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Posts posted by fcukfish

  1. This is so awful. How can anyone see this and be satisfied? He was just a teenager when he wrote it and now he's having all of his dreams taken away. The netizens were way too harsh.

    YES OMG! THEY ARE JUST TOO MUCH! This is no different to cyber bullying! MAKES ME SO FRUSTRATED! Park jaebeom wrote these things 4 years ago! 4 years... and they bring it up and make a big deal of it! HIS GOING TO LOSE HIS HOPES AND DREAMS CAUSE OF THE SELFISH NETIZENS!

    Park jaebeom please dont quit !

    im feel so frusted and sad for you T_____________T

  2. 1.) How am I feeling today?


    2.) Where will I get married?

    turn it back

    3.) What is my best friend's theme song?

    just dance

    4.) What is/was highschool like?

    listen to your heart

    5.) What is the best thing about me?

    best friend

    6.) How is today going to be?

    what i need

    7.) What is in store for this weekend?

    going crazy

    8.) What song describes my parents?.

    if i were a boy

    9.) How is my life going?

    can't help but wait

    10.) What song will they play at my funeral?

    beautiful girl

    11.) How does the world see me?

    make love in this club

    12.) What do my friends really think of me?


    13) Do people secretly lust after me?

    big bang

    14.) How can I make myself happy?

    better off with me

    15.) What should I do with my life?

    Act like you know

    16.) Will I ever have children?


    17.) What is some good advice?


    18.) What do I think my current theme song is?

    moving mountains

    19.) What does everyone else think my current theme song is?


    20.) What type of men/women do you like?:


    21.) Will you get married?:

    Love Love Love

    22.) What should I do with my love life?

    i hate myself

    24.) Where will you live?

    Live your life

    25.) What will your dying words be?

    so hot

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