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    ^ Hi! Just type in the url on your bb's browser :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I just finished watching this series last week. I started watching it at mysoju and I hated the fact that I had to wait for all the eps to be uploaded. But I found the whole series with eng subs and finished them all! I don't know if it was mentioned here, I'm too lazy to backread. Oh wait, can we share sites here? Please do tell me if we're not allowed to? The site is dramafever, if anyone's wondering.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    About the ending, I understand that a lot were disappointed. I can actually relate to IY and SS that's why I loved the ending. We all have our own opinions and perspectives. There's a reason why they lasted 10 years and that's because they LOVED each other despite of everything bad that has happened. You really can't beat long term relationships, unless one commits something bad and won't ever change, that's a different story. Anyway, I loved this drama so much. I guess one factor why I loved it so much was because the actors and actresses weren't the typical teenager roles. Haha, I can't reveal my age (I'm not that old hahaha) but I'm over cheesy dramas. Haha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hey everyone :) Thank you all so much for your replies. I read all of them and it's comforted me a bit hah. I feel like I may be acting funny and irrational lately, cause of all this mess in my life x.x and I feel it was nice to have it all written down.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm definitely going to talk to him in the next couple days about the future seriously (he's in the middle of finals week). I agree with you guys that we really have something great and special, but in the "end" nothing will work if we're not together. I know he definitely wants us to stay together (and I do too!) and he thinks in the end it will work out because he's told me before exactly that, but I'm not sure if he thought about how or when it would happen. Hopefully we can work it all out for the best!  
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And thank you all again so much for your advice! You guys don't realize how much it has helped! 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    you're welcome dear! i hope it works out for you two :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Keep it simple, DO YOU GUYS STILL LOVE EACH OTHER? If Yes, go for it. Keep the relationship going, there's nothing easy with relationships. In life, we get a lot of hardships, but you can't give up. You mentioned that there's a lot going on with your family and you don't want the breakup to add to it. So there, you probably still love him because you don't want to break up? I think you still want to make it work because you're still asking for advice here. You should talk to him and tell him how you're feeling and ask him what he thinks he should do and what he thinks you should do..or if he still wants to make this work.
































































































































    We all know LDR is hard..I am in one right now and its literally killing me already. Its not going smoothly. It used to be better, the first time we were apart but now we're going to be away for each other for years and its tearing us apart..but mine is a completely different situation but LDR is LDR. You need to make MORE EFFORT for it to work. Just try to make it work if you still love each other. If it doesn't, at least you tried.
































































































































    Good luck :)

















  5. I already asked this in the Ask The Fellas thread, but I wanted a female POV on this:

    In girl terms, what's the difference between a "lady's man", a "flirt", and a "heartbreaker"? Because all of these terms scream "PLAYER!" to me. Am I wrong?

    Haha I couldn't help but laugh but we basically share the same thoughts! I think players are everything - lady's man, a flirt, a heartbreaker, etc. Everything rolled into one and the term for them is a player. Sorry, I'm not helping!
































































































































































    ^ try to visit their counters. If you're looking into MAC its best to visit their counter with no makeup on. Let the MA/SA try on shades on you then go out of the store to see your face in natural lighting. When I asked for my concealer shade I went to Macy's just because it was the one nearest me. Hope that helps.
















































































































































































    ^ that is so cute!!!:) I just got this plastic casing for my nokia e71 and i want to bling it so bad..haha i don't know where to start..haha
















































































































































































    ^ if the mascara is unopened, its still safe to use. I got a spare maybelline mascara more than 6months ago and just opened it 3 days ago and it still works great. Doesn't clump and the texture is not thick at all.
















































































































































































    ^ couldn't agree more! I'm super happy to see these photos,thanks for sharing them!
















































































































































































    ^^ love love that photo too! they should have made that cover!!!! argh!!! I'm trying not to go online too much because the anticipation is killing me already
















































































































































































    ooooh love love weylie too! glad to know someone loves her too!
















































































































































































    I was wondering why AVA looked familiar to me..and then I realized I subscribed to her youtube channel years ago :)
















































































































































































    mine's super plain:
































































































































































































































































    -wash face with cetaphil
































































































































    -apply erythromycin cream from derma
































































































































































































































































    -wash with cetaphil once again
































































































































    -apply toner (only if I went out or wore makeup during the day)
































































































































    -erythromycin cream once again
































































































































    I used to use some facial scrub too once a week and use different moisturizers but right now I'm having steroid induced rosacea like crap on my face so I can't put much coz it irritates my face like hell :(
















































































































































































    country: philippines
































































































































    gender: female
































































































































    weight: 103lbs
































































































































    height: 5'6''
































































































































    i used to weigh less back when i was still in school. I gained weight when I was in cali and now that I'm back in asia I lost weight. Too hot in here I guess? haha
















































































































































































    gitakawaii: ooooh! hickey on the same spot? hahahaha :) I miss them so bad, I wish they'd admit it already..can't wait for new moooon
















































































































































































    hmmm..its just a matter of preference. I myself would feel awkward carrying a fake bag. If someone gave it to me, I would accept it since its a gift and if I would use it and someone would ask me if its an authentic one I'd frankly say NO its not. I have friends and relatives who buy them all the time..and they don't even know that they're not real..I mean, they don't have any idea how much their real costs are. I don't really judge people for what they're using. What I only hate is when a person would carry a fake bag, brag about it and act all rich when its obviously not. Haha.
































































































































    If you can afford designer bags, good for you. If you can't and still choose to buy the real thing, well good luck. But if you can't afford, buy fake ones and tell the whole world its real = that's a different story. That's pathetic.
















































































































































































    ^ I agree. I miss her old look.. oh well.. its good to see them together. Thanks for posting these up :) see how close they stand together.pwahaha
















































































































































































    ^ thanks for sharing. kristen is so so pretty :) love love their photos. haha everytime i see their photos i always fall in love with this couple all over again :) its makes me smile :) hahaha cheeeesy much
















































































































































































    ^ hahahaha you are so right! but she should have grabbed that chance you know..
































































































































































    before twilight came out I really went gaga and read every single thing that mentioned rob and kris but right now everything is..somehow annoying because the media keeps on making issues about them..I don't read the tabloids anymore, I just think they're great for each other and that's it. I'm hoping that they'd be together for real but I'm just sick of hearing things that we really can't confirm. It drove me crazy before and I'm done with it. Anyway, I can't wait for new moon. I hope they film other movies with them together :)
































































































































































    yes I do wear makeup but I'd prefer if I didn't have to. If I didn't look so scary without anything on, I'd be the happiest hahaha I started with just chapstick and some blotting powder..My usual makeup still looks natural but I look super dead if not.

















  22. oooh! look at their feet touching in the limo..and indeed, its a very intimate form of contact even for friends. It would be really weird and gross if a friend would rub his feet with mine or just sit close to me with little to no distance in between. but look at them..hahhaha no need for explanations! its obvious!! haha

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