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Posts posted by Julita165

  1. I wonder what he said exactly because I don't know korean at all and in english translation it was "nothing special ( nope )" as his answer if he has a gf. Strange. As I see it nothing special means smth else than nope. Nothing special can mean he's meating a girl but that is not that kind of relationship to call her his gf. Nope means just no, strict and simple, he's not meating any girl. 

    Let's presume he said he doesn't have a gf just to hide the fact he has one becoz of his fans. Ok, but it wasn't a live stream. It was prepared before. So what's the point to release this question ? They could just talk about smth else, there was no need to talk about gf, marriage and so. If he indeed has a gf I see only answere. He's just a naughty boy who likes to joke. He knows the question if he has a gf and who is she is a hot one and just wants to tease fans. 

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  2. One more thing. I was wondering if it's even possible to hide a relationship for such a long period of time when both parties are celebrities. And it seems possible. I found information in internet about 2 korean actors ( or an actor and a singer, forgot their names ) who managed not only hide dating but even marriage ! One of them was hidding not only that he's married but also 2 kids. He's been doing it for 11 years ! The other one's story is quite similar to JCW & NJH. He met a girl a few months before enlistment, they planed wedding after his discharge but shortly before he went to the army it turned out the girl was pregnant so they married secretely. He reaveld it after 2 years. Of course non of them was that famous like JCW but still that's quite incredible. And it also shows how crazy korean EI must be that is's such a huge problem for actors to be open about they romantic relationships. 


  3. On 8/19/2020 at 8:53 AM, vp98215 said:

    hey am new here.. i didnt know soompi had a forum and found it a couple of weeks ago.. i read most of the comments on this forum and my shipping heart fluttered reading all those comments..


    i watched SP when it was on air and at that time i was new to kdramas.. at that time it was one of the dramas i watched and then forgot after a while.. but recently i rewatched it and enjoyed it more than the first time.. then i ended up watching all of the bts and even started shipping jcw and njh.. i liked them as a couple and their kissing scene when i first saw the drama 3 yrs back but didnt ship them as i didnt watch the bts back then.. even then my shipping was very platonic but after stalking this forum and watching a couple of jcw's ivs mentioning njh my shipping got a bit more intense esp him mentioning her right after getting out of the army.. i guess if it wasnt for that iv, the ship wouldnt have survived this long..

    i followed backstreet rookie and watched the bts as well.. just out of curiosity i watched the bts of melting me softly as well but jcw is not as playful or touchy feely with kim yoo jung or his MMS costar even though he seemed to be more comfortable with kyj than MMS costar.. i get him keeping a distance with kyj as she is very young but didnt get why he seems so distant with his MMS costar.. before that he was very friendly with his K2 and healer costars.. with njh it was on a whole different level..


    after watching all those bts from BR and MMS, i personally feel he is in a relationship and dont want any rumors with his costars like before.. whether the girl is nam ji hyun or not is the question.. as a shipper i wish its njh and if its her i dont want them to get exposed by dispatch.. let them date in peace..


    whether they are together or not, i really want to see them together again on a drama.. nowadays kdrama has started to recast leads together like lee dong wook and yooinah, vagabong leads etc.. i hope some drama cast njh and jcw again in a romantic drama again.. they will surely set the screen on fire again..

    I agree with you that JCW's behaviour in MMS and BR bts suggests that he can be in  a relationship. I watched bts not only from SP but also from Healer and K2. He acts different not only in SP bts but also in Healer and K2 bts that in MMS & BR bts ( of course not to the point how he acted in SP bts ), especially Healer is suspicious, it could be smth between him & PMY at that time. With Yoona it's indeed smth like between friends. But there are 2 things to consider. 1. In MMS it was a complete failure to pair him with the actress ( forgot her name ) 2. In BR it was a real huge age diffrence with KYJ. I liked them together in a drama, they fit the roles well but it's hard to imagine them as a real life couple. I'm waiting for this City couple way of love drama. Kim Ji Won looks like a perfect match for JCW and there are going to be a lot of romantic scenes. That could show us smth. 

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  4. I tought so, chances = 0 :). Anyway, glad I'v found this thread. Really, it was a great fun to read it ( I'v read most of posts ), especially from the start to JCW enlistment. That searching for evidences almost like a detective job :).  Chapeau bas ! 

    I'm not very familiar with kdramas. In my part of the world they are almost unknown, only in the internet and maybe smth on netflix. A couple of years ago I spend 2 weeks in hospital, out of boredom I searched the internet and that's how I even realised kdrama exist. I watched a few back then and came back to this habit during recent covid quarantine when I discovered JCW. That guy defenetely have smth that makes me glued to the monitor. Honestly it's hard to take eyes off him :).

    Regarding SP drama, rom com is not not my favourite genre, I prefer action, thriller ( K2 ! ) but after watching SP I must say I liked it and I after watching it I wanted to check smth on youtube and found those BTS, no cut kissing scenes...That was smth. As I see it romance scenes in kdramas are very very innocent, nothing really sexual, and completely out of nowhere such kissing ! What's interesting, considering the whole atmosphere of the drama, pretty light, it defenetely wasn't expected ( and was not shown in the drama ). It must have come from their own desires, or I should say from JCW desires, but NJH responded willingly. Indeed drama within drama,  bts + this thread  are much better than the actual drama.  I'm absolutely sure it must have been smth between JCW&NJH, especially from his side ( but NJH was well aware of it. She was 21-22 yrs old, not 15. Every woman of her age would easilly recognise signs of guy's interest ) and it continued after the drama ended, at least for some time. If it still exists ? I have no idea but I hope so bcoz those feelings looked beautiful. And I like this thread, I want it lasts :D.

    One other thing. I can't quite understand that problem with to hide dating ? At least from JCW side ( bcoz NJH was very young, starting her adult career, it's obvious she wouldn't like people think she's taking some kind of advantage from relationship  with such a star like JCW ), that "fans problem". What is it about ? What the hell people have to say about smb else relationships ( even if it's the actor I like ) and why care about it ? 


  5. Hello everyone.

    I'm new and terribly late for this ship. How I found it isn't important right now but even if I'm late I come with a "small gift".

    Everybody was wondering if NJH visited JCW in the army or not ( not counting her visit at his musical ).

    This is what I found at vietnamese facebook fanpage ( I really must have reached the end of internet )




    It was posted Jun 29th 2018. It starts with JCW standing up from the table he was sitting at to talk to people who were making this film and when a guy in a dark blue T-shirt is moving away you can see a women sitting at the same table. The quality of the film is poor, you can see her only for a blink of an eye so I can't tell who she is for 100% but it"s definetely a young woman with long hair. They all say smth but I cant't understand even one word. I don't know korean at all. And I'm wondering...JCW looks very happy and at the same time a little bit nervous.

    I dont't know vietnamese as well but using google translator I translated the post to my mothertongue at it was smth about being close to love...

    It's also interesting where this clip was made. If you look to earlier post or 2 you can see it was obviously made in the military base ( the same room in another pictures with JCW and a few different people, incl. soldiers ) probably during some kind of event for soldier's families and friends. It's even called "family day" or similar.


    Maybe someone have a better eye or can understand what they are saying. It wound be great to know if this woman is NJH or smb else. It's hard to belive she's NJH and it didn't leak.




  6. It's really nice to see the kids growing and I'm sure SIG is extremely happy as a father but I have a feeling that he gave up his acting career after he had the triplets. Which is very sad for me as a fan who "found" him last December. I'm afraid we won't see his new production, ever. Maybe he will do smth on the stage, but not for TV or cinema. Really sad because he really is talented actor with great potencial. 

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