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Posts posted by Ttalgi~

  1. 5 hours ago, Phoenix88 said:

    It's on episode 16 near the end at the paragliding reunion the French kiss :kiss_wink:


    You guys making me search "French kiss" and watched "that" scene too many times just to see it but I failed. :sweat_smile:

    Now, my mouth feels wet(?). (Shoppers making me pervert. I hate you guys!)  :joy:

    On a side note, I really love Yejin's face while they were kissing. It's like, "A precious moment of satisfactions that made you weep for joy after the very long wait. (I felt that! It's so strong.)  :bawling:

    • LOL 17
  2. 13 hours ago, Siti Masithah said:

    Honestly, I am married and so used to french kiss, but this always send butterflies to my stomach, EVERY TIME! especially when HB was reciprocating SYJ's tongue by shoving his into her mouth....man....#hot


    I'm sorry I don't wanna sound indecent or something but I keep seeing about the "french kiss" in CLOY. In what particular scene was that?  :tounge_xd:

    • LOL 4
  3. 2 hours ago, Wol-sook said:

    I always find it so sweet when SYJ ruffles HB’s hair during the hospital BTS, then fix it back just like what she did in the scene... I think this is a huge giveaway because this act is so intimate. Will coworkers/ friends do that? I am really doubtful....(Especially HB... allowing her to do that without feeling awkward and uncomfortable, he looks so natural and even enjoying it :sweat_smile:)

    I think none of HB’s costar gets to this level of intimacy with him off screen. I HAVE TO REITERATE, BOTH ARE SHOUTING “WE ARE TOGETHER” THROUGH THEIR ACTONS!!! 

    My delulu heart is always racing whenever I see that part... thanks editors/ 2ri couple allowing this to be shown to all the fans. And am pretty sure tons of scenes like this have been left in the editor’s floor:dissapointed_relieved: 

    hopefully some of the scenes will be put back on in the dvd... let’s pray intently:blush:


    Remember when Yejin first impression with Binnie was very specific. "He has a good skin and soft hair. It looks really silky." (something like that.) She didn't just plainly say "handsome, tall, cute, nice, etc." That comment sounds a bit eccentric, honestly. (Is it only me?) LOL. They didn't even had any skinship in TN. How does she knew his hair is.... soft(?)  :smirk:  She must have stared with Binnie a lot than we see.  (Or she's just really into hair?)  :tounge_xd:

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  4. On 2/20/2020 at 11:15 PM, binjinunnie said:

    During The Negotiation filming, HB still has a girlfriend. However, they announced the breakup in December 2017. We’re not sure, however, if they broke up in December or if it was only reported in December. Regardless, I read a post here that HB would go out during TN break to eat lunch with KSR. Not sure if this is true. Pls verify. 


    I think SYJ wouldn’t post the cute selcas of HB on her Instagran account multiple times if they are already dating that time. She would be more cautious than that. Maybe, they’re just attracted to each other during that time hence the pink bubble and flirty looks during interviews. (September 2018) 

    I guess their relationship flourished after TN promotion when they were seen by fans golfing together (November 2018) 



    - I'm sorry if I will talk about KSR here but I need to mention her to analyze how our BinJin grew closer over time. -

    I watched that video about Binnie and KSR relationship that was released in October 2017. The last time they were seen in public was in early April 2017 watching a musical play together from a NaverPost. That's all. The lunch thing was just from a report but no witnesses. Then they announced break-up news in December. Their reason was busy schedules so they grown apart. If we look at the TL of both parties (announced schedules), Binnie was busy with "CA promotions" (Jan 2017), "TN filming" (June-Aug 2017), "The Swindler promotions" (November 2017) "Rampant filming" (Sept.-Feb 2018) then he went on 2-3 months vacation (He said this in an IV's). While KSR was busy with "Um Bokdong filming" (April-Sept 2017) and "Revolutionary love" (Sept-Dec 2017) then vacation base on her IG post. As we can see, they were both really busy during 2017. I believed they broke up about 2-3 months ago (Around Sept. I guess cause this the only month they both have time to spare to talk about it before they proceed w/ their own schedules.) They just decided to announced it in December as a consideration for KSR since her drama was still airing early that month. (If the broke-up process was really just happened in Dec.) Why would they broke-up in when finally KSR has free time and it's just a month away before Binnie concluded his filming with Rampant if time was just the only reason behind their split???

    I would like to settle it with the thoughts that "their relationship was still in Getting-to-each-other stage and wasn't serious enough to be tested thru time." Now, if we compare it with our BinJin situation, Yejin was busy with "TN filming" (June- early Aug 2017), "BWY Filming" (Aug-Nov 2017). The she went on vacation base on her IG post. So she was busy, too. 

    Then BinJin started promoting "TN" in September 2018 displaying as "close friends" behavior?

    My thoughts are, they keep in touch and see each other even after filming "TN". (for sure). They are hinting us they are "close" and want public opinion about their pairing so Yejin posted those cute selcas in her IG. If they're not already together during TN promotion, why would she wanted to be link with a man she wasn't sure about knowing how careful she is when it comes to dating scandal? Their relationship deepens as they spend more time together during the promo and started planning trip abroad. (I know meeting with parents has been going on around many times but we can't be sure about it since there's no photo to prove it.)  


    I hate the thoughts of "third party" to be tag w/ BinJin, too. That sounds absurd! There are so many possible reasons why couples broke-up (Time, the relationship didn't work out, No spark, lost of interest, etc.). It's not impossible to develop a feeling or interest with somebody even while you're seeing someone. It's very normal. The only thing that matter is how you handle that situation and make sure no one will get hurt at the end. And I think BinJin was matured enough to think about that. They wouldn't wanna start a relationship as "third party".      




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  5. 3 hours ago, queenie said:

    You are right, all the questions in presscon was filtered but reporters still find a way to walk around the bush, that's why HB, YJ and director were laughing at the question because everyone knows what's behind it. I watched a video on YT the other day from Taiwanese reporter who was in the CLOY presscon, it's pretty interesting. I will translate below


    [A] Ethan, since you were there seeing them at close distance (CLOY presscon), did you notice anything interesting?

    [Ethan]: Actually, all everyone (reporters at presscon) cares about was their chemistry. 

    [Others agreeing]: Yea, are rumors true? Instagram pics are so intimate just like couples

    [Ethan]: This topic is not only hot within Taiwanese fan, but even Korean reporters are also very curious. That's why all Korean reporters' questions in the presscon were actually submitted 2-4 weeks in advance. 

    [Other] What, is this North Korean (joking)

    [Ethan]: No it's true, there is censorship. Not only private interview but even presscon, all questions must be checked and approved by their label (management company). Only if they are ok with the question, you can ask it. 

    Thats why there is a funny story that during the presscon, a Korean reporter ask: "Because you two have been denied the dating rumors TWICE, does it become a burden in your future cooperation"Everyone reporters in the room knows what he really want to ask, and burst out laughing. |||(the question was around the bush and not directly ask whether dating rumor is true or not, but ask about future cooperation during dating rumors which is very wise. If you watch video of presscon, you will see BinJIn and director also laughing at this question)|||


    [A] Reporters all think "yea, someone mention it so there is something to write now, finally!" 

    [Ethan]: Yea, HB & SYJ gave a very safe answer "They receive this drama based on the script and it's no harm cooperating with each other again". However, we were there seeing their reaction and how they interact with each other, there is really something suspicious. They are very very natural and cute with each other, it's like what we are seeing in the drama now. There are many many pink bubbles. Moreover, even though SYJ and HB are born in same year, in term of career age, SYJ is a senior. That's why when they interact, it mimics what happens in CLOY. She will tease him, then he will be embarrassed "Oops, did I do something wrong" (because he's younger, he's afraid he do something impolite). Those actions keep happening , so it's really interesting to witness.


    Wow! Thanks for this info! I knew they did filtered the questions. (Haha). No wonder the reporter stuttered while asking "that" question cause maybe she revised a bit of the original question that's why Binnie gave a frown face and acted like he didn't quite catch the question. (Well, we saw him holding his smile even from the very beginning of the question.) LOL! 

    Tho the thoughts of them being considerate not to divert the attention of the viewers to their rumors instead of the drama itself is one of the reason they don't want to talk about it during the presscon. But, they denied the rumors twice already so isn't it the great timing to clear the misunderstanding of the "close friend" at presscon if they're really not dating like what other rumored celebrities do in their presscon. Seems like the media and Tvn were cooperating in killing the attention of the public. They had every chances to denied the rumors in person, actually. After all the interviews, presscon and promotional activities but they chose to keep quite about it. (seems like they really wanted in keep their relationship private). 


    And by the way, (Just a hunch) You know, maybe Dispatch will release their dating story this year or early next year. It's quite unusual they didn't reveal A-list celebrity couple like they annually do. The only year that they didn't revealed any couple was in 2017 due to political scandal with ex president but after few months that year, they released Song-Song Couple pictures following their marriage announcement. There isn't any political  or significant issues to focus about in korea last January. It's BinJin we're talking about. There's no way Dispatch will leave such a big scoop. (Sounds like there is an agreement happening w/ them. They even skip Heechul and Momo knowing they're both popular individuals, too.) Looks like they are waiting for something huge to reveal. Sooo..... maybe??? (OMG My heart can't handle this thoughts.) *Smiling like a fool* 


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