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Posts posted by pantherlily

  1. 7 hours ago, Ohsh said:


    For those who can read Chinese, Weibo has a link to a translated video of a Korean entertainment vlogger dissecting the case in a more balanced manner. In essence he explained that this is not a simple case of a jilted lover but there are greater mechanics supporting her. He contrasted to other more serious cases which was reported less negatively and suppressed by media (probably due to other influences). He also felt strongly that the A should bear equal responsibility of the immorality and being an influencer he does not believe that she is that ignorant about how the industry works. He pointed out the 25 Oct person stated that he has to pulled out because of the threats he received which coincided with A announcing that she has engaged a lawyer. 

    Yes, I think there is a greater mechanics at work. How come on the news outlet are so quick to publish negative stories about Kim Seon Ho without getting the facts right but when Kim Seon Ho's friends and family come out to support him there are no positive stories coming out?

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  2. On 10/20/2021 at 7:42 PM, mugwump said:

    Wow.  At first I hoped actor K was not him, and was again shaking my head about how vicious Koreans can be  spreading rumors on social media.  But now KSH has admitted to being the actor.  Still hard to know if all of what A alleged is true, but KSH does not come off smelling like a rose, does he?

    1N2D, how heartbreaking to have another scandal forcing another cast member to leave.  If this was just about KSH having a messy break-up with a girlfriend, I'd say keep him.  But if  she was pregnant and he really wanted her to get an abortion, that's a whole new level.  Too bad, because I really enjoyed watching him.

    !N2D will survive, and I will continue to watch and support the rest of the team.  I sympathize with them, having to go through all this again, after all their hard work, and especially with awards season approaching.

    At least this time there does not seem to be any criminal charges involved, like with past members.


    One more thing.  What we see on the big screen or the small screen is fantasy.  The performers are real human beings who are not perfect, and we should not idealize them.  We may think we know them, but we do not. 


    Seriously, I don't see why he can't ask his partner for an abortion. We don't know whether he was aware she wasn't on contraceptive. We don't know whether they had discussed having an abortion together. Maybe he approach the topic first, maybe he did really thought he would marry her, then realize it wasn't going to work out.  He did wrong by her by not breaking up cleanly. She did wrong by him by not keeping private conversation private. He trusted her in confidence with things he told her but she destroyed him with what he shared with her. Who doesn't talk about their co-worker or their shitty day with the significant other. People talk and the next day we continue to work with them again, its a form of relieving stress, but she went on a vendetta to destroy his career.  His only mistake would be that he did not communicate properly,  trusted the girl with his thoughts and had unprotected sex. 

  3. 1 hour ago, lilsakus said:

    I've been lurking in Soompi forums for the longest time but finally striven to create an account to pen my thoughts.


    To say I'm disappointed of KSH is inevitable. But we all know that we do not know these idols/actors/actresses in real life, and what we have seen through dramas and variety shows may be just a facade. But I choose to believe that they are sincere in engaging us in their works. Nonetheless, I hope KSH will learn from this episode and turn a better man! It can be seen that he really enjoys acting, and I feel bad that he may have lost his dream in a moment of folly. He could have managed the breakup in a better way and possibly headsup SALT and seek advice from his family for damage control.

    Having said that, this is his private matter and I do not see how this event will impact his skills and talents (except for the toxic cancel and unforgiving culture in K entertainment industry). But sorry to say I do not feel much for A (imo so dont bash me for it). As much as I may pity what happen from woman to woman for the baby, what she has done is so revengeful. What does she hope to accomplish other than being scornful and bringing KSH down from his fame? He will not return to your side, and hope your next guy will see your true colors. 

    I really pray that he recovers though we will probably not see him on screen for a long while (if not ever due to the unforgiving nature of Knetizens). That's very sad as I was looking forward to seeing him each week on 2D1N and his future works. I really enjoyed his past dramas and Homcha. Really crying for KSH for a mistake he made that will affect his career and dream (which is probably a common mistake by any tom RickRoll'D harry except KSH is in the public eye).


    It takes two hands to clap and A is not any better. I deem this incident as one that is a relationship went sour.  but this remains a private matter.  Hope KSH stays strong (he can't quite handle his emotions most times),  self reflect, and comeback at an appropriate time. I am sure his TRUE fans will be waiting for him.  

    Netflix is an option if local tvs are not possible! I'm still and will continue to follow him on insta!

    I agree with your statement.  I hope to see him back soon as he has great acting. Personally, I don't think he is the only one at fault in this relationship. They probably drifted apart already and the baby wasn't going to keep the relationship going but his way of getting the ex to abort may not have been the best approach. She would end up single parent or the child will have an absent parent who wants no part in raising the child. 

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  4. Is this going to be a sad ending where Dam-i lives out her life as a lonely King and perceived gay?


    Or will she be able to abdicate and live out her life with the son of her brother's murderer?


    Or will she fake her own death and live out her life with the son of her brother's murderer?

    On 10/11/2021 at 8:39 PM, Chesleigh said:

    I really like sageuks and with a twist like this (twins!), I'm sure it will be different from any other sageuk stories. I'm not familiar with actual history so I guess it's time to check up on if twins were really considered bad luck in cases like this. :weary:


    Can't wait for tomorrow's episode!

    I am not sure about Korean culture. But in Chinese culture that would be the case. It would be similar. The other twin would need to be removed (killed). Even if they were both boys. Girls no need to say. 


    On 10/12/2021 at 9:54 AM, Ameera Ali said:


    this should have been abs scene, I nearly fall in sleep :D , her bra is so long is enough for whole kingdom to use :lol:



    ** we all know she a girl no need to proof to us director  

    It's not a bra... It's a binder. To flatten her chest... FYI. It's a common prop used in a lot of type of drama to show girls hiding their identity. In this case probably to tell that she uses the silk for such purpose. Also during the horse riding scene she touches her breast cause probably the silk binders getting undone. 

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  5. two more episodes till and its ending already... I can watch them doing mundane things all day.... who's with me?

    Dare I say, its the best drama of 2021? 

    On 10/12/2021 at 10:22 AM, ferily said:

    @STARSX OMG! That last gif of Shin Min Ah and Kim Seon Ho, is that from their Elle photo shoot?


    @anastasia7 I’ve been watching so many Kim Seon Ho videos lately haha.. I love 2D1N! Not only for Seon Ho but the cast. The show is HILARIOUS!!


    Also you make good points about Du Sik too. I also think Du Sik is like to Gam Ri because she also took care of him since he was young. But also maybe she did take care of him a lot during that 5 years. If there is one person who would know about Du Sik’s past, it would be Gam Ri..


    Another thing about Du Sik is exactly what you said @anastasia7.. Du Sik is close with the people in Gongjin but there’s a certain extent that he is close to them and a barrier he puts up. He chooses to not be super close to them because of what happened with his relationship in the past. Basically he chooses not to cross the line between Gongjin people..


    Guys, can Saturday come any sooner? I’m dying to know what happens

    hmm... This is the reason why he charges a minimum fee... 
    He doesn't want people to get close to him and vice versa ...

    See he gave free stuff to Do-Ha's father.... and something made or caused Do-Ha's father to be paraplegic. 

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