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Posts posted by Sk00p

  1. Finally after so long they are back!!
    What can i say! Sora.. just wow! She was all over LeeTeuk (or as least she wanted it badly!)
    LeeTeuk being nervous as ever hahaha what else is new..He remains adorable when he is like that though :D
    I think it was a big step for LeeTeuk to reveal his chest area; and Sora's reaction was awesome!
    Loved the dresses Sora fitted, especially the last one. All in all great episode, but yes it felt short :(

  2. Ok so today's episode was worth waiting for!!! I have no words..

    What i noticed directly was how comfortable Sora was the moment she came in.

    Everything after that was priceless~~~! Teuk's random post-it questions, and Sora's answers were honast. Also i did feel bad for her she was missing her mother.

    Teuk obviously was shocked and wanted to do something but he didn't know exactly how to comfort her. It was beautiful though how he wiped away her tears.

    Teuk being afraid of animals was no surprise, still i do give him credit for being there :D It must have been horror for him. Those sheep were adorable; it was nice to see Teuk at ease there.

    The video-message.. wow just wow. Even with his packed schedule, he found time (or i should say: made time) to make the video for Sora. Sora's reaction was a bit surprising to me!! I never thought she would kiss the tablet.. That girl just surprises me more and more every week.

    After the last few episodes, this was a revelation! I certainly hope MBC has more for us soon!

  3. You don't dislike a person for no reason - and those who felt this way, including me, probably have just one reason: the way EunSo handled EunHyuk and DongHae during the blind date episode.

    I know this is an old issue but I don't understand why we shouldn't be allowed to not like people who we don't feel like liking. Had she just stuck herself on either EunHyuk or DongHae during the blind date episode, people wouldn't feel this way towards her. If she liked DongHae, like what she said when they were having their exclusive selection with Sora, she should have just waited for him to call her - ignore EunHyuk and wait for DongHae. Instead, she made an inkling (which all others commented) that she used EunHyuk to get to DongHae. And DongHae was fool enough to play along with her.

    All the WGM couples beginning Season 1 up to LeeTeuk and Sora were awkward during the first meeting - but the situation with DongHae and EunSo are different.

    Whatever!!!! I am here for TeukSora and not for anybody else!

    Anybody wants to boo me - fine!! But everyone is entitled to their own opinions! Like sqd66, I skipped DH/ES parts - it's like watching a scripted WGM. :rolleyes:

    33ru_mieru - spot on!!! Bullseye!!

    For me that was also one of the reasons i could not really get into them as a couple. 33ru_mieru was indeed spot on!

    If they were matched just like any other WGM couple i could have enjoyed it more. Or at least have her stick to one guy. The back and forth bickering made me lose hope. (Personally at the end i was more interested in SungMin and his lady actually)

    And im not gonna lie.. i agree with the part about skipping their parts. I am guilty of it too.

    Your right viyra Back to TeukSo <3

  4. Probably. I can't take this anymore. Eversince the blind date there was less focus on the TeukSo Couple except for Episode 17 but that Episode was very short. :(

    But at least in Epi 19 they seem to be comfortable with each other as seen that cleaning each other's lips infront of other people. They're touching each other's lips. *delusional mode* and I like how DongHae reacted towards that. =))

    I honestly didn't like how DongHae tried to do the same. I personally think its annoying to watch someone else try to do the same thing, that looked natural with another couple. He is rushing it. His jealousy towards Teukso is off the hook also. Episode 17 was indeed short, but seeing them both try to be straight forward on the kissing thing was more then amusing to watch. Teuk is so ready for it! and more hehe. Sorry if it only seems i'm ranting in my posts but i just have to mention it.

    My favorite part of today's episode:

    When Teuk was stuffing the last part of the snack in his mouth. Sora rushed to look for a tissue in her backpack (how can you not find that adorable). Teuk was probably expecting her to bite of the last part (sneaky Teuk). He didn't care for that tissue at the moment hehe, and DongHae saw that too. And Sora was late to fully understand what was going on. She is so oblivious sometimes, but somehow its just adorable!

  5. Finally commenting again after so long...

    Just like allot of us, i was not really amused seeing Donghea and that girl either. I see absolutely no real chemistry between them. "Forced" is all i can call it

    I think they are playing with us, by throwing them in the mix. They know Teukso have chemistry and maybe even real affection for each other. Episode 17 was major proof of that. Its like they are afraid to let them be more alone together. At this point i am ready for "meet the parents" episodes! Teuk would probably be very nervous, it could turn out hilarious! Sorry but i had it with other irrelevant people getting thrown into the mix. There are plenty normal stuff they can do together and still make it look good, without others. Its not like Teuk has allot of time for WGM left.

    Regardless of my little rant, i did enjoy the episode today to a certain extend. Teukso is getting more and more interesting. And they are opening up more to each other. Shame its not going to be better next week.

  6. i'm little bit upset. i expect that blind date will finish in ep 15 but it's delay to next week... we have only little moment of dc.. the major problem about our couple is TIME... after this, DOUBLE DATE... why mbc don't let our couple alone???  not that i don't like FJ but i really hope we can watch more DC moments...*quoted image**quoted image**quoted image*

    Maybe they see how much chemistry they have. Actually i already saw that in episode 1

    This episode was a pure let down for me also. But i guess they want to keep us in suspense.

  7. Well what can i say about this episode.. Teuk with the booklet full of questions was just adorable and priceless!! Would personally be enough for me to drool over for a while!

    Honestly the only thing that i really really noticed the most was how NOT long Teuk can look at Sora. He basically avoided looking at her during the interaction scene, but he does wants to be close to her (the amount of times they held hands.. wow).

    Then when they were in that bed together...just OMG. I don't know how to express that part.. *sigh* blush.gif

    I thought that were 3 of the most adorable things for me in this episode.

    Also how awesome and romantic was Teuk when he told that guy: You can leave my house now.. :sweatingbullets:

    It's amassing how he is opening up so fast now!!

  8. I think with the I LOVE YOU sign he meant: he could never be too good for her. He likes her so he is gonna show it regardless of how "good" it looks.

    And i think after that he said "nobody can be too good in a relationship" or something in that direction..

    Anyway i was lurking this past week in this topic, and after my love for Khuntoria it's nice to feel attracted to a new couple again!!

    Everything i want to say about this couple has been said but i just wanna say: They are A-DO-RA-BLE!!

    ill definitely be posting once in a while here too :D

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