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    Another year has come and gone too soon
































































































































































































































































































































    At least there is one more night to celebrate
































































































































































































































































































































    So you raise the glass and you toast the past and you start to reminisce
































































































































































































































































































































    And your friends are there and you know they care but still, something’s missing
































































































































































































































































































































    As the countdown start, all the lonely hearts beat out their midnight wish
































































































































































































































































































































    Maybe next year I’ll find my new year’s kiss
































































































































































































































































































































    Gonna make my resolutions realistic
































































































































































































































































































































    Call my mama off and exercise a little bit
































































































































































































































































































































    This year I wouldn’t be so shy
































































































































































































































































































































    I’m gonna hook up with the perfect guy
































































































































































































































































































































    Who knows maybe he’ll be here tonight
































































































































































































































































































































    So you raise the glass and you toast the past and you start to reminisce
































































































































































































































































































































    And your friends are there and you know they care but still, something’s missing
































































































































































































































































































































    As the countdown start, all the lonely hearts beat out their midnight wish
































































































































































































































































































































    Maybe next year I’ll find my new year’s kiss
































































































































































































































































































































    Maybe next year I’ll find my new year’s kiss
































































































































































































































































































































    Didn’t have to chase the party, found the right place
































































































































































































































































































































    Getting close to midnight, when I see a new face
































































































































































































































































































































    Just when his blue eyes meet mine
































































































































































































































































































































    Another year is running out of time
































































































































































































































































































































    I can’t wait to see what next year brings
































































































































































































































































































































    So you raise the glass and you toast the past and you start to reminisce
































































































































































































































































































































    And your friends are there and you know they care but still, something’s missing
































































































































































































































































































































    As the countdown start, all the lonely hearts beat out their midnight wish
































































































































































































































































































































    Maybe next year I’ll find my new year’s kiss
































































































































































































































































































































    Oh maybe next year I will find my
































































































































































































































































































































    (Next year I’ll find)
































































































































































































































































































































    Maybe next year I’ll find my
































































































































































































































































































































    (Next year I’ll find)
































































































































































































































































































































    Maybe next year I’ll find my New Year kiss
































































































































































































































































































































    Find my New Year kiss
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    " five year later, when we meet, i will bring laughter into your life again. "
































































































































































































































































































































    a fren said that to me. not in the exact same words cus i cant remember, but sth with similar meaning.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    When There was me and you
































































































































































































































































































































    It's funny when you find yourself
































































































































































































































































































































    Lookin' from the outside
































































































































































































































































































































    I'm standing here but all I want
































































































































































































































































































































    Is to be over there
































































































































































































































































































































    Why did I let myself believe
































































































































































































































































































































    Miracles could happen
































































































































































































































































































































    Cause now I have to pretend
































































































































































































































































































































    That I don't really care
































































































































































































































































































































    I thought you were my fairytale
































































































































































































































































































































    My dream when I'm not sleeping
































































































































































































































































































































    A wish upon a star
































































































































































































































































































































    That's coming true
































































































































































































































































































































    But everybody else could tell
































































































































































































































































































































    That I confuse my feelin's with the truth
































































































































































































































































































































    When there was me and you
































































































































































































































































































































    I swore I knew the melody
































































































































































































































































































































    That I heard you singing
































































































































































































































































































































    And when you smiled
































































































































































































































































































































    You made me feel
































































































































































































































































































































    Like I could sing along
































































































































































































































































































































    But then you went and changed the words
































































































































































































































































































































    Now my heart is empty
































































































































































































































































































































    I'm only left what used-to-be's,
































































































































































































































































































































    and once upon a song
































































































































































































































































































































    Now I know your not a fairytale
































































































































































































































































































































    And dreams are meant for sleeping
































































































































































































































































































































    And wishes on a star
































































































































































































































































































































    Just don't come true
































































































































































































































































































































    And now even I can tell
































































































































































































































































































































    That I confused my feelings with the truth
































































































































































































































































































































    because I liked the view
































































































































































































































































































































    When there was me and you
































































































































































































































































































































    I can't believe that I could be so blind
































































































































































































































































































































    It's like you were floating
































































































































































































































































































































    While I was falling and I didn't mind...
































































































































































































































































































































    Because I liked the view
































































































































































































































































































































    Oooh Oooh Oooh
































































































































































































































































































































    I thought you felt it too































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    When there was me and you
















































































    When There was me and you








































    It's funny when you find yourself








































    Lookin' from the outside








































    I'm standing here but all I want








































    Is to be over there








































    Why did I let myself believe








































    Miracles could happen








































    Cause now I have to pretend








































    That I don't really care








































    I thought you were my fairytale








































    My dream when I'm not sleeping








































    A wish upon a star








































    That's coming true








































    But everybody else could tell








































    That I confuse my feelin's with the truth








































    When there was me and you








































    I swore I knew the melody








































    That I heard you singing








































    And when you smiled








































    You made me feel








































    Like I could sing along








































    But then you went and changed the words








































    Now my heart is empty








































    I'm only left what used-to-be's,








































    and once upon a song








































    Now I know your not a fairytale








































    And dreams are meant for sleeping








































    And wishes on a star








































    Just don't come true








































    And now even I can tell








































    That I confused my feelings with the truth








































    because I liked the view








































    When there was me and you








































    I can't believe that I could be so blind








































    It's like you were floating








































    While I was falling and I didn't mind...








































    Because I liked the view








































    Oooh Oooh Oooh








































    I thought you felt it too















































































    When there was me and you




















































    When There was me and you








































    It's funny when you find yourself








































    Lookin' from the outside








































    I'm standing here but all I want








































    Is to be over there








































    Why did I let myself believe








































    Miracles could happen








































    Cause now I have to pretend








































    That I don't really care








































    I thought you were my fairytale








































    My dream when I'm not sleeping








































    A wish upon a star








































    That's coming true








































    But everybody else could tell








































    That I confuse my feelin's with the truth








































    When there was me and you








































    I swore I knew the melody








































    That I heard you singing








































    And when you smiled








































    You made me feel








































    Like I could sing along








































    But then you went and changed the words








































    Now my heart is empty








































    I'm only left what used-to-be's,








































    and once upon a song








































    Now I know your not a fairytale








































    And dreams are meant for sleeping








































    And wishes on a star








































    Just don't come true








































    And now even I can tell








































    That I confused my feelings with the truth








































    because I liked the view








































    When there was me and you








































    I can't believe that I could be so blind








































    It's like you were floating








































    While I was falling and I didn't mind...








































    Because I liked the view








































    Oooh Oooh Oooh








































    I thought you felt it too















































































    When there was me and you




































































































































































































































































































































































































    Since i cant cook.. of cus a guy that cooks appeals to me.
































































































































































































































































































































    I find it sweet, when my guy actually cook for me.
































































































































































































































































































































    I appreciate the effort put in and the sincerity. Its btr than bring mii out for a feast. :lol:
















































































    I've Never Been To Me








































    ( Charlene )








































    Hey lady, you lady, cursing at your life








































    You're a discontented mother and a regimented wife








































    I've no doubt you dream about the things you'll never do








































    But, I wish someone had talked to me








































    Like I wanna talk to you.....








































    Oh, I've been to Georgia and California and anywhere I could run








































    I took the hand of a preacher man and we made love in the sun








































    But I ran out of places and friendly faces because I had to be free








































    I've been to paradise but I've never been to me








































    Please lady, please lady, don't just walk away








































    'Cause I have this need to tell you why I'm all alone today








































    I can see so much of me still living in your eyes








































    Won't you share a part of a weary heart that has lived million lies....








































    Oh, I've been to Niece and the Isle of Greece while I've sipped champagne on a yacht








































    I've moved like Harlow in Monte Carlo and showed 'em what I've got








































    I've been undressed by kings and I've seen some things that a woman ain't supposed to see








































    I've been to paradise, but I've never been to me
















































































    Hey, you know what paradise is?








































    It's a lie, a fantasy we create about people and places as we'd like them to be








































    But you know what truth is?








































    It's that little baby you're holding, it's that man you fought with this morning








































    The same one you're going to make love with tonight








































    That's truth, that's love......








































    Sometimes I've been to crying for unborn children that might have made me complete








































    But I took the sweet life, I never knew I'd be bitter from the sweet








































    I've spent my life exploring the subtle whoring that costs too much to be free








































    Hey lady......








































    I've been to paradise, (I've been to paradise)








































    But I've never been to me








































    (I've been to Georgia and California, and anywhere I could run)








































    I've been to paradise, never been to me








































    (I've been to Neice and the isle of Greece while I've sipped champagne on a yacht)








































    I've been to paradise, never been to me








































    (I've been to cryin' for unborn children that might have made me complete)








































    I've been to paradise, never been to me








































    (I've been to Georgia and California, and anywhere I could run)








































    I've been to paradise, never been to me
















    omg.. u are amazing..








    totally lifelike.. but jaejoong.. looks a bit odd?








    cant really say where.. but the overall feeling ba..








    its all amazing though :D








    if onli i could draw like that .. lol



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