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Posts posted by didi-anime
























































    OMG *totally offended voice* how could yu put me in poo platter?! >O i would have SOO more prefered to be in poo splatter XP. anyways glad yur back. ^^ that cartoon is funny in a digusting way.. @_@ i feel so srry for the guy but hey it was pretty smart for her to pretend to tie her shoelace XD, and 'the lesson here today kids, is never let someone sit on your shoe and tie their shoelace.' i just realised you realli like poo dunt yu? yur name... yur cartoon.. the names for the pm list...i shall stop listing now. Oh and that drawing is really cool, yu draw heaps good! i've seen that picture of gd before. ^^ damn i missed out on the first limited picture grrrr, i knew i shud have come on soompi earlier. yu where glasses thats like O_O, cause all yur other fotos have no glasses. anyways, update soon.






























































































































    oh and before i forget, i watched all yur paradies their LOL ^^ in a slightly dirti way. XP













    didi-anime: AHAHA you are so nasty!! You're supposed to deny it!! Shame on you!








    well... how do I explain it. It's still long in the front, but just to one side. The rest is shorter.









    yes it is the ninja vs pirate comic. CONGRATS!! You win a brand new imaginary car.


















    LOL. i'm meant to deny it...oh oops. *innocent eyes* XD i sorta get it? YAY! wow, this imaginary car is cool. i give you a virtual thankyou. ^_____^














    i'm glad you censored it this time. Cause if you didn't i think i might have started "popping stiffies and wetting their panties" *nods vigourously*. That guy is so clueless, poor girl. i'd prob go wtf? and run off XD hmmm...i wonder if this is based on someone. *cough cough wheese wheese* don't mind me i got a bad cold. :phew:














    DOUBLE FUDGE BROWNIES! yay! its a good one...right?... :mellow:














    awww. only 1.18%? therethere its prob alot more than other ppl. i like jonh hyun too. hes my favourite along with key.














    thxs for the pm



    you are thinking.... "how am I going to get into poopiness's pants?!" WOW YOU'RE SO NASTY!!
























































    my reaction.














    i am so trying to get in your pants. *nod. yes just lyk now you explained it. ;)














    For those that don't understand what "getting into my pants" means:








    That phrase means that you want to get intimate with me,









    by getting intimate I mean rock the bed with me,









    by rocking the bed, I mean do the nasty,









    by doing the nasty, I mean S to the E to the X.


















    oooh! mystery pic. ;D wow your hair is kewl. XD hmmm, i wonder what it looks like now after the haircut. *thinks hard* =D. hey i saw that old limited foto before. nice poem. sounds sad though. =( lol at the comic. oh oh oh, lemme guess, is it the pirate and ninja comic? 5 points? (i fink i mite be rong T__T)











    NLT Is great! They have a new song out, NLT - Karma.














    okiey dokie, i shall do have a listen.














    update soon.








    Hello im didi XD










    Yay! im on PM list... yess u read my mind :) , what am i finking now?





    okay first comic 1...





    made me laugh :D , and cause my bro to give me werid looks :phew: . poor guy.










    sounds nice, you're pretty good at rhyming! =] well much better than me anyway. :sweatingbullets:





    Bonus Picture 1 and 2





    :o ur a guy. i didn't noe that >_______< cause lyk all the mystery pics before were taken down before i could see them. TT^TT, anyways why do u lyk makin the girls in control most of the time if ur a guy? ... i dunt get it @____@ btw you have pretty eyes ^-^ in pic 2





    Bonus level





    gonna download some new songs now =]





    *edit i lyk the if you were my girl one :) and the NLT ones. =]










    Woot! :w00t: congratz 1000 post!

































































































    :D love your story, read it in one sitting!!! i HATE Han HeeJoo, MeehLah and Lee AeRim and her aunt! :angry: I hope they die and rot in hell :phew: Anywayz, why'd u have to make th uncle die :( plz update soon, can be added to PM list if you have one?









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