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Posts posted by cornelliapark

  1. I am so late to tthis party, and so speechless by that ending.


    In W, the romance is sufficient, though the logic of the webtoon thing wasn't explained well. Here in MotA, the tech was explained (though still lacking a bit more), it still made sense. But the romance lacked even at the very very end. Like wtf?!


    We only know that he IS ALIVE bc of the instance dungeon. But why did he even hide for a year as well? It's not like another quest needs to be finished since all the bugs were deleted. And how was the Marco bug deleted, anyway??? So many questions always left unanswered by this writer. I did expect a not so good ending, but this was just all over the place.


    I need "Touch My Heart" soon to fill this romance-seeking void MotA left in me. 

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  2. Hi Chingus! I'm so pumped after finishing ep13! Can't wait for the next one tonight omo!


    However, even though the reason of the glitch was hinted, there's a question that irks me sinve day 1. 


    How does the contact lens-AR technology work for it cause deaths? Even with a game glitch, the deaths will not be logically possible unless it is supported by the hardware. With Sword Art Online, we were oriented about the VR headgear that would kill dead players' bodies through electricity.


    So, I googled about a possible electrocution to the eye. Aaaaaaand, guess what, there is a case that accidentally happened, and the person did die.


    BUT if we'll recall, the initial autopsy results indicated that CHS died from losing too much blood. But since this case is rare, it might be possible to verify this if the Cha family didn't decline further autopsy. :sweatingbullets:


    My brain is going wild because of this waaait mygosh! So excuted for the next theread updates after tonight's EP! 

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  3. Hi I'm new to Soompi! I just can't help not discussing this wonderful drama :wub:




    'm mulling over SJ's disappearance, though. We have this joke among K-pop fans, that whenever an idol is casted in a drama, they always end up dead. EXO ChanYeol died in Missing9, EXO Beakhyun in Scarlet Heart, and BTS V in Hwarang. Those are just some examples.


    Hopefully, this drama would end that since writernim has a way of messing with our minds as seen on W hahahah Although, (unpopular opinion) W was quite a downhill ride for me during the last few episodes, I'm hopeful that won't happen with this drama :wub:

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