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Posts posted by brutalix

  1. On 9/21/2018 at 9:40 AM, ChloeR said:

    @lyserose I watched it with vietsubs so i might have missed out on the dialogue but I assumed the Empress Dowager didnt want to see/forgive the emperor as of yet. At that time, Yingluo was with the empress dowager at the Yuanming garden? Thus, Qianlong and Yingluo ended up not seeing each other for 3 years? 


    The Dowager was helping Yingluo to make the Emperor miss her as he wouldnt be able to see or hear him. But at that part i was slightly confused, as to why she did that, and seeing the Dowager has quite a large group with her on her journey to Yuanming garden, i wonder why she need to feign sick to escape from Xian Fei in the first place...and since Xian Fei is so daring to try poison her in the Dowager's house, why she didnt try to send assassins to Yuanming, then after that Xian Fei seems to completely stop tryin to kill the Dowager...kinda strange or maybe i missed something? 


    2 hours ago, believed said:

    Hi! I'm new here but I've been reading this thread to keep up to date (and have really enjoyed the discussion about who Yingluo loves more). I've just finished the episodes, but since there have been no subs, I haven't been clear on every single word. I wanted to ask about the episode

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    where Consort Shun's real motives are revealed. Can someone translate/recap what exactly she wanted to do to the Emperor/Fuheng/Yingluo? And how the rest of them figured it out and began to doubt her?

    Thank you so much and I really hope there are subs soon!!


    Shun Fei was send to Qianlong as a gift of peace from a neighboring country, after they lost a war, against her own will and her family was broken up, she wanted to take revenge on Qianlong and make him suffer same way by helping Yingluo to elope with Fuheng(Shun Fei knew Qianlong is very fond of her), but her plan backfired spectacularly:D Because Qianlong already knew Shun Fei was married with children, but he play along to see if Yingluo would really elope with Fuheng, to test her love to Qianlong, so he was happy both of them did not

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  2. I think this video explains quite well why Yingluo & Qianlong makes a better couple instead of with Fuheng, and halfway through i believe Qinlan realized that as why when she said to Qianlong, Yingluo was her hope. Maybe deep down inside she knows Yingluo will truly makes a real good wife as well as a good Empress to Qianlong? Also, considering Qianlong's outright dotes, tolerances and sacrifices to Yingluo throughout the show totally outweighs Fuheng's devotion & love IMO.


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  3. On 9/19/2018 at 8:39 AM, lyserose said:

    @brutalix I don't necessarily meant "cold hearted" as a bad thing but one needs to really be that determined to never look back as in the case of Yingluo. Like Qing Lian told Fu Heng, a person like Yingluo would just throw away everything, not only the memory but also the person himself and move forward. Ones really need to be lacking that emotion to be able to act that way and Yingluo is. She is not the romantic type for sure and above anything else, she is most of all about survival and thriving.


    One thing that confused me a lot in this series is the word "favorite". Cause it's really funny how during her minor fallout with the emperor (circa episode 45-47), she's been branded his favorite in a second and no longer his favorite in another second. My conclusion in the end, favourite simply means the one the Emperor visited the most frequent. 


    Another dialogue that intrigued me was when Consort Chun was confronted and warned by the Emperor over the "horse falling" incident. Consort Chun told the emperor that ever since Yingluo becoming his favorite, she "never allowed" him to visit his other consorts unlike when she (Consort Chun) was his favorite prior to Yingluo's arrival, where she advised the Emperor to be fair to his other concubines. I knew an episode earlier Yingluo sabotaged his visits to Consort Chun with that poetic kite and musical lanterns but I thought she only meant to do so to intimidate Consort Chun but not the rest of the powerless concubines.


    This part when Qin Lan spoke about Yingluo was at the beginning before her revenge, but in the later part when Qin Lan knows Yingluo much better and after her revenge for her sister was fulfilled, Qin Lan decided to bless Fuheng and Yingluo together, and it was her great desire to bring both of them happiness, and told Yingluo she would grant her a grand dowry to marry her off in splendour, she even went to speak to Qianlong for their marriage...which was also why Qin Lan was so mad and grief-stricken when Fuheng marry Er Qing to save Yingluo, because she knows Yingluo will be very sad and never forgive Fuheng, and Fuheng will regret for the rest of his life, and that Yingluo will love someone deeply enough to die togther with her loved ones than be saved but be betrayed.

    At the finale episode at the end, Xian Fei asked Yingluo to reveal how she managed to make Qianlong love Yingluo so much, while Xian Fei despite all her efforts throughout decade of years are unable to get Qianlong's one bit of love....i think was proof that Qianlong all along have love Yingluo only and that all his past words & actions were just to try spite Yingluo for jealousy or to punish Yingluo whenever she does wrong as a fair & just Emperor/Husband/person but deep down he truly love her and always thinks of her.

    As for Yingluo's past actions to get Qianlong to visit her instead of the other concubines is an interesting point of debate on whether she did it purely out of her motive to get Qianlong's love or just her deep love for him  that doesnt want to share with any other concubines, but one thing for sure, she made him come to visit her voluntarily and have not once requested in words to him, and never harm other people just to make Qianlong lose his love on others just to love her more. I think apart from Qinlan and Xian Fei that truly loves Qianlong, the rest of the concubines were loving him for material gains & power, whereas Yingluo requested neither and never faked her words & actions to him but she never openly declare her love, only say she will spend her remaining life to answer him on how much she loves him...i think that speaks volumes!




    On 9/19/2018 at 10:51 AM, Cedric Ong said:




    Btw i ever read one history documentary...it said in real life, probably wont see even half of all these plotting, framing and poisoning as seen in dramas...those consorts won't take so much risk of themselves and their families.


    I think thats what make Story of Yanxi Palace so much interesting and enjoyable to watch, it takes the unexpected and unimaginable path in terms of characters' personalities and actions, as well as the pace and sequence of events were all acted out in light speed, 1~3 episodes and the villains' plots were disclosed and gets their retributions, then new villains comes into the picture.....those traditional period soap dramas are normally so draggy and slow which seriously bored the hell out of me, I have never love watching such shows especially for Qing period dramas but im was really pleasant surprised watching this show and actually watched every single dialogs in every episodes:)

    Another thing that makes this show so unique & nice to watch...the actors & actresses dedication & efforts....not many  drama shows around the world would put that much effort in their off-screen time, considering the amt of money they were paid


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  4. 7 hours ago, lyserose said:

    The lesson learnt is simple, that is no one can actually defies the power of destiny. Yingluo is destined to become Qianlong's consort and despite that he actually banished her out of the Forbidden City and ordered her to never ever set her feet there ever again, not seeing each other for 3 years and so on, fate simply brought them together.  I am not Chinese and according to our belief, they are two fates that no man can ever change - marriage/coupling and death.


    I agree to this. But Fuheng has also been warned by the Empress that Yingluo is too strong-headed for a girl. She is capable to really love and really hate someone and that she could never ever accepted betrayal and in this case, even when she knew he did it to save her, she couldn't accept it. Plus, she is too independent to actually allow a man to save her and made that ultimate decision for her (even with her best interest at heart). In a way, she is a bit cold-hearted. It's the same like how she treated the emperor. She could toy around with his feelings before gradually love him. But I always like strong character heroine and that's why I understand where she comes from.


    On giving Fuheng a cold shoulder....well, she is married to the Emperor who never felt intimidated by anyone when come to love except for Fuheng. So, I understand why she just couldn't bother. She also got into so much trouble because of her past history with Fuheng. Also, he is married and she is also the Emperor's woman, what good could come out of it - I mean to look at him and be reminisced of their pasts. But despite her cold exterior, you know that Fuheng holds a special place in her heart. He is after all, her first love and a big presence in her life. 


    Actually I think some misunderstood Yingluo for being cold-hearted, she is the type that uses actions rather than words to show her love, which is why in the last episode, she replied to Xian Fei, :"The first person to open mouth, loses"

    Yingluo i believe is a person that once she decide to love, she doesnt look back, but if you ever betray her once, its all over.

    In the begining, the Empress has hesitation of Fuheng and Yingluo's relationship because of Yingluo's revenge yet to be carried out, but after 裕太妃 death, the Empress have already decided to fulfill both Fuheng and Yingluo happiness with marriage. Which i believe it would happen if it werent for Yuan Chunwang's instigation and Er Qing's selfish & jealous love for Fuheng that lead Fuheng to stupidly propsed to the Emperor for their marriage in order to save Yingluo from prison. Even the Empress scolded Fuheng and know Yingluo well enough that she is prepared to die together with Fuheng than to see him marrying another woman, and told Fuheng, Yingluo would never forgive him (which turns out to be true by Yingluo's reaction after that)

    When Yingluo found out from MingYu later at Yuanming garden about the Empress's real cause of death, she was shown contemplating on her thoughts of being a consort to the Emperor. I think that was the time she decide to start fully working towards loving the Emperor and never look back, only concentrate on moving forward.

    She knows of Fuheng deep feelings for her but because both are married and have their own commitments to honor, she didnt and couldnt show any signs to Fuheng and maintain her faithfulness to the Emperor, out of respect & honor to the Emperor as well as to Fuheng safe-being, even when they could plot to elope together, they didnt.


    But i did wonder at the point when Yingluo executed Er Qing, if there's any ways to be kicked out by the Emperor, so that she could go to be with Fuheng but i think its virtually impossible, seeing all the consorts are confined in the Forbidden City until their death...

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  5. 12 hours ago, Cedric Ong said:

    That very period when Yingluo was going to be punished...might be a uncertainty. Maybe there are other ways to save her..or stall for time at least. But sometimes to save someone...u cant think too much and just seek the best way that is shown to u. In this case....Er Qing...and if i remember correctly, Yuan Chun Wang played their parts to sort of "guide" Fuheng to that decision....though it is still his to make in the end. Ya...if he failed to save her life...guess it will be a worse regret than to lose her to another guy.

    The part that mostly people sad about the love story between Yingluo and Fucheng is that Yingluo decided to move on without holding back, but Fucheng decided to honor his promise made to her that he will protect and wait for her for the entire life. And he did that all the way till death with no consideration for any other girls for his entire whole life, while all the time looking out for her well being...thus his last dying speech makes it even more sad....:"This whole life I have looked after you, I think its already enough, in next life can you look after me instead?"

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