knew that there was an ending to the show WGM.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    All the announcemnet of Yong's drama, comebacks and hyun's japanese tour and new single were released to prepare the fans that Uri couple are leaving WGM.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    All I wish is that they would have an ending episode that would do justice to them and the journey they have gone through. Its been a year of wonderful memories, they don’t need a special mission, special guess, special anything to end WGM . It would be a great honor to their memory on WGM if they just spent it doing something that they love together and also just talking about how much WGM has changed them and how much they mean to each other.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Of course I would be the happiest person in the world if someday the end up together but if they don’t I’ll know that the one year they have spent together means something to them and that they had learned a lot from it. For now they need to find their place in the world by going after their dreams. Whatever it is they feel in their hearts we would never know, but I believe in them and faith, one day everything will fall into place.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I am thankful that through WGM I got to know these two beautiful people and they really do affect my life in some ways. I will continue look out for their future activities because I feel as if they are my little brother and sisters.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Lol. I am writing as if I am saying goodbye already, but really everyone lets always be positive and support our lovely couple. If this is saddening for us, think about SeoJuHyun and Jung YongHwa, the two people who have invested their hearts into this for a year now, it must be heartbreaking for them but as young as they are they know they have to keep on going and chase their dreams so that oneday they would not look back and regret whatever choice they made.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    So fighting everyone!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thank you yongseorockin and p!nk22 for sharing your views. Its interesting to know that Yong makes an effort to find out what hyun is up too. Miss her do yah yong? jashikk.lol. I bet it is seo's manager the one that likes yong who he goes to for some info on his buin.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I think i've watched the latest epi almost 5 times since yesterday and i love love the last part like most of go-chun's here. When yong was about to back-hug hyun he had this aegyo voice :wub: too adorable and at the end when he thanked seo for her hard work as well. YongHwa showing some aegyoness just for seohyun ;)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    When yong pulled hyun close to him, you can practically see the warning bells going off in seo's head like oh-uh whats going on? i bet her heart was beating super fast.Probably the first guy to ever do that to her :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































    and Yong that smile on your face is so obvious. He probably has some internal battle going off on his head. The happy-omg-i-have-a-beautiful-wife-and-i-think-she-likes-me-and-i-like-her-too part of his brain VS keep-it-cool-dude-your-on-a-tv-show ,something like that. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Also even though both of them were shy about the kiss/peck whatever, both of them actually wanted to do it! our shy innocent seobaby gave her consent and that obvious CNBlue boy just goes for it. Aigooo you two :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks again to all the go-chun villagers<3 i must really stop visiting this thread too much.lol!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    All goguma’s in go-chun have written so beautifully about todays epi that I have nothing more to add. Its so wonderful how people from different gender, countries, background, etc share the same feeling for YongHwa and SeoHyun and are rooting for this young couple to fall in love with each other.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I love all the parts everyone has mentioned but I also love the parts where you could see Jungshin chingoo’s face when his hyung was close to Hyun. He had this wide smile plastered on his face and too see his charismatic hyung getting all nervous infront of Hyun.lol. He knows Yong and they live together as a band so he must know something is up.They probably tease Yong a lot at home too.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    i think i've rewatched epi 45 20 times already since yesterday.lol. So i'm just gonna spazz by putting this in spoilers since all the lovely go-chun's villagers out there have said everything that was wonderful in this episode<3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Part 1
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I have to give mad props to hyun. She fell hard so many times while learning but she was such a trooper getting back up again and again. Even when Yong was being hard on her she didnt get upset or sad.It shows how she is in real life, someone who is very steadfast and doesnt give up easily.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yong tough love method was hard to watch but i respect him a lot for it. He was ready to snowboard away anytime but he was always looking back to make sure seohyun was alright and the talk they had during lunch probably gave hyun her strength back. Yong knows when he needs to be serious and when he needs to get his choding mood on. At the end when hyun didnt make the turn, he was so gentle with her, holding her up and guiding her down.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Part 2
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    epic line is epic.."want me to give u a butt massage". Yong with that naughty look on his face. If hyun were to respond he would probably have the shock of his life. When hyun complained about yong being hard on her, Yong responded by extending his hand almost on her lap as if to calm her from being upset.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yeap like most of us go-chun here. Expect the unexpected from our couple.lol. In their first few months together, hyun wold have never suggested something like this and Yong would probably be all bewildered and would want to know why she wants what she wants. But these days Yong just goes with whatever she wishes, i think part of the reason why he granted the wish was because he knows how much effort hyun had put in with learning how to snowboard,that plus with hyun's adorable aegyo-ness, who would have the heart to say no?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i smiled and laughed so much at the make up part. All because of how unique YongSeo couples skinship happens. Doing someones make up ,being up close and touching each others faces has got to make your heart go degeun dugeun especially with someone you have a connection with.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I adore yong for not making so much fuss about it and just laid there and let Hyun have her fun. He was even encouraging her with his why's? and whats next? and thank you's. I cant imagine what his busan namja friends are going to say when they see this episode.lol. Owh man if the camera was not on this two, i could imagine how much closer they would get.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    All in in this has got to be one of the most adorable epi ever!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Wedding Photoshoot.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Someone mentioned this a few pages back about yong's smile and how he can't seemed to control his face looking at Hyun. If that isn't a sincere happy/touched smile i don't know what is. For that 18 seconds i felt my heart exlpode with happiness.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Its been a year guys! a year of wonderful and memorable happenings for yongseo, both in their individual life and professional life. The success of SNSD as the nations girl group and the succesful debut of CNBlue both in japan and in korea and to add to this moment both of them meeting each other. Whether they have fallen in love or not, whether they would end up together or not the wedding photoshoot symbolizes all the great memories they have shared together. All the hardship, dissapoinments, happiness and changes all is celebrated in this event.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I like to see it as a new beginning for them because they have grown up a lot this past year and for them to take on these changes and have a new outlook of things in life, Its going to be one exciting new journey. Now is the time that they can finally let everything fall into place and trust faith with whatever it has instore for them.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Aigoo i am getting teary eyed just thinking about it. Next saturday i'll have a box of tissue ready and reminesce all those happy memories that yongseo has shared together.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hyuns eyes
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I maynot be the only one who noticed this but if you watched earlier episode of our couples ,you can see that her eyes were different. Lol not as in surgery or something. But that sparkle in her eyes. Like from the earlier episode she seemed kind of lifeless and distant but nowadays it shines a lot with curiosity/happiness/ mischievousness/ even on stage in her peformance. Yong mentioned many times, in the back room interview in the banmal song about her eyes and how it shines whenever he looks at her.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I couldnt imagine what hyun's life would be like if she had never been on WGM. We would never have the privellege to see our lovely hyun growing up and opening up to people so beautifully. Aigoo have to save the tears for next saturday.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Everyone in Go-chun have a pleasent weekday! see you all at the wedding.<3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Todays Preview
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Lol. Ok maybe i'll be a bit cohherant to write about todays episode soon but for now i think i am going nuts! to much emotion is running through my head and my heart right now. Aigoo, these two makes me all teary eyed and happy all at the same time. I'll be a puddle of goo next week...Its like this journey and all its challenges and all the hardship they have to endure finally this will be the day that everything just falls into place<3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Today epi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The 2nd part with the makeup and everything ,did anyone noticed Yong's eyes? i mean i know the guy is tired but dang those flirty eyes!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    He knows hyun had tried her best and maybe had hurt herself a bit thats why i think if hyun were to ask for anything at that moment he would give in but lol. Did you expect that Yong? Hyun wants to make you pretty!lol! Hyun you adorable 4D-ness is just plain awesome!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The skinship in this epi..*sigh* makes me wonder what would have happened if the camera's were not on em'.lol. I think my heart exploded when yong reach out and put his hands around Hyun's face.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Lol i don't think i am fully back from Go-chun yet..i have to spazz later. My fellow go-chun thank you so much for everything!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    OMG! ROFL SOOOOOO MUCH! I dont think any of our predictions were correct. I'll put this in spoiler as not to spoil anything but .LOL

    Hyuns wish was to make up Yong.lol! eyelash curler, mascara, lipgloss and everything..Ohhh hyun is so unpredictible! Bt aigggoooo the amount of skinship in this..so natural so close!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Be back to spazz later! Thank u M3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    EDIT! OMGGGGGG next week is the wedding eppi!!!OMG they look so beautiful. Yong's eyes<3..dying a million times!








































































































































    Thanks everyone for sharing pics and fanvids :wub: i just cant keep away from this thread for more than one day.lol.
























































    I'm gonna put this in spoilers just so i don't bring the mood down in this lovely thread :sweatingbullets:
























































    Thank you ematot for sharing the rumor..but i'm kindda afraid that this would have a negative impact on our couple. The yongseo Soompi thread is acknowledged by the korean media and other news portal. So i'm kindda worried that it would be reported even if its just a rumor and many anti-fans and fans would go all haywire on Yong Hwa and Seohyun. It would create more tension amongst fans.
























































    if they were too date, i'll be the happiest person in the universe, but i think we should kindda keep it within our Yongseo community and not to spread it around so much. :sweatingbullets:















































































































    edit: Thinking about the preview..maybe Hyun's wish is for Yong to sleep on the bed rather than sleeping on the floor since he was down with the flu and was tired. Yong being the gentleman wants hyun to take the bed and hyun being the caring wife wants him to use the bed instead.Lol. ..i am sooo bad at predicting stuff. Saturday please come faster!
















































































    Awesome episode as always.lol. Seohyun is so adorable in this, she was falling and stumbling all over the place and Yong can you get anymore sexier than this? there was just something about him being all strict and pro in snowboarding that makes him 10times more attractive than he already is.
























































    Seohyun i love this side of her, she was smiling so much and having fun despite of all the stumbling. She depended alot on Yong to guide her but she was not afraid to give it a try and to look silly infront of Yong. She is just naturally adorable and tries her best at everything.
























































    Yong was strict but you can see that he is always nearby to help hyun and to guide her when she needed it. Like always he would not force hyun nor make her do things which he was not sure himself. He let her try on her own and gives encouragements and compliments along the way. But you can just see him itching to snowboard by himself since its been years since he had done it. lol.
























































    Yong is such a gentle man, there are so many ways for him to teach hyun while having skinship or a hug, but he just concentrated in making sure hyun was safe and knew the right techniques first before snowboarding.
























































    I loved the scene where he struggled to get up the hill when Hyun fell, his voice sort of became softer when he asked if she was ok. Maybe he was afraid hyun would cry?lol. That would probably break his heart.
























































    And i have to say the eyeship in this epi..the way hyun looks at yong's lips and vice versa, there was a moment in the bus where hyun was tugging at her collar and you can see yong's eyes darting for a bit at her neck. The way yong was looking at her when she was talking. Aigoo tell me i am not just crazily observant of these things but because it was way too obvious.^_^
























































    Again thank you so much for the vids and translations everyone. Words cannot describe how much i love this go-chun!
























































    Preview: its going to be a daebak episode again next week. But i think they would just be resting and talking, keeping it g rated as always. Hyun is way too innocent for those thoughts and yong is just too gentlemanly for anything to happen. lol. But who knows..keke..cant wait for next week!
























































    ps: i soo want to join in the avatar change but i've been trying like mad for the last two days to no avail. I'll try again tonight and join in the celebrations!
















































































    Aww yong ,did you know that without your presence we would not have known about this side of Hyun, the happy choding young lady with a bright and happy smile. I think he knows that he is falling for her and is unsure of how things are going to go. He is young and maybe despite all the relationship he had ever had, he is still new to this whole feeling of being in love just like hyun.
























































    All i want for them is to have faith in each other and to take care of this precious friendship/relationship they have right now and to not let anyone, media ,fans influence their feelings for each other. Trust their hearts ,maybe the time for them to be together is not now, but hopefully someday when everything would fall in place they can be our lovely Yongseo again .
























































    I love this song by leona lewis ,angel. Whenever i hear it ,it reminds me so much of Yong and hyun.So here's something to share
























































    I feel it, you feel it















































































































    That this was meant to be.















































































































    I know it, you know it















































































































    That you were made for me.















































































































    We can't deny this any longer















































































































    Day by day it's getting stronger.















































































































    I want it, you want it















































































































    It's what the people want to see.














































































































































































    We're like Romeo and Juliet















































































































    Families can't divide us.















































































































    Like the tallest mountain or the widest sea















































































































    Nothing's big enough to hide us.















































































































    When we make love its overwhelming















































































































    I just touch the heavens















































































































    You're an angel, you're an angel














































































































































































    I said this world, this world.















































































































    Could leave us anyday















































































































    But my love for you, it will never go away.















































































































    And I don't wanna go to sleep















































































































    'cause you are like a dream















































































































    For every night I say a prayer,















































































































    And I swear you are the answer















































































































    You're an angel, you're an angel, you're an angel.














































































































































































    So we take it each moment our love grows















































































































    I see it, you see it,















































































































    What we have is made of gold















































































































    We're so filled with meaning,















































































































    Nothing can make us shallow.















































































































    So I hold it, and you hold it















































































































    The promise of tomorrow.















































































































    When we make love its overwhelming















































































































    I just touch the heavens.















































































































    You're an angel, you're an angel














































































































































































    And I said this world, this world















































































































    Could leave us anyday















































































































    But my love for you, it will never go away.















































































































    And I don't wanna go to sleep















































































































    'cause you are like a dream















































































































    For every night I say a prayer,















































































































    And I swear you are the answer















































































































    You're an angel, you're an angel, you're an angel.














































































































































































    I don't need three wishes















































































































    Well I just need one















































































































    For us to never be finished















































































































    For us to never be done















































































































    When they say it's over















































































































    We'll just say I love you















































































































    And when they say it's finished















































































































    We'll just keep on building.














































































































































































    And I said this world, this world















































































































    Could leave us anyday















































































































    But my love for you, it will never go away.















































































































    And I don't wanna go to sleep















































































































    'cause you are like a dream















































































































    For every night I say a prayer,















































































































    And I swear you are the answer














































































































































































    You're an angel, you're an angel, you're an angel.














































































































































































    Yes you are. You're an angel
























































    I want so badly to change my avatar but my internet connection sucks, so i won't be able to participate. But seeing all the lovely Yongseo avatars is making me a little teary, it s so precious and beautiful. If yong and hyun ever knew how much they have touched our hearts from, young to old, female and male ,to all kinds of nationality and background they may have a little more strength to fight on and believe in each other, because we in Go-chun surely do<3
























































    Happy anniversary my dear lovely YongSeo:-)
















































































    Just going to post this little thing since its going to be our couple anniversary soon :D
























































    Their first meeting together (2nd epi) they both wrote a letter to each other (well hyun did,yong was kindda asked to do it.lol) Its been almost a year now and our couple have grown and learned a lot from each other this past year.I am so thankful to the pd's for bringing them together.
















































































































    Hello ,I am going to be your future wife, Seohyun















































































































    Even though we don’t really know each other we ended up getting married,















































































































    In order to inform you of my resolutions ,I decided to write this letter for you,















































































































    I finally turned 20,but I lack experience in many things,















































































































    Even though the whole marriage is far ahead of me,















































































































    I thought it would be a good preparation for my future















































































































    With an open mind ,I would gladly enjoy this experience,















































































































    Please treat me well,Seohyun
















































































































    To Hyunnie















































































































    Since we got married when we didn’t know what was going on,















































































































    You and I were both awkward with each other,















































































































    And I think we don’t know what to do,















































































































    However despite the short time we have spent together,















































































































    I feel like we already got close,















































































































    So I think it’s going to be enjoyable for us,















































































































    Even though we are a would be married couple right now,















































































































    Let’s try to learn about each other quickly,Hyun~















































































































    From Yong~
























































    credit to the subbers!
























































    Hopefully on their anniversary they would reminisce the time they spent together from the moment they first met, Share this past letters and write new resolutions for the future.
























































    My wish for them is to always look out for each other and have a special place for each other in their hearts. Even if things don't work out, they will always cherish these memories and smile at them every now and then.
























































    Always be healthy and happy in whatever that they are doing and live a life full of adventure and love :wub:









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