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Posts posted by kyunsangtrash

  1. Hi. I know some of you have shared your thoughts/feelings about Gutaeng hyung's passing after a week, but I still want to ask how y'all are doing? How are you coping these days? This thought just came by to me cos I think if I ask, maybe it could make you feel a little better knowing someone's checking up on you despite me being a complete stranger. I hope you all are okay, and just keep going. :)


    As for me, being a viewer and a fan for only a little over six months, watching the tribute made me smile the whole time thinking how he looked so lively throughout his stay on 2D1N. I just couldn't help but break down on the members' message on the last few minutes. But still, I was half crying half smiling like crazy knowing how much the members and staff love Kim Joo Hyuk. He will be remembered forever. ❤

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  2. Hello guys! I am new here on Soompi forums (literally just signed up a few mins ago) and have decided to make an account here after stumbling upon this forum for 2D1N. It's also been recently that I've watched 2D1N S3 and I am so obsessed ever since I watched a few episodes on Youtube, which I think explains the reason why I immediately signed up after reading some of the discussions here. I'm trying to keep up with the show by binge-watching the show since its first airing but there are just so many and of course it's on-going so it's hard. Not that I'm complaining though lol I still haven't reached the episode when Kim Juhyeok left (but I already saw YSY's first episode as a new member) so I think there's still a lot to catch up on ㅠㅠ

    Anyway, I hope to make good friends here on Soompi even though I'm already sooo late on catching up on this site. Haha toodles~

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