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Posts posted by RiverB


























    That is such twisted logic....everyone wants to be pretty...that does not require them to go under the knife. The issue with plastic surgery is the unrealistic expectations of society already are magnified and natural beauty is lost...people don't look the same for a reason and instead of finding beauty in who we are, we're looking to 'fix' things that don't need fixing but should be embraced.






    I saw the concert and even though I knew that he was going to fall..it was so surprising how it happened. In a slip second...he just disappears with a *whoosh*. But I'm glad he's doing okay...it's a dislocation so it will be painful but relatively simple in terms of popping the shoulder back in. Poor Dongwan. Hope he's okay.




    Wow...I have never ever owned a page in my life! LOL...I'll take this opportunity to say I love Shinhwa!!! Even if it is going to be 2-3 years before they come out with a new album whatever they do, I'd totally be supportive. It must be hard for them to deal with knowing that it's going to be so long and solo stuff...I'm sure they;ll keep in touch in that time though. Go ShinHwa!!



    Hey all...I don't really know much about NRG but I'm looking into them and stuff. All I know really are CMH and LSJ mostly from Love Letter and X-man (respectively). I gotta ask though...does anyone know where I can find clips of them (the group)? I know that one of the members passed on...but yea..if anyone could direct me to where I can find clips and info about them I'd really appreciate it. Thanks :)

  3. i watch the Kor v. Fran game today

    i'm in Canada

    the reporters in the end were all stunned by the inormous cheering and spirit from the Korean crowd/supporters

    they said, it's magnificent how the KOreans kept cheering the Korean team for the whole game

    they said that it is those continuous cheering that kept the Koean team going

    i was shocked 2...i mean...for the whole game, i either heard ...DAE HAN MIN GUK (clapping)...or the miss korea song in the back....the korean crowd went mad with their cheerings

    it's very nice to see ...and the reporters also said that, back in Seoul, there's about 30000 ppl gathering in downtown just to watch teh game at freaking 4AM

    Hiya...I'm in Canada too. and I totally know what you mean, the sports casters were awed by how much the Koreans in the stands were supporting their team...they were LOUD! But it was so nice because even in the first half when it didn't look so good and all the way trhough they never seemed dejected just kept cheering and supporting the team. It was awesome!

  4. I have a question for the girls. Would you rather get with Shin, or Yul? Based upon their personalities, than looks.

    I'd say Shin. His personality is a lot stronger than Yul's. I found it a little frustrating with Yul because he coddled CG so much. I couldn't stand that. Shin, even when it is hard realizes the need to allow the person he loves to be herself...and encourages her (in his way) but still there is more of a give-take with Shin. Yul is a giver...which isn't bad, but for me I need someone with more of a back bone or rather someone who let's me and tries to show me how to develop one when the situation calls for it.

  5. I dont know if I should or shouldn't say this but.. (don't read it if you don't want to feel a lil bit angry about the end of Goong)

    Isn't this all tragedy and incidents in CK' imagination?? (from the first episode says "The Dream Story of Shin Chae Gyung). I was thinking about what Shin said, after 2.5 million years or whatever number that is human have a cycle. Is it possible that CK will meet Shin again (but not as a prince) in the end of Goong's drama while she wakes up from her daydreaming in her school?? :D Just wondering..

    Possibly, but I'm not so sure. Because in the first episode, she says that no one lives in the palace because the relationship between the family broke up ...or something to that effect... So I guess we just wait and see...

  6. OK well just in case for those ppl that did not read the spoilers or missed the underlining meaning of this translation from Avid Fan's translation of one scene of episode 21.

    yul telling shin

    yul: let cg free and then become king

    yul: i will give up the crown"

    Is it just me that get's annoyed at Yul for his logic. While I understand in the plot and his charachter is a little bit messed...still...he talks about Shin giving up CG, but does that automatically mean CG will want to be with him???. However she's being such an idiot and not using the brain that she was blessed with! I mean loyalty to your friends is awesome, but to ignore your family and your husband who you say you love?

    I guess love is blind...but shouldn't it be blind to YUL?

  7. Here's the Episode 20 (LQ) 80mb version originally uploaded by Cilik

    Ep 20 LQ Cred: Cilik

    As for the episode...not that I understand a lot but it was really sad.

    Crap..I typed out a bunch of stuff and it all got erased!

    Hopefully I remember it all...

    1. I don't get it...(from my understanding of what I saw with no knowledge of Korean at all...so correct me if I am wrong) Why was Shin reamed out by the King over the CG-Yul picture in the paper? I mean...yes, CG needed the yelling she got. But Shin?? And how come no one yelled at Yul? If anything it only shows that Yul is after his cousin's WIFE. And that is bad behavior in any capacity - shouldn't Yul be the one getting reprimanded?

    2. Anyone want to hope with me that some photographer was able to get a picture of Shin being slapped by Yul's mom? (Seeing that somehow a 'random' photographer was there to take the picture of Shin punching Yul) And hopefully that will discredit her...especially in light of the Yul-CG picture in the paper. And for the people, wouldn't it now make sense to them why Shin punched Yul, which in turn redeems Shin?

    3. WHAT IS UP WITH CG?? It's like her brain is being filled with marbles as she loses brain cells!! Yul blatantly tells her he likes her and wants her to be with him and to divorce her husband...shouldn't she have alarm bells going off inside her brain? Yet she constantly runs to Yul and somehow 'trusts' him - even though she should already have figured out that he has an agenda. And Shin is trying to get her to hear him but she just complains that he is cold when if he tries to be good to her she brushes it off. Sure Shin was a jerk to her initially, but even then he was indulgent of her - meeting her parents, the candy, Jeju Island, their 'sunrise' trip, the bed scene (where she was cold and he told her to get in his bed). I can't believe that her parents haven't told her that she is in the wrong with the Yul situation...and more why does she seem to blame Shin for the ramifications?

    Okay that was my rant/observation.

  8. I was watching the first episode ( I have both my mom and cousin hooked on Goong) and I noticed something. CG says there isn't anyone living in the Palace since the relationship between the family broke...so hopefully the story we are watching is not a dream but her re-telling the story. I think this has been something many people here have alluded to but it really struck me.

    As for now...Yul is gettingon my nerves. The car scene in ep 19 and just the previews...he's more obsessive than loving. And really preying on CG's insecurity. I feel really bad for Shin, sure he needs to say the words but he's trying and everytime Yul gets in the way or CG just forgets the nice stuff...:(

  9. dudie do u know where to get episode 15, 16, and 17 w/ subs? if you do then please give me the links

    email: popo_chan_xo@yahoo.com

    The subs are not out yet. Check the D-addicts subtitle thread for the subs that are available. They are posted there when they are done and available for us to d/l. Asking for subs causes them to be delayed.

    As for the show itself

    CG is acting pretty stupid if you ask me. She should know better than to entertain Yul when he keeps telling her that he likes her. It doesn't really matter that Shin can be an idiot at times too..he's learning. And that trip he took with her should show her that he is changing. Yea I get that she only heard some of the conversation between Shin and HR, but really to go and allow Yul to kiss her (even if it was on the temple) knowing how he feels about her is just plain stupid. That and she's encouraging Yul...why can't she just be more firm?? SIGH.

  10. eh... i dunno where in D-Addicts to request... so i'll ask here instead...

    anyone of you who have the sub files (.srt) for 1-14 could you upload for me please? thanks in advance!

    i tested my dvd the other day and yay, i can watch avi HQ files on my player but... i don't hv the subs =_=

    for those who watches the avi on your dvd player.. are you able to 'fast-forward' at all?


    I uploaded the subs from 1 - 12 in a zip file. Hope this helps.

    subs These are all the subs I got from D-addicts.

    p.s. I hope I did this right.

    As for 'fast-forwarding'...sometimes I can and sometimes I can't. It just stalls. But usually for the HQ's I have been able to fast forward.

  11. yeah... "tuk-tuk" does go very fast (i mean, very very fast !). Last time when i went back and rode on one, it was like.....OMG !! this could be my last ride here !!! :sweatingbullets: But it's a lot of fun though, just make sure to buy a life insurance before get on ! :D

    I didn't realize it was called 'tuk tuk'. In India they are very common, it's called an auto rickshaw. Basically smaller version of an Indian taxi-cab. Usually it can only hold 3 people but I've seen people pile in with about 6-7. Whenever I go visit, I always make sure I go somewhere in an auto. It's not scary at all...and very stable. Another way of looking at it sorta like a three wheeled motorbike with seats and radio and a roof- of sorts.

  12. Goong Ep 13 - 100 mb - YSI Links

    I almost owned page 931!!! Oh well, I'll own it by having the biggest post. ;)

    Mirror 1: http://s26.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1A1UPG3...OH0W1FJRXA8L0B0

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    Hey guys!! It was too bad that soompi closed down for quite a while, but I bring you good news... many MANY MAAAAANNNNYYY yousendit links to Episode 13!! Enjoy <3

    Thanks for the comments! *sophendo gobbles them up and gains 20 pounds* @_@

    See you tomorrow with Episode 14 YSI links! Go, go Goong fever!!!

    v Check my signature for archive links and please PLEASE PM me if a mirror becomes blocked so I can scratch it out! Plus, it will tell that I need to upload more!

    GIVE ME LOVE AND I WILL LOVE YOU BACK! It takes me several hours to get these up.

    Sophendo you are amazing! Thank you so much! I'm really looking forward to seeing this episode!

  13. hi~~

    depressed amanda replyin here.

    my goong NGS are ALL gone. i doubt i can retrieve them.

    i cant turn on my laptop now.

    i backed up only the goong epis. 1-10. my 11 and 12 are down the drain.

    i called my repair man in the middle of the night. because itz 1.30am now in spore......

    he says hard disc crash suddenly. wad the heck? i cant believe this. realli cant.

    i need someone to slap me.

    my bro lousy desktop is freakin laggy and i cant USE real PLAYER! what is this. arhgggggggggg.

    *pulls hair.. bangs head*

    and not to mention aLL MY GOONG PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 250MB worth of it.

    omg god. i wanna cry i wanna cry i wanna die.

    and that darn repair guy can only be here on tues. i wanna watch goong live. i cant believe this.

    *strangle myself*

    anywayz. the delivery fees from korean to singapore usin ems, ard 20 usd.

    i wonder if that guy cheat my money? but heck i dun really care as long as i can get goong stuff. i got everything i can at one shot. so it's worth the money.

    i am anticipatin the shoes.

    even my very very delayed hanbok is arrivin on wednesday.

    my goong stuff just got shipped today via ems. so i think it will be here in 5 days.

    i will post some pictures when they arrive. esp the jacket and the necklace.

    the shoes i posted a few hundred pages back ...

    meanwhile i wanna die i wanna die.. my com.. i wanna die.


    I'm so sorry about your computer. I'm not quite sure how but I will try to upload the 11 -12 eps for you. Let me know when your machine is fixed or when you can ok?

    Don't be sad.

  14. I don't think episode 12 is out yet, however, if anyone want Episode 11 HQ or LQ check the following links out!

    Goong Epi 11 HQ

    http://www.sendspace.com/file/kzri72 [Lena]

    http://www.sendspace.com/file/b2m4p6 [jihunny79]

    Thanks Lena for the first HQ upload! >hugs<


    Goong Epi 11 LQ (from page 769)


    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3XWDC0MR [Rebby]

    http://www.sendspace.com/file/prw9ra [Rebby]

    http://www.sendspace.com/file/42mz92 [mikaney330]

    http://www.sendspace.com/file/63ce93 [cilik]


    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CK9OQLGK [jihunny79]

    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6IV77HAF [6shin3hwa]

    http://www.sendspace.com/file/mzn483 [jihunny79]

    http://www.sendspace.com/file/ua2cza [junior]

    Let's all just wait patiently for episode 12 ne. It takes time. ^_^

    Thanks jihunny, Lina, cilik, mikaney, junior, Rebby, 6shin3hwa and everyone else who is uploading this to these sites. You're awesome! THe upcoming episodes look like they'll be really good. Yay Shin-Chae Gyung!!

  15. Hey...I have a few questions. Mostly because I don't know much about Shinhwa at all :sweatingbullets:

    I was watching some clips on youtube.com and I came across the thing about Shinhwa's Guerilla concert....what exactly is it? And why were they crying? and there was a blurb about the clip and it said soemthing about 'especially when they talked about Andy'...and I'm completely lost!

    Can anyone tell me what that's about??


  16. I'm going back an episode or two but did anyone else find it especially sad that Shin's mom told him that he can't call her mom/omma and that if he did he was being weak?

    I don't know if I'm psychoanalyzing too much but I think that's probably why Shin is often somewhat aloof and doesn't express himself even when he wants to.

    And for the comments about the double standard if CG was to kiss Yul...I think I would want to smack her really hard upside the head!! I don't think she would put up with it though.

    Another thought...I don't know...Yul is a good looking guy, but his character is very pouty :sweatingbullets: ...maybe it's just me because I like Shin (I'm in the Shin camp) :D ...

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