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Posts posted by GUADELAIMI

  1. I can't really understand SongHwa's expression when I hear Ikjun's statement, it's like she had a grudge, then even proceeded to push him into the taxi haha, which makes me think that maybe if in the past SongHwa had proposed to him and IJ had rejected her because of the confession she had received from SH.


    I think that SongHwa's character is quite difficult to read since I also didn't understand her reaction when Chihong touched her shoulder, I don't know if it was nerves or discomfort, since she breathed when Chihong got out of the vehicle, if it was nerves you could say that she was feeling something for him.


    I think Chihong is giving up on Songhwa or at least that made me think when he was crying in bed.


    I really think that IJ and Songhwa are endgame but it will be a slow romance, or at least I want to believe, the only thing I know is that I don't want to see IJ sadder, IJ DESERVES HAPPINESS.


    Another thing, I was the only one who noticed that SongHwa when she was playing the band made a forced smile in response to Ikjun's smile, I feel that after the confession she is trying to avoid it, it's very sad I don't want both of them to suffer, Ikjun when SongHwa told her that she was leaving the band didn't even say a word.

    Please excuse my English.




    2 hours ago, GUADELAIMI said:

    Another thing, I was the only one who noticed that SongHwa when she was playing the band made a forced smile in response to Ikjun's smile, I feel that after the confession she is trying to avoid it, it's very sad I don't want both of them to suffer, Ikjun when SongHwa told her that she was leaving the band didn't even say a word.




    this really broke me down, I don't know if this is telling us that Song Hwa has no feelings for Ikjun

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  2. 19 minutes ago, DonnaMae said:


    Me di cuenta de que también, pero como dicen, no se deje engañar por la vista previa :D 



    Mi primer indicio fue Junwan también, pero después de ep.10, me inclino ahora a Jeung-won siendo el primer amor de SongHwa. Esto es puramente mi propia interpretación y conjeturas. No me importa si me equivoco al final, pero sólo quería compartirlo... Bueno, creo que la razón por la que IkJun no persiguió a SongHwa es porque Seong-hyung le dijo a quién le gusta realmente. En su sesión de beber, Después de que SH se fue, bebió un poco más. No creo que Ik-Jun sea del tipo derrotista. Es una persona de fuerte determinación. ¿No ha empezado y ya se ha dado por un acuerdo? simplemente no es él.


    Por lo tanto, no creo que Seong-Hyun sea la razón por la que no persiguió a Song-Hwa... Ep.2 aborda sobre "Cruzar la línea" Quién es la persona con la que no quiere cruzar la línea, No puede ser Seong-Hyun coz ya está fuera.


    De todos modos, es sólo la primera de la serie, es sólo un comienzo, estableciendo el pasado, luego viene el presente y su futuro... Así que no te preocupes por IkJun/SongHwa y otros personajes... Como dicen, el juego no termina hasta que suene el silbato. ;) 


    I have honestly thought of any of them except Seong Hyun and Ikjun for SHwa's first love, Seong Hyun because she rejected him before, and Ikjun because they have taken it so far that who is her first love,  when they could say he is Ikjun from the beginning, and since we were not really shown who SongHwa was following, it is possible that he is not

    But it's like you say wait and see.

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  3. I'm Iksong Shipper but I don't really know if it's just me, but no one else noticed SHwa's discomfort/seriousness when Ikjun has his head on her shoulder in the preview of chapter 11.

    I feel that the Plot Twist will come in that Songhwa likes Chihong, or they have had advances in the relationship off-screen, as we have seen the writer likes to do many things off-screen.

    I'm afraid that SongHwa's first love isn't Ikjun because of her reaction to him, I feel that the one SongHwa followed when they were at university isn't him, but Joon Wan. I can't figure out SongHwa's reaction to Ikjun's indirect confession.

    But it would be a mockery to the viewer that after giving us 10 chapters of Iksong content, it turns out that SongHwa has not even thought about Ikjun in that way. It's true that we've seen everything from Ikjun's point of view and not from SongHwa's, but I hope we won't be disappointed.

    Please writer, don't hurt Ikjun, he deserves everything.

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