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  1. @Lmangla I agree 1000% with your thoughts. So much of social media these days is a cesspool of negativity and vitriol. Instead of building each other up, it tends to tear each other down. Indeed, Soompi forums seem to be the sole exception to this. I do love the fact that I can post my thoughts here without someone launching an ad hominem on me. I especially thank each and every one of you Soompiers that enjoy this drama as much as I do. On a different note, I heard this song while traveling to Tahoe the other day. I immediately thought of PS feelings to DR. Or maybe I'm being too sentimental. In either case, enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPlSyYtE63M
  2. It's so hard to believe that this drama is nearing its end. And what a story it's been including this past weekend. Here's my thoughts on episodes 45/46. 1. I will never get over how nasty some people can be when they're angry about something. DR and PS knew that they'd be attacked for DR's apparent "transformation" as JY but the level of the vitriol exhibited by some was truly sickening. It's as though society at large has failed to remember how to disagree peacefully and civilly. Instead, actions must also be shown to convey displeasure. After all, how would some of these folks like it if the shoe was on the other foot? 2. The heartbreak of both DR and PS was truly off the charts. All those times that DR wanted PS to leave her for his sake and his steadfast refusal each time served to strengthen their bond. Then, when PS told the family how he felt responsible for DR's attempted suicide, his heartbreak was so palpable. It's as though I was in the room with them and could feel his heart shattering. I still believe Im Soo Hyang and Ji Hyun Woo deserve multiple awards for their portrayals of these flawed but sympathetic characters. 3. Good to see PS's grandma coming around to supporting PS and DR. At this point, PS's mom is still on an island in her disapproval of her son's relationship. Hate gets you nowhere, ma'am. Let it go and show your son that you care about him more than you and your family reputation. 4. Sang Gu and Jeong Sik and Mr Jung - what do they all have in common? One is the father and the other two hired hands for the Creep. As the house of cards that the Creep has lived in finally comes crumbling down, one question remains. What additional damages/restitution can DR (and perhaps PS) get once the Creep enters his new home in prison. 5. In the preview for episode 47, it appears DR, PS, and DR's brothers and grandma are opening a restaurant in Taejeon. So, DR and PS's move to the countryside appears to be happening sooner than I expected. I'm all for it though as long as we see their wedding and they truly live happily ever after together. 6. Going back to point # 1, it was truly something to see PS constantly defend DR from the nasty attacks. As Mari pointed out, other guys would have turned tail and run at the first sign of troubles. When he said that he would not let go of DR's hand, he literally means it. That's why he's the best for her - warts and all. 7. When PS and DR get married for real this time, where will their honeymoon be? My bet is Paris since PS went there and I think he'd want to take his bride on a return trip. Any other thoughts? 4 episodes left, my peeps. So let's enjoy each and every last one of them starting with 47. Bring on the weekend!
  3. @msmy DR will certainly use every legal avenue available to her to take the Creep down. Also PS will do what he can - although Chairman Gong does not approve of their marriage, he will still help PS. Plus we all know how undisciplined the Creep is - he's due to make one more grand mistake to seal his fate. The wheels of justice are slow but they are in motion.
  4. @Lmangla Great explanation as always. You skillfully detailed my clumsy thoughts about DR and PS. Dramatic irony is so real especially in K-dramas. In the end, everything should resolve itself and DR/PS should live happily ever after. By the way, I heard a song that I recognized from a previous episode. So happy that they played it again for DR and PS. I really adore this song! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0-URlmqG7I&list=PLMx0W8NwsKOvmKTLTgegIbSZGRVKW-q9P&index=13&pp=iAQB8AUB
  5. @kboramint That's not bad actually. Plausible even. In whatever way the Creep gets his is fine by me. I think we all agree he's done more than enough damage to so many people.
  6. @msmy @Lmangla Yes these last few episodes will be quite a ride for sure. As for this past weekend, here are my thoughts. 1. The way DR finally called out her mom on all her lies especially about PS was quite emotional. Although the tenor closely resembles some of her previous arguments with her mom, this one really rang home to me because she now has the perspective of both DR and JY to recall. Also, it was a good sight indeed to see Do Sik finally disown mom as well. How can one woman completely ruin the lives of all her children like that?! 2. Do I really need to expound on DR's mom? To reveal my raw feelings about her would include language I normally don't use. So I'll just take solace in the fact that you all are with me on this one. 3. How hypocritical can PS's mom, grandma, and biological mom possibly be to deny their approval of his marriage to DR? To love and care for your son is one thing. To emphatically deny him his happiness when he dutifully asked for their approval smacks of pure hypocrisy and phoniness to the max. They'll really be sorry when they find out it's really DR. Thank God for PS's dad and his empathy and understanding for PS's situation. 4. @Lmangla You are so right that the focus of the story will be about the Creep's impending demise. Indeed, he thinks he'll be in the penthouse forever but DR and PS will figure out how to take him down. In fact, I really wish that DR can personally lock him up in prison just like he locked her up those years ago! So, Creep I know you're listening. Enjoy your so called freedom and luxury while you can. DR and PS will get the last laugh on you! 5. As far as how DR and PS will solve the lingering mystery, the only theory I have is a long shot. Is it a coincidence that the Creep's biological dad and the actor who was paid to act out the scandal with DR are/were both in the Philippines? Could they possibly know each other? Probably far fetched but this a K-drama so who knows, right? 6. DR, just my two cents. Girlfriend, you promised your fiance/hubby that you would not waver when it comes to you and him. Please please no take back-sies now. My guy PS cannot possibly take any more heartbreak if you try to leave him. Frankly, you can't take any more heartbreak either. You two were truly meant for each other. Just work together to take down the Creep and clear your name. PS will not let you go this time. 7. And once the Creep is safely away in prison, DR and PS will do their marriage agaain but this time in front of a happy throng. Who else thought DR's dress was fire?! Something to look forward episode 50 (49 perhaps?). Also, DR and PS really ramped up the lovey-dovey too. I, for one, am 1000% for it. It's going to make that wedding dance and kiss all the more satisfying. Still very satisfied overall with the story arc the last few weekends. Can't wait for episodes 45-46. Bring on the weekend!
  7. What an incredible 3 weekends of episodes since the Olympics ended. I have to say that I'm pleased overall with the direction that the story is going. My predictions by and large were either correct or at least what I wanted to see happen. This past weekend really sets the tone for the remainder of the drama for sure. Here's my thoughts: 1. I'm so happy that DR did what was best for her with regards to her mom, grandma, and her brothers. Although we know that she can't keep up the JY/DR dance forever, I'm impressed that at least she's willing to try. If only she could have done that with PS from the beginning. Which leads me to . . . 2. DR and PS have had so many heartbreaking scenes but the final scene from episode 41 when PS realizes it's DR crying to her and in episode 42 when DR reveals what the Creep did to her at the vacation home. While those scenes were hard to watch, I still thought they were extremely well done in emotional tone. Also, I can't help but think of the symmetry between PS crying knowing that DR was still alive (episode 18) and DR crying knowing that PS was going to survive the hit and run (episode 41). They each were incredibly thankful that the other would still be allive. It made the loving moments to follow with them all the more enjoyable. I mean, it sure is nice to see them smiling and joking with each other like in the best of times. 3. To Mr. Creep - I know you read this forum and you're really interested in my comments. Here's my suggestion to you. Find a planet - any planet in this universe. Then, you take your mom and possibly your biological dad, get on a space ship, and never return to this planet ever again. Otherwise, enjoy prison - it's your choice. 4. The only thing that I would quibble about is the idea of PS agreeing to being adopted by Chairman Gong. I know that it's being sold as mostly a "business transaction" which will benefit both families. And I get that this relationship helped get the malicious articles by the Creep taken down. I'm still not sure I like the idea but there's time still to change my mind. 5. PS's grandma - once again, get a life. Stop blabbering about other people's lives for once. 6. So the biggest mystery left to solve in this drama is how DR/PS prove that the Creep was responsible for the scandal that led to DR's suicide attempt. I'm still not clever enough to figure this one out. 7. What a way to end an episode. By all means, we can't wait to see how the Creep goes more bonkers than he already is. Get your popcorn ready and hold on tight folks. This drama is only starting to cook! Bring on the weekend!!
  8. Leave it to me to watch eps 35/36 again due to the Olympic hiatus. What a cliffhanger to leave us hanging for two more weeks. Lots to digest especially with that final scene. 1. As tempting as it is to take a victory lap about my prediction, I'm no position to do so. After all, it's not clear how DR fully regained her memories. I will say that I'm happy my theory was totally wrong - having her go back to the Creep's villa would have been awful for sure! As happy as I am about this development, it adds more questions/complications in the short term. 2. Here is a partial list of those questions/complications - I know you all have lots more to add to this: Can she still remember any part of being JY? Could she "pretend" to be her knowing she's actually DR now? She's been the Taejeon country girl JY for so long and people around her have known her as such. Heck, she's landed multiple drama roles as JY not DR. Is she even capable of "turning on" JY to fool some folks in the interim? Will DR be happy about being the 2nd female lead of the current drama she's starring in? How much will PS tell DR? More importantly, how much can he protect her from the vultures soon to be circling around her? That initial apology session between them will surely be touching and tear jerking at the same time. DR cannot stay with her mom and brother now. But how can she extricate herself from that house knowing they'll never let her go without a fight? And where would she stay if she did leave? How does DR treat her "grandma" now? This has the potential to get very messy and heartbreaking. We know PS will have a lot to do with their relationship going forward. If the other part of my prediction is correct, then it's not clear how it will take place. Specifically, how can DR can revenge on the Creep? Yes the Creep will begin to lose tread because it will come out that he's not part of Chairman Go's family after all but I'm not sure that will be enough to make him go away for a long time. I still think she and PS will have to find a way to figure out how to prove the Creep was ultimately responsible for her attempted suicide. Mari will end up being a key cog in how her family will be brought back together sans the Creep, his mom, and that awful aunt. She's more perceptive than her mental state shows. I'll end this on a more delightful note. I'm all for DR and PS "renewing their vows" on Mount Nam when the time is right. Just don't put the locket next to the JY/PS one! Who's with me on this?! Two weeks to go. We'll get through the wait together. Until then, everyone stay safe and look forward to ep 37!
  9. @nohamahamoud2002 I'm not sure about her dying. But I do agree with @Lmangla that once DR regains all of her memories, the seeds are planted for her and her brothers to stay away from their mom once and for all. If anything, they'll hang out with grandma who, even though she's not her actual grandma, has treated DR/JY way better than her mom ever did. I can truly see when DR and PS get married that they move to Taejeon with grandma.
  10. Well that was quite the weekend. What started out as the Creep's mom discovering an old picture of PS ends with a strike with JY pushed to the ground and her two suitors concerned for her. My thoughts: 1. @kboramint has it spot on in saying that it's bad business practice for Chairman Gong to pull the plug on the drama. I would add that it's also unethical as well. The strike and its continuous negative press will also leave a mark in terms of public opinion. Absolute foolish behavior by both the Chairman and the Creep to allow their personal feelings to turn into awful business decisions. They'll find out in the end what a mistake they made. 2. @msmy also has an interesting idea of perhaps PS working as an independent funded by Soo Yeon. While this may seem unthinkable on the surface, I do think that the seeds are being planted for PS to branch out on his own with JY/DR as his main lead actress and his loyal staff in tow. The only missing piece would be funding which Soo Yeon would be more than happy to provide since he is her biological son and for payback to her husband. Definitely need to keep an eye on this. 3. JY's grandma sure is a sly fox isn't she? She coaxed a jjangmeyon lunch from PS because she couldn't tell JY was acting? Hmmm? Either way, well played granny! Plus her instincts on the main characters are spot on. She can't stand the Creep, she really can't stand JY's/DR's mom, and she even beat up Yoo Seon for what she confessed to. On the other hand, she adores PS practically like a son/grandson. It will be interesting to see how much pull she carries over JY and PS especially the rest of the way. 4. Still not clear the significance of Ae Kyo's old boyfriend(?) coming back. 5. As heartbreaking as it was to watch, I loved the scene with PS and JY on Mount Nam. JY's denials slowly melting away with PS's words was touching and firm at the same time. She sure can't quit him can she? 6. The Creep mused correctly that he's lost JY/DR twice to PS. It's gonna be three times dude before it's all over. Just sayin'. 7. I don't know why but I still feel reasonably sure about my earlier prediction of JY/DR regaining all of her memories either late next weekend or early the following weekend. It just feels like it's all setting up for her to plant one final flag on this story. Can't wait for episode 35. Bring on the weekend!
  11. Here's to everyone who's enjoying this drama so far. I've been watching every episode like all of you. Most of the previous comments and thoughts reflect my overall thoughts of the drama so far. I will offer some additional points to ponder. 1. Im Soo Hyang deserves some awards for her portrayal of both DR and JY. Ji Hyun Woo also deserves some awards too as the lover and protector for DR/JY. 2. I know some folks have impatience with regards to why the other characters can't tell that DR and JY are the same person. While it's a frustrating angle for us the audience, it serves the writers well because it allows them to prolong the story line longer than otherwise. One thing that remains the same - whether as DR or JY, she loves PS with all her heart. 3. I'm 100% agreed with all that say Soo Yong (PS's biological mom) is beyond selfish for what she did. Imagine trying to see your own child grow up without you even lifting a finger yourself in raising him. How messed up is that?! How her character story turns out should be very interesting. 4. Yes it does appear that DR's mom and Mr. Creep will join forces yet again to make DR/JY's life miserable. I really hope I'm wrong about this but I have a dreadful feeling that we'll see a repeat of when DR was tricked into going to Mr. Creep's private villa for a "photoshoot". However, I also believe that this will trigger THE memory that will fully unlock all of her old memories. My prediction on when this will happen? I'm saying episode 36/37 (so I'm probably way wrong about this!) 5. Tale of two grandmas: JY's grandma will definitely be a deciding force for both JY and ultimately PS given her affection for him as well. How much remains to be seen. I can definitely see them moving to Taejeon to be closer with grandma when they get married :). As for PS's grandma - get a life please and shut that pie hole for once! 6. The other couples in this story: Do Shik and Myung Dong - cute couple but they don't really move the needle for me. Ditto for potentially Mari and Do Jun. 7. The big question remaining for me - can DR with PS's help prove that Mr. Creep was responsible for her attempted suicide? I know that once she gets her memory back, she'll be determined to destroy Mr. Creep once and for all. I'm currently not sure how it will play out. I love to hear your thoughts on this since I'm none too clever. The next episode should be interesting as it appears that PS and JY will slowly but surely rekindle their romance. Bring on the weekend!
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