Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by SixMyths08

  1. does anyone notice that the young wol is more resemble han hyo joo?! its just came out on my mind after saw her pic on soompi news..

    She did play young Han Hyo Joo in Dongyi. Another MBC drama, another Sageuk, another awesome drama.

    On the other hand, Han Ga In really does portray an older Yeonwoo well. The facial expressions, their reactions, almost directly mirror each other. Indeed a good casting despite criticisms :D

  2. Jung Ilwoo at the filming site :D Uri Yang Myung Gun is enjoying his free time? :lol:

    *quoted image*

    *quoted image*

    *quoted image*

    *quoted image*

    *quoted image*

    *quoted image*

    *quoted image*

    *quoted image*

    I'm curious about these scenes below :rolleyes:

    *quoted image*

    *quoted image*

    Pics credit: as tagged

    Hello. I think it appears that perhaps that the King (Lee Hwon's) father has died. Everyone on the streets, including Yang Myung are bowing down towards the palace. As seen in previous dramas, when a King or Queen dies the entire nation stops and bows down in cries, mourning the loss of their beloved ruler. Maybe this is the reason why, Yang Myung returns from his travels and goes back to the palace, to support his brother Lee Hwon who's about the ascend the throne.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I've been a silent reader, but I had to bring a quick question up to you 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    In the beginning, when Seol meet HaeYoung she said her name was EunByul correct? If we forward ourselves to episode 11 to the scene where Seol, the Professor and YunJoo are the orphanage inquiring about the satchel. The head nun says that Dan's original name was EunByul but after the adoption, Seol's parents changed it to Dan. Is there a connection here? The nun also said that Seol's adopted parents wanted Seol over Dan but ended up adopting them both. It's just interesting that Seol's fake name is also Dan's real name. I'm wondering if the name EunByul holds a significance in this drama, especially when it comes to the secret between the two sisters.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    For the people who have the Verizon Blackberry 9650, have any of you had a problem with the trackpad yet? Not really a problem I guess. I just recently got mine on Friday (8/6) and on Sunday I noticed my trackpad was tilted to the right. The right side of the trackpad has fallen in unleveled. I read on the reviews that this a common problem. I'm still debating if I should go in today and get it replaced or not. I'm a new blackberry user as well and its disappointing that only after a few days that I'm having problems. Is it worth going in to get a new one or should I just keep it as is. If its going to happen to the next one I dont know if its worth exchanging. If you guys could tell me what you think that'd be great! Thanks :D
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    oh man i think i've found the perfect song that explains how all of us feel right now for Jay
















































































































































































































    가지마 (Dont Go) - Brown Eyes
















































































































































































































    Korean Lyrics:
















































































































































































































    우리 함께했던 날들 그 기억들만 남아
















































































































































































































    너를 지워야만 내가 살 수 있을까
















































































































































































































    우린 함께했던 날들 자꾸만 너 떠올라
















































































































































































































    너를 보내야만 내가 살 수 있을까
















































































































































































































    (가지마) 떠나지마 제발 (가지마) 사랑하잖아
















































































































































































































    (가지마) 나 혼자 남겨두고 제발 제발 제발
















































































































































































































    가지마 가지마 가지마
















































































































































































































    아직 너를 위해 바보처럼 살아가는데 너는 어디에 니가 필요한데
















































































































































































































    oh~ baby 내 사람아 이제 그만 내게 돌아와줘 장난처럼 그렇게 돌아와
















































































































































































































    항상 너만을 위해서 살아가고 싶지만
















































































































































































































    때론 그 사랑마저도 힘이 들잖아
















































































































































































































    (가지마) 떠나지마 제발 (가지마) 사랑하잖아
















































































































































































































    (가지마) 나 혼자 남겨두고 제발 제발 제발
















































































































































































































    가지마 가지마 가지마
















































































































































































































    아직 너를 위해 바보처럼 살아가는데 너는 어디에 니가 필요한데
















































































































































































































    oh~ baby 내 사람아 이제 그만 내게 돌아와줘 장난처럼 그렇게 돌아와
















































































































































































































    아프고 아플만큼 지치고 지칠만큼
















































































































































































































    지워봐도 참아봐도 니가 떠올라
















































































































































































































    너도 나처럼 아프잖아 너도 나처럼 힘들잖아
















































































































































































































    돌아와 내게로 잊지 못할 내 사람아
















































































































































































































    아직 너를 위해 바보처럼 살아가는데 너는 어디에 니가 필요한데
















































































































































































































    oh~ baby 내 사람아 이제 그만 내게 돌아와줘 장난처럼 그렇게..
















































































































































































































    oh~baby 내 사람아 이제 그만 내게 돌아와줘
















































































































































































































    그때처럼 그렇게 돌아와
















































































































































































































    English Translation
















































































































































































































    Only the memories linger
















































































































































































































    From the days we were together.
















































































































































































































    Is erasing you
















































































































































































































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    Memories spring up in my mind
















































































































































































































    From the days we were together
















































































































































































































    Is sending you away
















































































































































































































    the only way to go on living?
















































































































































































































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    (Don’t go) Please don’t leave
















































































































































































































    (Don’t go) But I love you
















































































































































































































    (Don’t go) You will leave me all alone
















































































































































































































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    Simply return to me
















































































































































































































    As much as the pain
















































































































































































































    As much as the exhaustion
















































































































































































































    I erase you and try to forget
















































































































































































































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    I know you are hurting as much as I am
















































































































































































































    I know you are as tired as I am
















































































































































































































    Comeback to me
















































































































































































































    My unforgettable one
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I still live for you
















































































































































































































    Where are you?
















































































































































































































    I need you so much
















































































































































































































    Oh baby, my only one
















































































































































































































    Please stop and come back to me
















































































































































































































    Just tell me this is a joke
















































































































































































































    Oh baby, my only one
















































































































































































































    Please stop and come back now
















































































































































































































    Just like before,
















































































































































































































    Simply return to me



















    I do assume that Jay's flight would stop at LAX...& then connect to the Sea-Tac Airport..

    but I don't think he'll be coming out though..he'll most likely walk straight to the gate for his connection flight.



















































    no his flight wont stop at LAX. Korean Air does only direct flights to seattle from korea. trust me i took the same flight from korea back to seattle just about 3months ago. it's a direct flight which is good for him, i'm sure hes super exhausted. i'm sure this flight wasnt the flight he had hoped to ever be taking back home.
































    For fans that live in Seattle, including myself, I have checked the Seatac Airport arrivals page and have figured out when Jay's flight will be coming in.














































































    Considering the fact that the decision has been made, I think the best thing we can do right now is support Jay and give him a proper homecoming! Its a well deserved homecoming and I think he'd appreciate if all of us here in Seattle show him how much we care.














































































    Flight Info:














































































    Flight #19



















































    Gate S-10



















































    Arrival Time: 12:40pm














































































    I myself cannot go out to support Jay due to work tomorrow, but if any fans who live in Seattle should definitely head out to Seatac and give him a proper homecoming!





    Did the show not air today? I haven't been able to locate it.


























    Due to the Korea vs. Australia soccer game, they didnt air one last night. Episode 3 will come out tomorrow.


























    I'm bummed too cause I really wanted to watch it, but oh wells. Guess we'll just have to wait till tomorrow
































    hey question guys....is downloading like mediafire/megaupload files bad for macs? i've been dling a lot of music off those websites, and i was just curious. my computer seems completely fine. its working great. but for all advanced users, is it bad for the computer? and wats the chance i'll be getting a virus from those files? cause while i was dling one today, something random came up, saying i neeeded a scan, blah blah i dont know if it was a virus or not but yeah. i dont think it was, probably just a random popup cause it looked like a windows screen but yeah. let me know guys. thanks :D


























































    His smile and glimmer in his eyes


























    His confidence


























    His genuineness


























    Exactly 4months & 6 days ago at Christmas party....I haven't seen him since


























    That fate will bring us together one day
































    I just wish that everything was simpler.


























    A physical attraction towards you grew into something more in a matter of a few days.


























    I dont know you that well, no I hardly know you at all.


























    What I do know is that I want to become your friend and maybe even more.


























    Please dont call me drunk though, because it gives me false hope. You shouldnt


























    have done that last night. Half of me really believed that you wanted to really


























    see me and hang out with me. But its obvious now that you only said because


























    you were drunk. It werent your real thoughts dictating you, it was merely


























    a stupid drink that was. Please just be yourself around me, thats the person


























    I really like. Your Mr. Popular who can get with any girl while I'm simply


























    just another average looking girl. Right now I want only, nobody, nobody


























    but you. I havent felt this way in a long time, so please dont make me


























    regret it. Its a beautiful feeling that feels so painful at the same time.


























    Someday hopefully you'll feel the same. Someday hopefully I'll be good enough


























    for you. Until then I can only wait and see what the future holds. Please just dont


























    make me wait too long.




















    ^u can find the mac compatible version of msn messenger here:




























    just look to the left and you'll find it. like yourself i'm a new mac owner, and i originally dled msn messenger off of the msn website but i realized it wasnt working haha. turns out there's a mac compatible one so yay! hope that helped a little bit :D




















    hello i'm officially a mac user too now! i got the a macbook as well too, particularly for college! i love it so far, there's not much i can do besides surf the net and play music but i love it regardless! haha if you guys have ne advice for a newb like me please tell me! thanks :D




















    ok i'm a huge Ahn So Hee fan so i think out of all the super junior boys So Hee would look best with:














    1. Kim Ki Bum














    2. Hee Chul














    3. Si Won














    4. Ye Sung














    5. Lee Teuk














    but i think Kim Ki Bum is the best out of all of them. he's closer to her age and they both look super young and have killer smiles! she totally has a thing for smiley boys. hehe COUGH



































    hey i'm starting college next year and i was planning on getting a Mac Book. considering that there is a promotion going on, the free ipod deal, which may mean they are trying to get rid of their old models so new ones can come in, do you guys suggest waiting after the promotion is over to get a Mac?














    i dont want to get a mac book for school and find that like two weeks later they apple released a whole new notebook. since i'm getting it for college i want the newest and most recently released one out there.




















    hello! i've been a silent reader and i just got recently into this drama! but can you guys put me down for a YJ/SH shipper! I think YJ&SH should be together. she completes him and he completes her! he need her! GP uhhh hes good for her but idk! i just feel more sorry for SH and he's become such a better person!


































    screw the message wrote a week ago! clearly i misplaced my mind when i wrote it. you're pitiful, stupid, idiotic, and clearly unaware of what is right and what is wrong! please dont be so obvious about your feelings anymore, it makes you look really unintelligent and desperate! good luck with life, you'll need it!





    What part did he play in Pure 19?














    she played Lee Yoon Ji's ex-husbband i guess. the guy that she agreed to get married too after Woo Kyung basically denied her. sad thing is, day after they got married, they figured out that he had a lover on the side so that was the end to their marriage. i didnt know it was him until now haha\














    but yeah, how did this drama end? did Na Ohn Im and Yoo Chan get together???
































    omg these are sooooooo cute!!!! this is my first time seeing this, and i went through all 8pgs! you cant help but smile or laugh when you see them. they're simple, cute, not overlavished and just really adorable! they are made so well! hehe u dont mind if i save a few of them my comp and post them on my myspace would u? i'll make sure i credit you!!!






    -Hanbyul's parents divorce.

    -Gong Yoon's parents divorce was pushed back.

    -Hanbyul ran away from school for two weeks & Yoon found him.

    -The two fight.

    -Gong Yoon and Shieun fight & Gong Yoon said 'lets just end this' out of anger.

    -Shieun at the END...didn't accept Gong Yoon back even if he apologized, so THEY ARE OFFICIALLY BROKEN UP.


    I was kind of getting mad how Lee joon kept going after Shieun or helping her, i mean yeah he's her friend but AUGH- it was pissing me off.

    & lmfao Lee Joon so cute.

    when Ahyoung was staring out the window and he passed her by, (a little hesistant)- she asked 'Do you need to talk to me? You look like you have something to say.."

    and he was like "... I thought of us being jsut friends.. "

    and she was like "Your still hung up on that? I'm worried about Yoon blah blah"

    keke yu can so tell he's starting to like Ahyoung :x

    ahhhhhhhhhhh this cant happen! why did the break up!!!!! nooooooo this is not wat I wanted. Why didnt Si Eun just acceopt Yoons apology! He must really like her if he apologized because Yoon is not the type of guy that would admitt he was wrong! ahh this sucks! This isnt the end tho! I guarentee they're gonna start missing each other and find a way back to each others arms! i will not believe that this is the end of the Si Eun-Yoon relationship! I have hope!

    Yoon and Si Eun belong together, while Ah Young and Lee Joon belong together. period and thats it!

  21. ^wth why would u stop watching! Gong Yoon and Lee Joon becoming friends again is a good thing and Ah Young confessing is awsome! I think its about time that Ah Young has some kind of story line and Lee Joon needs someone special who can like him the way Ah Young does. i couldnt be happier with the way the drama is playing out rite now! yay! finally!

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