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Posts posted by Justme

  1. 6 hours ago, luvlove said:

    Probably. Especially if they are tired of the "false accusations," right? (Ok, right. Obviously not the case or you stay away from the person.) So then why did they do CLOY????


    Because they cannot stay apart. End of discussion. They knew it was a risky, they know K-ent, and it was maybe a bad idea, but they did it anyway. To be together for a while "breathing the same air," as HB said. Could he be any more in love given his wording so much of the time? That's how being head over heels works--you don't care what sounds responsible. Nope, you take big risks. Because being together is all that matters.


    And it paid off for them!!!! Yeah!

    Dear Luvlove,

    I think you're right, maybe that the reason.


    But I think, maybe there is another reason given they are outstanding artist with excellent professionalism, and always wholeheartedly doing their job.

    Maybe - I think - what they were trying to do with CLOY is making a masterpiece together. 
    they know they can do the masterpiece worth their entire life if they work together while "breathing the same air".

    Maybe they thing CLOY is their last chance, because it seems that married couple actor (or just couple) in SoKor cannot work together in the same movie/drama. such a pity, isn't it?


    Sorry for jumping in conversation, I haven't even  a member yet. Just because I love them and their work ... , hope you don't mind

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