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Posts posted by persephone

  1. I need help. Currently, I've been searching for Shinhwa chibi animation. Not exactly sure what they are called, but these are ultra cute animated images of Shinhwa members. I'm trying to make a collage of them. If anyone can assist me, I would be very much grateful. Thank you so much in advance. I'll continue my search :D.

  2. Gosh, I haven't visited this page in like months... very shameful :(

    Been straying off here and there, but it's like a Herculean feat to


    Just popping in to see what's going on. Glad that the Shinhwa love is still going strong

  3. OMG, I've been so behind with this thread. Caught a really bad cold and I've been so sick lately. Barely recovered and had to catch up with 38 pages!

    Gosh, you guys are GOOD. So much information/pics/videos to filter through. I still need to go back and check out most of the goodies.

    Anyway, I was hoping there are some kind souls out there who can help out a very lost Shinhwa fan. I've recently been addicted to Love Letter (mainly the first season with very obvious reasons). The megaupload and sendspace links provided in the LL thread kept dying out on me. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. My only other option is clubbox. Being Korean illiterate... well, that was a huge headache. I consider it a miracle that I was able to establish an id and managed to log on.

    Problem is that the downloads I want with Shinhwa are stuck at 0%. I found out from the clubbox FAQ that the main reason is most likely because the files are very old. Is there anyway to get around this? :tears: . I just want to see Shinhwa in HQ. HELP? My undying gratitude for any assistance...

  4. Just logged on and currently still amazed that DBSK is leading the 2006 Soompi Gayo Award Nominees by a huge margin. Didn't know there was such a large fanbase in Soompi for them.

    Gahhhhhhhhhh, Shinhwa's still in 2nd! :tears::tears::tears: . People, do something!

  5. I've been away for a couple days and all I can say is... WOW! You guys really sped up the pages! I'm impressed. Just need time to go back and check out the numerous posts. Will definitely keep me busy.

    Anyhow, after watching many Shinhwa tributes, I was suddenly inspired to create one as well. One reason is to brush up on my computer skills and another is my great love for Shinhwa. This is my very first attempt at making a video, so please pardon the mediocre technique. The clips I used were not very high quality, but they are the best I could find. Sure wish I had better quality clips though :( . Initially, I didn't think making a video will take very long... but it took me HOURS! Of course, it's also because I'm a beginner :D. Props to those who are highly skilled at this. Any comments and suggestions are much appreciated.

    Download links

    Sendspace: http://www.sendspace.com/file/wo1cdo

    Megaupload: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZP6NXT11



  6. Hi everyone! I need some assistance. I just saw a clip of Shinhwa on Youtube and it seems like they acted in a short drama that took place in ancient time. There's time travel involve as well. This clip is made by a fan in tribute to MW and JJ

    I'm hoping some kind souls can help me locate the full episodes that has the other members. Any information ie title, spoilers, names will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for any help.

  7. labingtatlo - lol... you are such a fanatic, running around promoting Super Rookie. I'm highly impressed by your enthusiastic display of support for Shinhwa. Sadly, I don't have that kind of drive. Yeah, I'm getting too old and my energy isn't what it used to be :( .

    Btw, what kind of candy were you passing around trying to *bribe* people to watch the drama? You're too funny my dear. Super Rookie was an awesome drama. It got me hooked from the very beginning. The weird part is that I like the supporting cast much more than the main cast. The four leads at one point or another all got on my nerves. They were very annoying, but still addictive to watch. My favorite character was and still is the brother. He stole the show for me... :P . Everytime he appeared, just looking at him was enough to send me laughing like crazy. But yeah... I would have helped you passed out candy if I was around. Course, I'll probably end up eating half of it hehehehe...

  8. Okay, now I'm impressed. What a truly meaningful present. Those fans really do think of everything. I'm sure Sungie will be deeply moved by their thoughtfulness. Man, Shinhwa fans are so united and full of spirit! We are lucky to have Shinhwa, but they are also lucky to have such devoted fans.

  9. First off, thank you ever so much for posting those pictures and diary entries, angel2nyt. It's so good to see all the guys together again as a group.

    Secondly, I am so JEALOUS of those Japanese fans! Those diary entries are making me green with envy. I think Shinhwa is being EXTREMELY UNFAIR to the poor fans in other places. Weren't they just recently in Japan back in September? I feel so left out! We get NOTHING here in the US. :tears::(:tears:

    Forgive me for ranting there. Just needed to get it out of my system first. Okay, I'm cool now. Though, still kinda bitter....

  10. Hye Sung and his moustache ---> that's just comical! LOL. Please, Sungie, go shave!

    His "clean-cut prince" image is what he should stick to. Brings out the gentle, mysterious, yet oh so alluring look that initially attracted fans (me included). He can't pull off a moustache like Wannie. I also had a hard time accepting Eric's grungy look.

    I'm just hoping Andy doesn't try to follow his HS hyung and sport a moustache. That would be :crazy::o:(

    Side note - this thread is moving so fast. Took me some time to catch up with all the new postings. Thanks for sharing all the pictures and clips guys. I'm impressed at how resourceful some of you are... especially that picture with Eric and the baby. Btw, who is that lucky baby?!

  11. wanting to touch M is a given already.

    wanting to touch wannie is forbidden. wannie's mine :fury:

    You can't hog Wannie all to yourself, woman! :angry: LOL! SHARE!

    I promise, just a quick touch.... never mind, on second thoughts, if I do get to touch him, I'm latching on and never letting go. Securities will have to pry my hands away. It's gonna be an ugly sight...

  12. strawberry - WATCH SPIN KICK! I highly, HIGHLY recommend it. I promise you won't regret it.

    Wannie is just plain awesome in it. He's just so quick on his feet. I was impressed by his acting. My man has so many talents :P . A big plus is seeing his GORGEOUS ABS *drooling*. K, I better stop... I'm starting to sound too perverted :blush: .

  13. exactly

    i dont think sungie and andy needs to build more muscles

    this will be too much for our eyes

    especially andy, i feel really guilty when i see him sexy

    i dont know why..

    I have the same problem. There is just no way I can consider HS and Andy as being sexy. One is the gentle Little Prince in my heart and the other is the sweet, innocent baby of the group. Andy seems like a little brother that needs protection from the evils of this word. Which is weird because he's older than me and freakishly strong. So yeah, can't imagine them all dark and muscular like Min Woo.

  14. I've heard HS wants to build more muscles and JJ wants to tone down his. JJ looks great. I saw some of HS's new pics while he was practicing/rehearsing for his albums.... and I believe he even lost weight. Yup, our Little Prince still looks quite fragile :D . But in his defense, some people just have body types are really difficult to sculpt. I've noticed that when he gains weight, it shows more in his face. But I still love him. There's no need to build muscles, Sungie! You're perfect just the way you are :blush: .

  15. x_sadendings – Thanks for helpful tip. I’ve managed to download the clips. Now, just need to convert them over to mpeg files. Still working on that.

    labingtatlo – MW is not the only one I want to touch *sounding too perverted?* :blush: . I wouldn’t mind if it’s any of the other members. Mostly my Wannie. God, they just have such droolicious bods!

    I think Andy is the only one that doesn’t have a six pack. In Xman during the Of Course game, it was really funny how he was labeled as the one with the worse body among Shinhwa members. Ah, sweet Andy got a bit upset. We still love him with fabulous abs or not.

    Gosh, there's been a lot of news on JJ lately. He's so out and about. Making such good progress. I'm proud of his achievements and charity work! Will definitely look forward to his next drama. What he said about Shinhwa Junior was ever so cute. That will be the day all fans are waiting for...

    Keep fighting, oppas!

  16. harumi_chikamatsu - You are absolutely an angel! Ah, wish I could give you a giant bear hug! I was searching around soompi for directions, but there is just so many threads and I get lost easily. Oh man, I'm going to hibernate and start downloading like crazy. My computer is gonna be like :wacko:

    Thanks again, my dear! I owe you. :D

  17. I've been trying to figure out how to download from clubbox for awhile now, but no such luck. It would help a lot if the site had English words for some type of guidance. As much as I want to learn Korean, I'm not too good with learning different languages :tears: . Any kind souls out there willing to help a lost fan? I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

  18. Thank you for the loads of Shinhwa pictures. I'm drooling :blush: . LOL, MW is always stripping for the fans! I'm so jealous! I also want to touch his abs, just to see how hard he's trained his muscles... yeah, wishful thinking. If it does happen, I'll probably squeal and then faint, or faint and then squeal. No specific order :P .

    My devotion to the guys is still running strong. They are the LEGEND! How can anyone consider them old? :angry: . Mature and wise = yes :D . Old = HELL NO!

  19. What I meant in "money" was refering to him being a celebrity = money. Once you become famous, you have makeup artists, hair stylists, image consultants, etc to help you look your best. The transformation for many artists can be quite amazing. And I'm not refering to those who have surgeries. If you undergo surgery, it's a given that you'll look better... at least you're supposed to look better. Otherwise, it's money down the drain.

    Anyway, sorry for the confusion and for babbling on like this...

  20. Wow! So many wonderful pictures of Shinhwa!

    labingtatlo - those Eric and HS pictures are so very cute. I love them. Shows their bond and love for each other. Thanks for sharing them with us! Although my favorite pair is still Eric with sweet baby Andy :D

    qaxlod - thanks for reposting those MW pictures. He is looking GOOD! The man exudes a confident sexiness that is just so natural. I just want to pinch his cheeks and hug him to death! :D

    lynnshim - much appreciate the time and effort it took to scan and share those Andy pics. I can barely recognize him. Still very cute, but he looks a lot better now. What time and money can do for one's image.

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