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Posts posted by Benocciola

  1. 9 hours ago, haymochi said:

    I def don't want samjang power. Why should i cut myself everytime and  get the risk of rabies  from those demons 

    nope nope nope


    Heaven is too cruel . If she is given the mission... shouldn't she get some power like ASN  as well? For example  throwing Lotus flower petal instead of roses :huh:


    Then we can see these two women fighting for monkey  in a fair way :tongue:



    Wait,Sam Jung's blood does have the powers to bring back the dead though.Not very powerful in everyday life but If you went into war couldn't she use her blood to build an undead army?

    Could her blood have other hidden properties we haven't seen yet or am I too far ahead of myself....

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  2. 7 hours ago, stroppyse said:

    I think SM already appreciates that. It's the reason she states that she couldn't release OG from the geumganggo, because she still needs him. It's actually the immortals OG who keeps things from SM in order to protect her. As someone already pointed out, all of the immortals really don't place much weight or importance on SM.


    However, SM can still contribute to the evil spirit fighting team as more than just bait to attract the, so hopefully, the drama will show that rather than showing SM needing protection and being left clueless so much.


    Btw, I think I saw someone refer to Ah Sa Nyeo as Priestess, and think that is a good English moniker for her, so I'll be referring to her as thus as well.


    I keep think Ah Sa Nyeo is a fairy as in Chinese 

    Fairy=Xiān Nü which sound similar to her name Sa Nyeo 


    Could she possibly be a fallen fairy because I distinctively remember in one episode of Journey to the West 1996 there was a story about two snow fairies.One of the sisters? made it stop snowing to save a man and Jade Emperor found out and punished them.There souls were to become trapped in two mountains for an infinitely long periods of time.The other sister left and fell from grace due to avoiding  her punishment and became a demon.The other stayed but left after seeing the man she saved and became his wife and gave birth to her son,Er Long Shan.In end she was discovered and dragged back to the mountain and her son,Er long Shan made a deal with the emperor to do 1000 good deeds to free her.


    Also many people has simply just wanted Sa Nyeo to die and get out of the otps way but am I the only one who kind of feels sorry for her.She gives off a vibe of a selfish bratty princess who is used to getting her way but throw a fit and (kills) gets angry at people when it doesn't go their way.On a note was she a human before If so  the people who sealed her were also at fault as they prevented her from passing on to the afterlife and letting go of her resentment.They could have only made it worse,and it's not true that time heals all wounds her resentment of the humankind possibly turned her into a demon whom hasn't learned to forgive in those thousand years.Demons are the figments of the negativity of humans after all or usually at least in dramas.The tree that the people were trying to cut down was also her home she had for a thousand years that she was just trying to protect.I feel like she is not entirely heartless just like how we though the bookseller wanted to kill children but she though she was saving them.If they guide her back to the right path she could be a powerful ally to the Save Our OTP Team.


    Lets hope for a plot twist ahead...

    • Like 5
  3. 4 hours ago, Wendy Wang said:

    2. The myth of Orpehus and Eurydice is tragic, in that Eurydice is killed and when Orpheus brings her back to the living world, he can't look back at her until they both reach the Upper World.


    But is it just me or when love stories are tragic, the romance seems more intense, as in the characters seem to love each other more than if it were a happy story?


    In a tragedy you knows it's not going to end well but the OTP will be damned If they didn't try thus go all out.


    Regarding the myth I have a theory for the upcoming episodes 


    Buja is the catalyst of the death of Sun-Mi or Oh-Gong...T-T


    In the original myth



    Lyra represents the lyre played by Orpheus, musician of the Argonauts and son of Apollo and the muse Calliope

    Apollo God of the Sun=Fire=The primary powers of Oh Gong

    Lyra represents the lyre played by Orpheus,

    muHe fell deeply in love with the nymph Eurydice, and the two were married.sician of Oh-Gong and Sun-Mi are married even If some may disagree 

    the Argonauts and son of Apollo and the muse Calliope. Apwild beasts, therocks, a Eurydice was wandering in the fields with some other nymphs when she was seen by the shepherd Aristaeus. Aristaeus was struck by her beauty and pursued her; as she fled, she was bitten by a snake in the grass and died of the serpent's poison.i

     Assuming Buja is going to pursue Oh Gong she will be the shepherd who inadvertedly cause an accident that kills Oh-Gong by the hands of Sun-Mi as she can poison his heart to obey her or Abuja causes Oh-Gong to accidentally kill Sun-MiEurydice

    On condition he must not look back until he had emerged from the valleys of Avernus or else the gift he had been given would be taken from him.Anxious on his journey back worryinghis wife's strength be failing and eager to see her, the lover looked behind him, and straightaway Eurydice slipped back into the depths. Orpheus stretched out his arms, straining to clasp her and be clasped; but the hapless man touched nothing but yielding air. Eurydice, dying now a second time, uttered no complaint against her husband. What was there to complain of, that she had been loved?Eurydicwandering in the fields with some other nymphs when she was seen by tSome soompiers have complained that Sun Mi and Oh gong's fate given by God is too sad but It's actually a gift.Love is a gift that can be given away but also taken back.Perhaps the minute Oh-Gong defies heaven's will the worst his love with Sun-Mi will suffer ?

    According to Ovid, Orpheus was so heartbroken from having lost his love not once, but twice, that he rejected the company of women in favor of that of small boys. The women of Thrace were infuriated and, while maddened during Bacchic rites, hurled rocks at the bard. The rocks, tamed by the sound of Orpheus's lyre, at first fell harmlessly at his feet, but the shrieks of the infuriated women soon drowned out the music. The women dismembered Orpheus, throwing his lyre and his head into the river Hebrus. The Muses gathered up his limbs and buried them, and Orpheus went to the underworld to spend eternity with Eurydice

    • Like 7
  4. I was inspired by Heoesdanish90 to write an analysis.I don't know if anyone has written about this yet but I apologize if I plagiarized anyone.


    To quote a fellow soompier communication is one of the aspects of Min-Kyu & Ji-Ah's relationship but touch is also the overall theme of their relationship and this drama.


    It started the whole chain of Jia & Min-Kyu's relationship and the beginning of our drama.


    When Min-Kyu first met Aji-3 he was terrified of her but she responded to his touch of a finger with her touch of a finger in kind to the ET movie gesture which gave him the idea to get a robot companion as a friend.After Min-Kyu chocked he once again attempted to touch Jia,now Aji-3 and she grabbed his hands.Take note that he didn't have an allergic reaction due to her saving him from choking to death he has started to cautiously trust her hence no allergic reaction.


    Jia's touch later becomes his poison when he finds out the truth.She was hesitant to touch him when he went into shock due to his allergic reaction and her being the cause.She could have potentially worsened it if she touched him.He also begins to reject her touch.Later after Min-Kyu wakes up he questions her suit as he is terrified of her,his only friend and first love,being disgusted in him of his disease.After Jia didnt come to his house he started worrying she abandoned him.He noticed Jia wore the gloves to his house and something just snapped.He figured out she was the heart lamp inventor and prez Jo beforehand (I think)

    and those glove led him to believe she was in fact disgusted of him.Two identity reveals and a misunderstanding resulted in his rejection of her.To him the touch that once soothed and healed him now terrified him as she was then one of betrayers from his youth in his mind that harbored ill intentions which equals all she did was an act to hurt him.


    Jia's inventions also has the theme of touch.To activate the lamps and umbrella you have to touch them & let them touch your heart.Most people find her invention very useless because they don't understand the use of them.Most of her inventions helps to touch the heart of people when understood and cherished for it's use.To draw a parallel Jia's inventions are her essentially she feels useless and cast out just as people & family treats her inventions back in an earlier episode where they told her inventions were trash.In comes Min-Kyu the only person to call her smart and cherish her for who she is.That in turn was were the roots of her love for him blossomed.

    • Like 12
  5. 1 hour ago, heoesdanish90 said:

    Sorry im new here. 

    I just want to ask. In the scene where MK threw the food in the dustbin infront of JA,why they show of him looking at her hands? At that time she was wearinhg plastic hand gloves. Is there any significance? 

    Before she delivered the food to him she hurt her hands in an accident so there is two possibilities 


    1-He was concerned for her injured arm even when clouded with rage or


    2-To quote sakura2016 he was terrified that she abandoned him when she didn't come to his home and that she may have been disgusted of his disease so hence wore gloves to protect herself from him when in reality she just hurt herself.I feel like this is more likely the case.


    Min-Kyu's anger at Ji-Ah deceiving him about being the inventor of the heart lamps and fear at any signs of disgust from her in the misleading form of the gloves perhaps resulted in that violent and painful outburst between JA & MK.

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  6. 4 hours ago, cecentre said:

    This episode really is something else... Long reflection ahead!


    - That first scene scares me!! It is so intense I was yelling "GET THE INJECTION NOW" as JA was crying. Why did they make that scene so long and make MK lay there in absolute torture and pain and JA stand there crying. It makes me as the audience very stressed. I was so stressed out by that scene that I couldn't fully register the events following for a while :huh: HE CRIED BLOOD Y'ALL. I will never ever see that scene again when I rewatch this ep ==


    - I personally love JA very much in this episode. If it was me, when I saw the person I love writhing in pain because of me I would leave very fast and never return because I would be so ashamed that I'm scared I will hurt them more, so it's best that I disappear forever from his life. However, just like the butler said, "it's wrong to leave when someone's suffering", JA realized that MK has effectively kicked everyone out of his life and isolated himself again, and she knows that if she feels guilty, she should stay, not leave. It takes too much mental power to be able to stay despite seeing her food thrown away and being totally ignored and yelled at by MK. Because leaving in this case is being irresponsible, so by staying JA wants to own up to her mistakes and take the responsibility for it.


    - MK goes from "the cinnamon roll I will do everything to protect" to "the jerk I can't hate". I get it, he's hurt and this betrayal is horrendous, my heart aches with him when he struggles in pain, and I can even empathize with him for throwing away her food. I get it, it's terrible, he has all the right to be mad, but saying that she's "not human enough so she's a good robot", that she enjoys it when she saw him in pain, that she finds it funny when he confessed, that she didn't feel a thing for him for even a second? That's way over the line for me. I know he's upset, but frankly son, the reason why she's "a good robot" is because you missed all the obvious clues; she formed a heart by your books and kissed you and hugged you during your hard time, you're just too blind to see that she loved you. Now you hurled it at her that she doesn't feel a thing?


    That is the worst stab to JA especially after what she had gone through and endured. It is the biggest invalidation directed at her, worse than that of her brother and HBG, because she got her feelings and endeavor completely invalidated and stomped on. It said that none of your feelings get received, I didn't see your affection and what you have done for me for the past month. Imagine loving someone and being as real and as authentic as you can for them and doing everything you can for them, even if it means you are destroying yourself, only to get a response akin to "all of your actions are fake and I didn't notice a thing". I personally cannot accept the fact that JA got yelled at for this when it's MK who did not see things clearly. This is why the outburst scene hurts so much for me but in apparently in a different way than it intends to be? But AGAIN he's not in the right mind that's why I can't hate him ughhhh


    - I also see why this episode is kinda... touchy and controversial in how MK treated JA? I guess this is one of the grey areas for me, that some of his behaviors are unacceptable, such as the throwing glass (that's straight up violence), but the thing is, JA leaves after that outburst! She didn't come back to endure it the morning after that level of aggression. Not until MK touched the lamp that JA met him again. I wouldn't go so far to say that he is "abusive", but indeed these behaviors make me uncomfortable and I hope he will apologize for it.


    - I LOVE HYE SUN!!! She appeared at the right time especially after the whole "do you even feel anything for me for just a second" outburst that angers me so much. The second I saw her I was like YES GIRL YOU TELL HIM. She's the savior. I bet she wanted to hit him so hard when she saw that blood stain on the floor. I'm actually happy that she was so sassy and angry with him and slap the truth like it is because that's exactly what someone needs to do finally, people can't let him be destructive to this level and be silent about it. 


    - That ending UGGGHHHHH. I thought for sure we would have a kiss scene tonight, I was so sure about it, I looked at the time and it was two minutes left and they already met, so I got my hopes up sooooooo high then it ENDED???? apparently I forgot the ending credits and the preview so my bad I guess :sweatingbullets:


    I very much agree with what you said! I think the next episode is not going to be sad (not to the level of this episode I bet) I think the "I love you" will be said at the same time as the part where she begged him to stay. I'm not sure if the whole begging to stay will happen during the night scene where we left off or like everyone said, him leaving because of bad guy plot reason. But I agree, all I need is that JA was smiling and that almost kiss and MK driving her back looking at ease himself. It means they made up and finally the relationship angst is over!!


    PS: I just remember another thing I want to talk about (jeez there's so much going on in this episode): I like that he was waiting for her after she said she would come every day. It somehow speaks volume to me in that this love is so pure and innocent, and actually, it seems like he is on his way to forgive her again. It feels so innocent in the way that, despite your betrayal, I can't help but long for you and want to see you, and I will throw away my pride and be an idiot if I can see you again. It makes me feel very light-hearted and mushy inside knowing they have such an unrequited love :wub: (and then it leads to a major confrontation that broke us all)


    Preach it sister \ >o< /


    You summed it up perfectly in words.

    A previous soompier described MK's actions as abusive but another justified it as understandable. I'm in the wrong boat here but couldn't quite describe it with words but I'l try again


    This girl (Ji-Ah) has not even smiled a second since you were sick and comes back everyday despite having no cooking skills (he could have thought she was trying to poison him however unlikely) to make you food and the tears.The many many tears she shed for you and you call her a robot !


    What robot cries and cries over the pains of a love that you call an act through and through.He conviently forgot the many times she cared about him


    -Ji-Ah provided companionship and saved him by injecting the medicine after he fainted.


    -She comforted him after the Ri-el proposal incident 


    -She helped him cure his allergy 


    -She gave him her first? kids

     (I meant to type kiss but kids would be  fine too)


    -She helped him interact with his second friends Hok-Tal & Sannip


    -He gained allies in the former of the Santa Maria team through Ji-Ah


    -She gave him the memories and experiences of a first love that one doesn't easily forget & will treaure for the rest of their live ever after 




    Min-Hyuk made her feel special to one person as her number one fan 


    He appreciates her identities unknowingly all of them is one person


    Love is not in the number of ways someone benefits you but If it is Min-Kyu has a long way to go to repay Jia after he threw her heart back into her face and shattered it to pieces of everlasting heartbreak even If he doesn't realize it.

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  7. 6 hours ago, blademan said:

    I miss this KMK :( 

    I do hope we have at least an episode of Min-Kyu & Ji-Ah finally having a first date and being happy with MK just being his childish self & Ji-Ah finally carefree (Min-Kyu's date with Ji-Ah turned Aji-3 didn't count cause he was under a guise).


    On their first date  he would truly be able to appreciate her creativity & charms for who she is.All the identies he met as one will collide into that one person 

    "Jo Ji Ah" who is finally not under the guise of Aji-3 or any of her other identities.


    In turn she would teach him how to interact with others and assure him that her love for him is true and accept him with all his faults whether It's his human allergy,his chaebol problems,or his trust issues.


    Then finally wrap up the date with their second first kiss as a present to the viewers please

    • Like 11
  8. 26 minutes ago, sakura2016 said:


    hhhhhhhhhhhh good thing she's not scary!! :lol: but he had all the rights to be harsh on her and not accept her food!! his allergy to people comes from the lack of trust so it''s not only about touching the food while making it but it's the trust that is broken now!! 


    @Benocciola hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that was hillarious!! "P.s.I didn't Yoo-Chul & Ri-el and other characters cause they're not the otp and they can find their own happy ending without crushing Jia & Min-Kyu HEA." :lol: but I don't want Min Kyu to lose his position as KM Finance chairman!: it's his father's company :( and he can't lose to Yoo Chul's father :unamused:  

    Well he is sorta completly cured of his allergy so he won't be forced to resign but perhaps they threatened to destroy the Santa Maria Team and he left to protect them which ironically was what Santa Maria did with the whole robot lie yet he has a long way to go to actually be a chairman.He spent years isolated so he is not connected with his employee and they only fear him.After he found out Jin-Bae was Ji-Ah's brother and partially lied to him he reglected him to having a desk near the elevators.


    However adorably childish he is I found that very petty & unprofessional.

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  9. 4 hours ago, stroppyse said:

    Translation of the preview. I'm so confused now.



    MG: Thank you, for telling me the whole truth. For telling me everything that I wanted to know.
    JA: How could you go like this? How could you throw me away and go like this? Don’t go.
    YC Father: Now you just have to take care of yourself and it’s done. (meaning MG should resign probably)
    MC: I have a condition.
    MC: I ask this of you.
    YC: What happens after that?
    JA: I love you.
    MG: Goodbye, Jo Ji Ah. Goodbye AJ3.



    Is part of the deal that MG has to take himself completely out of the scene or something? If he knows the truth, so that JA tells him that she loves him, then why is MG saying goodbye as if he's departing forever? Or is he still dying in some way? Okay, I need to go watch the episode in its entirety before I write more.


    If MG saying goodbye is tomorrow's episodes cliffhanger, then arghhh... I really dislike this drama's habit of showing the next episode's cliffhanger in the previews. :( 


    Bring tissues..

    Episode 26 was a floodgate TT

    Just when we though the pain would lessen they tripled the dose.I swear miss writer nim wad trying to murder us...


    Everybody kept guessing Ji-Ah would leave for Australia and Min-Kyu would chase after her but is it the opposite ?


    Min-Kyu resigns and leaves Ji-Ah behind but she chases him to the ends of the earth.They *somehow* resolve everything and start a business together with Ji-Ah selling her inventions and Min-Kyu running the new business with a family of twin girls to *torture* him for hurting Ji-Ah the past episodes.The Santa Maria Team visit them occasionally and they happily live the rest of their lives together.


    P.s.I didn't include Yoo-Chul & Ri-el and other characters cause they're not the otp and they can find their own happy ending without crushing Jia & Min-Kyu's HEA.Leave them alone greedy "Yoo Chul's dad's name".

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  10. 20 hours ago, justlove said:


    Speaking of that kiss scene, it's almost at 1 million views on YouTube :wub: Just needs about 40,000 more views till it hits 1 million. :)

    I'm so ready to watch their next kiss scene! Really hoping the kiss happens based on the preview! :)

    Hello new soompier here,


    YSHXCSB feels more like a sweet and gentle kiss but with 5+Eps. straight of pent up angst & pain I hope we get a compensation in the form of a passionate kiss (Is it too much to hope its French ?)


              BRING ON THE FLUFF & KISSES 

                       (please Writer Kim)

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