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Posts posted by 2b2k

  1. 54 minutes ago, rubie said:

    @2b2k Personally, I don't think there will be a Season 2 for MR.SUNSHINE thus the persisting sinking feeling that we might lose one or two or all the fictional key players of the drama, in line the reality of the history it's based on. However, I might be wrong since the drama was sold to Netflix, who knows what KES and the production have in plan for the future. I just thought it is like the normally normal Korean drama we've seen all year round, it's filmed to air either 16 or 24 or 50 episodes and that's it. Not to mention that the budget was one of the highest, and luckily the drama achieves the desired high ratings and pretty amazing responses despite the earlier hiccup -- the character(s) controversy and petition, etc.


    There could be a spin-off but that would mean not all the original cast would be in it. Many of them are movie actors as well, and taking a year off for a drama this magnitude might be quite impossible for them to commit (again).


    What will Saturday bring :sweatingbullets:.. it's inevitable something bad and something sad will be a part of it :(..


    Thank you for your insight which sadly makes total sense. This is my first Korean drama so I was uncertain how it works. Plus, I was praying these characters, the incredible scenery, the superb acting by all involved coupled with the complex and moving writing and directing could continue evermore.  But I guess all great stories eventually end and so must this one. I will just treasure the reruns and maybe a spin-off or prequel will occur someday. I think a spin-off idea would be the lives of HN, DM & HS while they were in Japan prior to returning to Joseon. 

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  2. Can someone please tell me if there is a Season 2 planned for this remarkable drama? I fear if no Season 2 is planned then all of the 5 leads will perish in the remaining two episodes which will break my heart.


    Btw, I hope the 3 other lead actors (Yoo Yeon-Seok, Kim Min-Jung & Byun Yo-Han) will also be acknowledged by the Korean film industry for their amazing work in Mr. Sunshine.


    Thank you to all forum participants for all the insights and especially translations you have provided.

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  3. Wondering if HN is hurt and needs to hide, if DM would take her to the nuns who cared for and protected her mother. The beach where the piggyback scene in the ep23 preview appears to be the same location where DM & HN walked in ep21 after HN visited where her mother died and is buried. This waiting is driving me crazy so my mind is developing all kinds of theories. 

    • Like 7
  4. Brilliant theory about the blow struck by the Boss against DM. I did think it was odd that a master samurai would not cut DM’s throat. Now do you have any ideas who saved DM from the sea? Did he save himself or did he have help like the potter’s apprentice or AS’s father’s friend/mom’s cousin? I also loved your insight into DM’s reaction to the potter’s apprentice and how the woman in his life want him to live. The forum is wonderful way to learn from others and see the same drama from different perspectives.  

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  5. OMG ep 22! Thank goodness DM is alive. DM like the other orphans (AS, HK, EC & SG) are total bad a$$es and off the chart survivors. Now RA has lost SG (very sad - but died a hero like his father) but gained EC and DM. Two amazing swordsman/woman & two amazing sharp shooters. Now that’s power. No more Glory Hotel so HK & DM can fight side by side for the same cause as AS & EC. I hope DM & HK realize they are a perfect pair like AS & EC. No previews for EP 23 & two wks to wait. Well I guess I’ll just have to binge watch older eps to help the time pass and so the count down begins...

    • Like 7
  6. I pray you are right that DM doesn’t die. I love this show. I’m actually obsessed watching episodes over and over again to try to catch all the items posters like you are so  perceptive to notice. I’m an optimist and a die hard romantic so I want to see these characters who have such tragedies in their lives actually know happiness, love and sunshine. I so hope their dark clouds have silver linings. I hope they all have 9 lives given DM almost died once, I hope he has at least 8 left & that he finds true love w HK. I was wondering how odd it was that DM patted HK back during their embrace on the beach. Do you think he never learned about Love similar to how AS didn’t understand about Love? Given his youth and the rough group of thugs he became a part of maybe he doesn’t really know how to show affection. Any ideas about this? 

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  7. AS considered him a traitor to a country who treated him less than an animal and lead to the death of his parents. His only chance to survive was to sell his only skill with knives to the only people who could accept him in a foreign land. It’s much easier to be loyal to a society when you were born into the highest class than it is when that same country took everything from you including your parents almost your life and never would see you more than a butcher. Are you really a traitor if your home country treats wanted to kill you because your mother killed a commoner who raped her? Are you  really a traitor when all you wanted to do to survive in order to return to see the girl you love and the only way to survive was to become a thug? Are you really a traitor when you save a freedom fighter who then shoots you, you are almost beaten to death to protect a grandfather and his family, you protect a known RA (AS) which results in your Boss and your adopted country to turn against you? In the end, I hope AS realizes DM was never a traitor to her or the others he cared for. Isn’t more noble to be loyal to people in your life than a country whose class system lead to you becoming an orphan. 

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  8. Based on preview for Ep22, it appears DM will lose his life because of best intentions of HK & Hotaru and promise DM made to protect AS. HK informed DM of Hotaru’s telegram to Japan to protect him from a potential traitor. Hotaru sent telegram to protect DM from his Boss. DM will travel to Japan to protect AE as he promised. So it appears DM will die because 2 women who thought they were protecting him actually put into motion events that appear to lead to his death. How so very sad that DM’s life could end protecting AS who he loves but whom never would have loved him back while his perfect match with HK will never get a chance to be. DM is such a complex character. Yes, he killed without remorse but he also deeply cared and protected those he cared about liked Hotaru, HK, his men, AS’s grandfather, EC and always AS without asking anything in return. 

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