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Posts posted by pbnh7

  1. Hey everyone! Long time no see!


    Just wanted to tell you all that I've started rewatching MDBC (first rewatch! Can you believe it? :o). Even now, over three years later, all of the feels are still there. I miss Boyoo so much and I've never given up hope that someday we'll get the good news we're waiting for!


    Hope you're all still on board this ship, active or not <3 


    Stay safe and healthy!

    • Like 1
  2. Hello everyone!


    It's been a while since I've posted here, i've been super busy and life hasn't really been easy lately... but I saw some stuff on instagram which somehow made me believe there was a dating rumor involving YJ... and then I come onto here and find out there was a picture or something? 

    Could anyone please help me understand and catch up with what's been going on? What picture? What happened? What do we know so far?


    Please help me understand! I'd love to be able to make my own conclusions...:bawling:

  3. hello again my beautiful fellow Boyoo shippers!


    I'm sorry I've been gone for so long. Work has been HECTIC. But now I'm back, ready to discuss a very important topic:




    Yep, it's confirmed! Yoo Jungie is having a new project. What do you all think of this? Personally, I don't feel like this is the right role, but I trust her in whichever way she wants to steer her career. I know I'm going to be terribly bitter about any type of onscreen PDA, but what can we do? 


    I still trust Boyoo completely and believe in them whole-heartedly. Let's just patiently wait and hope for the best to happen!


    What do you think?

    • Like 1
  4. 10 hours ago, moonlightdream said:

    Ok friends! I watched the non English director cut commentary and some bts... until 4am!!! I feel it's my mission to update everyone how i feel...

    so, can I say I feel strange?!! The reason why I feel strange is because it's hard to define my thoughts.. in the group commentary section. BG and YJ looked very comfortable and close with each other. They had their own jokes and their own laughs between two of them. And maybe because of the seating was not too comfortable, they kept moving their bodies and at one  point they sat really close but then they moved a bit apart.. But they did have tendency to laugh towards each other's side. I will not give too much thought on the seating but they did have comfortable body contact with each other and they had similar thoughts and reactions towards things like what we always saw. Interesting thing is, towards the end of the group commentary, something seemed to be wrong with YJ's headset, so she removed it from her ear.. even BG was not looking at her, he knew she removed her headset.. he got concerned right away and he in a very hidden secretive way whispered  "Yoo Jung ah", and he lips talk to tell YJ put back her headset and his face was very serious and careful. Then once that particular clip they were watching finished, he moved YJ's Machine (hooked up to the headset) to be closer to him so he can adjust to make sure it's working properly while YJ still had the headset On her ear. This small act made me believe he really really care about her and watch after her and didn't want ppl to once again bash her for some non sense. YJ was a good girl, she put the headset right away without second thought when BG asked her! This shows trust.. I watched this particular part like 4 times because it revealed their true relationship. 5 ppl sitting together, but as usual, they seem to have a lots of memories that only belonged to two of them... they r close this is no doubt! But what kind of relationship? In order to be not too bias, I need to continue to watch... 

    another interesting is during only the BoYoo couple commentary when other teammates were not there, they did Not have much eye contact or body contact.. my personal thought is they had the group commentary part recorded first then they did the boyoo couple part. And in order to be more low key, their managers or themselves realize they should just be professional to talk about the drama.. but again, one thing caught my attention, remember before Raon  left palace, she was sitting in front of Yeong's bed and talking to him? While they watched this part, BG cried so hard, it feels like his heart was still in the scene.. and then when the famous YEong cutting the bracelet scene, only the beginning of that scene was playing, BG knew YJ would feel emotional, so he tried to give her water, cookies, and coffee to comfort her. And of course when the cutting bracelet part got closer, both of them cried, without looking at YJ, he passed her the tissues... to me, it really feels they truly know each other's heart and needs.... it's the chemistry even without much eye contact.. it's so strange... 

    next thing I like is when they were under the umbrella, YJ was not fully dress yet since it's only practice the lines.. BG was kind of playing with YJ's foot and he insisted to put her right foot on his leg so she can sit more comfortable.. it was very intimate to me.. 

    anyway, too much typing now, need to get back to work. I hope u all don't mind I am just describing things in a very scatter way.. I tried to be fair and not too bias about my own feelings.. but my conclusion so far is 1) they r truly close, 2) he really really really cares for her, 3) she trusts him, 4) they do live their own world quite often when there r others, 5) BG knows what is she doing or feeling without looking at her, he is actually very attentive to her I feel. As far as what kind of relationship they r now in, it's up to our own interpretation but I think, even if they relationship is not concluded as Bf/gf yet, they r at the right path as long as they stay close and neither of them get attracted to other new co workers.. they r very compatible 


    WOW!!! I could picture everything perfectly and it seriously made my heart flutter. Thank you sooo much for sharing!

    I, too, am very very happy that they finally celebrated the MDBC anniversary with the cast and crew, and almost fainted when I saw their picture together. They looked so happy! I seriously hadn't seen BG smile so big in a while (and just seeing him so happy in his airport pics! I know YJ had everything to do with that :wub:). They look as good, as comfortable and as joyful as ever. I see that both of them are looking great lately and getting better, and I think it's because of how they feel. Do you know the saying, "love looks good on you"? :wink:

    About YJ not sharing a selca with BG or about them not having many pictures together... I wouldn't worry at all. First of all, it's true that they must be super careful to protect what they have, and that means not being too obvious or doing anything that could literally translate to rumors of a romance. But also, it's only natural that they want to spend time with their other costars, for they don't see them as much as they see each other (in the delulu setting of them dating, of course) :wink:. It makes more sense for YJ to be excited to see and share pictures with her other costars, because she probably hasn't seen them in quite a while, but she sees BG as often as possible :wub: So I think this not-posting-a-selca-with-BG thing is SOMETHING GOOD. They've obviously spent time sitting next to each other (we've seen the evidence) and I can assure you their phones are full of pictures of each other and pictures of them together ^_^, they just aren't sharing them with us because they want to protect their relationship, and that's seriously the best thing they can do now. 

    I take their smiles and body language when sitting together as solid evidence that their feelings are going strong! Plus, didn't you all melt at the sight of BG singing "My Person" at her? He looked so shy but happy, I shed a tear. 

    Keep sailing, my chingus! ^_^

    • Like 13

    I'm so happy to share this special date with you. Wanna hear a funny story? I started shipping Boyoo even BEFORE I watched MDBC. I didn't know Yoo Jung and had only seen Bo Gum in like, one movie... But I saw their pictures together and simply FELL IN LOVE with how incredibly PERFECT they looked. I hadn't even started watching the drama and was already shipping them. Obviously, after MDBC + the million gorgeous behind the scenes pics and videos, I knew my delulu shipping was strongly supported by evidence. I just love them way too much!

    On 23/8/2017 at 6:23 PM, Kathleen Domingo said:

    good morning.. 

    there's is an article for our beloved couple.. it seems to me that the media started noticing the moves of BoYoo agency and our couple as well is in sync :)


    although it's impossible but I believe as what CP Lee Yeong said that the sincerest love can create a miracle and i sincerely love BoYoo so a possible of next project for them together is possible  hahahaha #BoYooFighting


    Thanks for the link, chingu! I think it's quite odd that there's an article written about them, since Boyoo aren't working together anymore (and therefore "shouldn't" be linked) ^_^ Either the writer is a Boyoo shipper and keeps up with this forum, or the media is starting to pick up on clues about Boyoo's whereabouts and their strangely coincidental schedules. If I'm not mistaken, the SongSong rumors started because of similar articles, and then started escalating :wink: I just hope this doesn't get out of hand and they get exposed too soon.

    I wholeheartedly believe that they are secretly dating, and by secretly I mean REALLY SECRETLY because we all know how awful people can be and how much the haters could hurt our beautiful Boyoo. I think Bo Gum especially knows the effect people's opinions can have on Yoo Jung and he's super determined to protect his doll (*swoons*) :wub: We just have to be really patient and keep believing in them, chingus!

    And don't worry, even though we can't see it, I'm sure BG and YJ celebrated MDBC's anniversary together ^_^ They probably rushed back to Seoul at around the same time so that they could be together on the 22nd. After all, how could they not celebrate? This is the project that made them get to know each other and fall in love as well! #delulu :wub:

    Let's keep this ship sailing strongly! :wink:

    • Like 18
  6. 16 minutes ago, tenoritaiga said:

    GUYSSS OMOOO I KNOW THAT THIS IS INOT BOYOO RELATED BUT IT HAS BEEN REPORTED THAT HYERI AND RYU JUN YEOL ARE DATINGGGG!!!  You know what it means for us shippers right?  I'm happy for her and for this news! 



    CHINGU! I just found out and came here to post about it but you beat me to it :wink: And don't worry, it IS Boyoo related because this means that Gumri shippers will (FINALLY) leave us alone and will hopefully stop the fanwars. The Ryu Jun Yeol x Hyeri couple is also very popular so I hope they get support and love from their fans. 

    This news made me so happy!  

    • Like 16
  7. Hello, everyone! I'm here with more Boyoo-related song lyrics :wub:

    This song made me think of Boyoo right now (given that they're on different time zones, continents, really far away from each other and definitely wishing they could be together). Also reminded me of Yeong's line in the drama (you know, the one about them looking at the moon at the same time and feeling the same in their hearts) :wub: Ah, I'm pretty delulu right now.

    All in all, it's a beautiful song! Do check it out :wink: (I put it under spoiler because it's a bit long!)

    Be happy, everyone! ^_^


    Sun & Moon - NCT 127

    Translation by ColorCodedLyrics

    I see you even when I close my eyes
    I hear you even when I cover my ears
    When I think of you
    Even if you’re in a place
    Where I can’t touch you
    I can feel you

    When my moon rises
    Your sun rises as well
    Under the same sky
    In this different time
    Our hearts are connected
    Under the same sky

    You and I
    You and I
    You and I
    Our own secrets
    You and I
    You and I
    You and I
    We are like one

    Every night, in my dreams
    We are connected to each other
    We’re looking at the same place
    Without a sound
    You enter into me
    And I’m being pulled by you

    When my moon rises
    Your sun rises as well
    Under the same sky
    In this different time
    Our hearts are connected
    Under the same sky

    You and I
    You and I
    You and I
    Our own secrets
    You and I
    You and I
    You and I
    We are like one

    Will I be able to see you again?
    At the end of this long journey?
    Want to be together
    In the same time
    In different places
    This distorted fate

    When my moon rises
    Your sun rises as well
    Under the same sky
    In this different time
    Our hearts are connected
    Under the same sky

    You and I
    You and I
    You and I
    Our own secrets
    You and I
    You and I
    You and I
    We are like one


    • Like 10
  8. 9 hours ago, dee_230208 said:

    super duper like it..:wub:.. Like watching teh real life of BoYoo.

    How u found the 98 number???? wow...they r just so perfect, do not need 100, 98 is just perfect. 

     Hope there will be part 2. Will wait for sure..:D..


    Thank you so much, my dear chingu! :wub: I am so happy you liked it.

    For the number, I just did the math (I'm a little of a math freak) :D and yes, I love the number too! Boyoo are naturally perfect.

    I'd love to do a part 2, following the same structure and telling a story from Yoo Jung's POV. I'm still looking for the right song, though. If you have any song suggestions, please let me know! 


    I'm so excited for Aug. 22! Will probably rewatch MDBC while I'm waiting :tongue: Miss them all so much! 

    • Like 7
  9. Hello, my beautiful chingus!!

    I can't believe I'm finally saying this, but.... MY FANFIC IS READY!!! It's about 50 pages long and that's why I took forever to finish it, but oh well. The important thing here is that it's done and ready to be enjoyed by all of you, my fellow Boyoo shippers <3 

    The story is told from PBG's POV and it unfolds to the lyrics of Ed Sheeran's song "Perfect" (the lyrics truly are PERFECT FOR BOYOO! give it a listen before you start reading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UQzJfsT2eo). 

    I have uploaded it to AsianFanfics because this forum was giving me some trouble with the format, so here goes the link! It's open for everyone to read :) https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1277199

    I can only hope you'll like it and that it will bring a lot of Ra On to your day. Disclaimer: I don't own MDBC, KBS, or know PBG or KYJ (although I certainly wish I did!). Some of it is based on actual events, but remember, it's all a work of fiction :wink: (except Boyoo, Boyoo is real). 

    To anyone who was anticipating it, thank you for your patience! I really hope you enjoy it and  would love to hear your comments! 

    Thank you, everyone! Have a beautiful day! :)

    • Like 16
  10. 2 hours ago, kkwattana said:

    MDBC Ost sung today at Music Bank in Singapore....I really miss BoYoo. 

    and Yoojung may be in Japan from this pic her sis uploaded on IG. Didn't Bg just come back from there?





    Yes! Yes! That's Osaka! :wub:

    Damn, my delulu mind is working overtime!! And I think we're all thinking the same thing :wink: 

    I know we all miss Boyoo very much, but I have a feeling that, even though we're not seeing much of them together, their relationship keeps growing steadily. I have a reaaally good feeling :) And that feeling's fed by all the clues and evidence we keep finding.  

    And regarding yesterday's MB Singapore... (see spoiler)


    I was dreading to look at the pictures and videos from MB Singapore... but can I say I'm actually really pleased with Bo Gum's behavior? I loved that he had a skit with his friend (the one from bts, don't know his name) instead of with his former co-MC (you-know-who) :) Also, he looked quite comfortable when he was with him. I wonder if it was BG's idea to include him in the MC-ing? ^_^ BG also kept his distance when standing next to the female MCs and in the final group picture. I think a lot of people were expecting the 'flirty' MC BG portrayed in 2015, but surely many things have changed since then (*cough* Boyoo *cough*), and I think BG knows better than to show that same image now. In my opinion, he behaved like a good boyfriend should when he's at work and away from his girlfriend (DELULU, I know). 

    All in all, I think he delivered his job well without over-doing it or getting involved in situations that might be misinterpreted. I am proud of him! I hope he keeps it up for the next edition of MB World Tour and keeps making us all proud. 


    I am happy today!

    Thank you all for sticking with Boyoo even in times of drought, like right now (when we don't see much of them together). I still don't know what they've done to me to make me so invested in them and their relationship. I guess I can only accept it and keep supporting them wholeheartedly, and patiently wait for this beautiful ship to dock! :) 

    • Like 18
  11. Hello everyone!

    Turns out today (July 6th in my time zone) is International Kissing Day, so let's celebrate with some Boyoo, shall we? :D



    I don't know how to embed Instagram videos (for behind the scenes of their kisses) but if any of you know how to do it, please do so!

    Happy International Kissing Day, yeorobun :) Here's hoping that Boyoo celebrated together as well! :rolleyes:



    • Like 15
  12. 1 hour ago, moonlightdream said:

    Wow! Hope no one will Attack me this time cuz I am about to mention some other celebrities' names!! Song song couple is getting married this OCt and their both agencies confirmed! I am so happy for them and I truly wish one day soon our boyoo couple will get married soon too! Amen! 


    I truly wish Song Joong Ki invites Bo Gum to his wedding and that he brings Yoo Jung as his date! :wink::wub: (Given that they're friends, I'm actually 100% expecting this to happen and will probably get a heart attack if there are pictures of it). 

    Really, though, these news shocked me senseless, not because I'm their shipper but because of how little 'proof' there was of them dating and how strongly they've denied it in the past. They went from 0 to 100 in a second (from "there's no way we're dating, please stop insisting" to "jokes on y'all, we're getting married"). It just gives me a lot of hope for Boyoo because, really, you never know! Some years from now they might even surprise us with their very own wedding announcement ^_^

    Also, when it comes to dating and relationships, you can't fully trust what the actors or their agencies say. I understand why they would lie or hide some of the truth, though. They, just like everyone else, deserve privacy. 

    Anyway! These news have boosted my good feelings regarding our Boyoo couple! I have a hunch, and I will continue shipping them faithfully until the truth comes out. 

    Love is always a good thing :rolleyes::wub:

    • Like 13
  13. 21 minutes ago, Tien Le said:

    Oh the news. I feel so shocked and ridiculous. some said "no fire, no smoke". The 2nd time for this kind of rumor already. However, i still decide to believe Bogum. 

    I just think now he's very famous now, and there's some wnat to blacken and pull him down.

    God bless my Bogum!


    I agree 100% with you, my dear chingu. It was also one of the first things I read in the morning and it kinda made me start off my day with the wrong foot. My heart took a plunge and I was like ??? What's happening ??? I didn't know about any previous rumours, and even though his agency has cleared them up, it still bothers me a lot, especially if it's the second time people have said something like this.

    Still, I believe firmly in Boyoo and I have my own take on what's going on between them (you'll see very soon once I finish my fanfic! It's taking me ages, sorry):wub: 

    I also trust Bo Gum and, like you said, believe in him. Most of all, I love them both and wish them nothing but pure Ra On every day :D


    • Like 17
  14. 11 hours ago, kkwattana said:

    Looking at Yoojung's pics at airport today on the way to SG, you can see YJ was holding her mobile at all times...I was thinking was it Bogum wanted to check more often if she is ok while away and injured at same time and as you can see how he kept his eyes on her at Baeksang. He is that type of person who would show love and caring.

    What I like about YJ is she does listen and obey him and do what he asked her. Boyfriend and girlfriend thingy I guess... (my delulu I know):D


    Yeeeees chingu!!! :wub: I thought the same thing when I saw that she was clinging to her phone all the time lol. Made me think of two things: 

    1. The early stages of dating someone, when all you want to do is talk to each other 24/7, especially if you're away.

    2. How people who care about you the most (usually your mom/dad and boyfriend/girlfriend) are always checking up on you when you travel and ask you to tell them if you've arrived well and everything... And since her mom was with her (and her mom probably told her dad and siblings that they'd arrived well) it made me think she had someone very important to write to as soon as she got there. ^_^ 

    She didn't have a bag and it was probably uncomfortable to carry her cellphone around when she only had one free hand (the uninjured one), she could've given her phone to her mom to put it away for her... Unless, that is, she has a very important reason not to let go of the phone :wub: Might be delulu, but I'm speaking from experience as well. :wink:

    • Like 14
  15. Hello everyoneeeeee!!!! 

    I am so excited to finally join you all in openly and happily shipping our beautiful Boyoo couple. I've been a silent lurker for a while now, but I'm happy to have finally joined the forum :) Fun fact: I haven't been part of a forum since 2008! The things Boyoo couple makes me do...

    I've only recently watched MDBC (I couldn't last year because of school and lack of time and everything...I also prefer to binge watch dramas, hate having to wait every week :tongue:) but I shipped Boyoo even before I watched it. I knew MDBC was airing and that they were both in it, and to me they just seemed like the most beautiful couple ever, not to mention that they are both wonderful actors and great people. I watched them both in 2D1N before watching the drama and they just seemed so compatible (the overeating, their kindness, their politeness, their fun personalities...). Now that I've watched both the drama and the behind the scenes footage :wub: as well as their interactions in the press con, fan signing, AAA and Baeksang... I ship them whole-heartedly. I believe I'm not being delulu and that my eyes are not lying, and that there's actually something (whether it be a very close friendship or more) going on. I haven't shipped any couple in SO LONG and I can't take in all of the emotions :wub:

    All this love for Boyoo led me to write a little fanfic for y'all to enjoy. I'll be posting it here in the upcoming days. It's a little long so that's why it's taking me so much time to write it, lol. That, and the fact that I haven't written any fanfics since like 2007.

    Anyway, my fellow shippers, I just wanted to say that I have a good feeling about this couple. My heart is happy for them and for their happiness, they truly look smitten with each other and they give me so much hope. There's just something about young love... 

    Have a wonderful week! Much love for everyone <3 


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