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Posts posted by Flipps87

  1. Can't believe I just created an account just to comment here :rolleyes:

    I'm a 31 year old business woman and I can't stop watching/reading BL drama. I think I need help! :lol: 

    Thank you so much for all these posts and regular updates for us international fans of YuZhou! I NEVER thought I would EVER be so Addicted to ANY BL drama series in my life, until 1 year ago. It has captivated me and inspired me to draw BL illustrations and write BL stories. 

    But all fun aside, I just wanted to show my appreciation for this forum and how you all have helped me to understand what happened to this series and the actors after the horrible injustice in 2016. It only shined a light on how important, we, as a community should support the right thing, because things WILL change, they ALWAYS have and they ALWAYS will. It's just about when. 

    I hope one day ZZ and JY will be able to meet publicly again, weather as friends or more, because as celebrities they would be a huge impact for the LGBTQ community and would help millions of chinese gay people to fight for their rights.

    From my personal view, one of my girl friends is dating a chinese girl. The first time I met her she told me to not take any photos of her or tag her on any picture because she didn't want anyone from her family or community to accidentally see her with her girlfriend. She is 28 years old, well educated and smart woman, but she still can't be herself and has to constantly be on guard with her private life. It tore my heart hearing this, because in my country, being gay is perfectly fine. So, it's horrible how laws of a country can infect people's private lifes like that. 

    But until then, fight with them by supporting your local LGBTQ communities and continue to spread positivity into the world and never feel ashamed for love :wub:   it's the most beautiful thing we have in this world and there will always be people around who support it!


    Thanks again! 

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