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    Hi guys! It's been a while since I was last here. ^^;;... summer school's fault entirely... lols
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    <33... I love the pic at the top of the page~ I really love how he looks and what he's wearing there
































































































































































































































































    XD... I read the whole interview... Nao shared half of his food with Saga!! ^^;; why am I not surprised? Nao is fixated with Saga :x
































































































































































































































































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    ^.^... hey~ I'm a very new fan of the Gazette... very new as in only this afternoon after doing a pv marathon~
































































































































































































































































    O_o... -goes back to the top of the page-
































































































































































































































































    *Q*... oh my freaking gosh! Ruki looks so.... absolutely amazing!! dang... @_@... I have to stop myself from falling in love with him! I love his eyes... *_*
































































































































































































































































    btw, I know this might've been the topic a few pages back but I also read about what Taion is about. It gave me mixed feelings, but before every other feeling, I felt really touched by Ruki's action.
































































































































































































































































    It makes me wonder why I've avoided the Gazette for some time now...
































































































































































































































































































































































    :3.... well my sister and I have been Japan addicts for as long as I can remember and, well we got hooked on Korean music when my sister saw TVXQ's tri-angle and midoyo music vids on Channel V. Since we're used to listening/watching foreign languages that we couldn't understand (plus, we get to learn the language sooner or later anyways) we went head on with it and poof! The rest is history~

































































    You might be able to figure it out by looking at their previous singles: http://alice9-discography.blogspot.com/2007/11/single.html

    I can make assumptions though. The regular edition will probably just have the song(s). The DVD will probably have the MV(s). I don't know about type A though...
































































































































































































































































    I think I read once that PS Company is notorious about the A Type/B Type single releases. It's annoying! *grr*
































































































































































































































































    I can't wait to hear the new song! I'm also interested to see what their new look will be like. I hope Shou doesn't wear anymore cheetah print gloves (White Prayer Era). I hated those things.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    X_X.... I have to agree with you with the Type A & B limited eds! >.<... doesn't PSC know they burned my whole pants when I bought mirrorball single?!?! xD.... yep... not just pockets.... my whole pants got burned when I bought both Type A & B~ @.@
































































































































































































































































    [note to self: decide which Type to pick and not buy both]
































































































































































































































































    wow 4 years! ^.^... I'm ultra late with the wow-ing! O_o... the tour title boggles my head more than it should. <33... I wonder who among the five thought of that name
































































































































































































































































    ~_~... it's so tempting to buy the new releases.... but I'm all outta cash

































































    People around me always say "Hey what are you listening to?" and then they'll go and snatch my ipod then start saying things like "Freaking awesome band " I'll hand them alice nine's pic and they'd ask "so where's the vocalist?". So when I point out to shou they are like O.O. "OMG! that girl sounds like a guy!!"

    Seriously though I dont mind if the jrockers out there look feminine or whatever. One friend of mine who just started listening to alice nine due to my ahem pestering for her to listen to it told me that them looking feminine makes them more hot and sexy!. and I couldn't agree more. hahaha































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    LOL~! xD... it's a good thing people in my place know my taste for guys~~ haha... I never had that kind of reaction from any people I introduce j-rock bands to~ O_o... well, with the exception of Bou but that's another kind of topic. <33
































































































































































































































































    YAY! HORAAAYYY for your friend! <33 I find only a few people outside my usual ring of friends to actually accept... =_=;; or at least not bash them for being sooooo pretty~
































































































































































































































    You can find the Black Jewel & White Rose pamphlet: here.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    You have to join to see it. :) Unless you already have joined it then yeah. XDD;































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    >_<.... man! I just have to get an LJ account. most of the things I'm looking for are there!!! gahhhh
































































































































































































































































    Hi Dead_Freedom! 8D nice set! ahaha... I just realized that the pics are from the Eraser ~memoire d'une fleur (^^;; I suck at spellings)
































































































































































































































































































































































    XD... this might be a little late but~ haha... I'm shou_haido9's li'l sis andddd... don't get too worked up with li'l siblings comments~ it's just our way to have something to do with the older siblings. ^_~ plus, it's a lot of fun pissing the older ones. :ph34r:
































































































































































































































































    Number six in the oricon charts huh? XDDDD not bad... I think Mirror Ball is one of those songs you have to get used to first. well, it's just my opinion. ^^;; took me a few days after hearing the full song to completely appreciate it. Oh yeah! Tsubasa's a really catchy song. <33 I love the lyrics a lot too.
































































































































































































































































    Btw~ I rewatched their Number Six the movie and it's actually my first time noticing how cute (in action) Tora could be! x.x... and has anyone noticed? Shou keeps moving his head left, right or some other direction when he talks there? @_@
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    XD... I was actually going to ask you where you got your avi.
































































































































































































































































    :sweatingbullets: ... I just raided my sister's Shou pic folder and I found a few. I also found a pic like the one you posted~ it doesn't have the white border edges but it has a watermark. (btw... I'm not really sure if they're the one you want coz.... xD I'm still sorta, kinda new to them. O_o... or I'm just lazy~)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    alice nine.: -dies- SHOW! XD... I like the SHOU spelling best. SYOU is quite Ok but........ SHOW?!?! >_<... can't really take it.
































































































































































































































































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    "You're just jealous because he's gazillion times prettier than you and even with those kind of looks he still gets more girls."
































































































































































































































































    ^ or something worse than that. :ph34r:
































































































































































































































































    hmm... I don't know if this has any relevance but~ XD... I kinda made these ads for a project. I was supposed to make an ad for each member but when I was looking for a Saga pic the computer crashed! X.x... thankfully I had a few pics on my mom's laptop so I was able to make these~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    x.x... it was supposed to be Shou's but I liked Pon's pose~ it fits the mood I want.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    to make up for it, I made a Shou ad, but I used diesel instead of bulgari black.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    LOL there's engrish in the song which i couldn't make out in mirrorball before :
































































































































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    the first pics of mirrorball had the costumes look a bit blue in contrast to what i see now where the costume is black =="
































































































































    i love it so much more when i t looks black <3
































































































































    i talk about random things wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to much































































































































































































































































    lols... i'm surprised not much people notice the thing about Shou's mouth when he speaks. ~.~... nuuu... I thought that problem was already fixed??? -dies- oh well~
































































































































    about the costume... O.O... maybe it's because of the lighting?
































































































































    ahaha... the fastness of the net population might depend on the fanbase. XD... in any case, Alice Nine's fanbase is really, really fast~
















































































































    ^ I tried listening to the studio version without looking at the lyrics and to be honest, I still couldn't pick out the english. :sweatingbullets: Except maybe for hide and seek, :lol:






























































































































































































































































































































































































    -gets bricked- ^^;;














































































































































































































































































































































































































    And the Saga back up vocals! :D































































































































































































































































    ( Typing that reminded me of Q. ^_^ Shou & Saga both sound so awesome. xD; )































































































































































































































































    LOL! I have that same problem sometimes.... ^^;; though... sometimes I know Shou's singing something english... x.x... I just can't figure out what. And then when I look at the lyrics finally I always have the, "OH! So that's what he was singing!" reaction.
































































































































    hey! at least you even got the hide and seek part! I got nothing! LOLS!
































































































































    it took me some time before I could appreciate Q~ <33 t'was......... awesome
































































































































































































































































    ai0no0ff thanks for the clippie!
















































































































































































    oh yeah~ I agree! X_X saga and tora have some similarities~ X_____x I remember I mistook Tora for Saga and vice versa... until I realized..... XD Saga was the blonde one with a perfectly shaped nose! lols
































































































































    owwies! If alice nine didn't have the members they have now..... ;_; I would be heart broken~ I wub them all!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    thanks for the scansss syunikiss~ ^^;; I might be able to view them tomorrow though~ <33 my family's going on a trip!
































































































































































































































































    just checked out the scans.... XD
































































































































    tch tch~ Saga~~~~ -runs to cover Saga's chest- X3
































































































































    Nao ish so adorable!!!
















































































































































































    fallen-anjoOL: XD before I actually thought about that... I really, really and I mean REALLY didn't like Saga and Tora... then I suddenly thought... what if they weren't members of Alice Nine? Then BAM! next thing I know... I'm watching a Saga fanvid, laughing and cheering.
































































































































    alice nine.: -slaps forehead- I'm slowwww! I never really noticed until you put up a romanji of the lyrics! hehe... JEWELS~ ahaha... their style now is more... erm... normal and can be worn by some people. XD.... I don't really mind their old clothes but everyone does have their preferences~
































































































































    lumiyooni: Awwww!!! That is soooo cute! 83 Just like NAO~!
































































































































    btw... I'm listening to their songs from the first album. x3 it's definitely different from their style now. (OuO) chills are appearing on my skin!! *_* Awesome!! While listening, I guess I can understand what the other fans are saying about their change of style. Good rocking songs with out-of-this-world fashion~ <33
















































































































































































    umm... I'm actually eating it right now but...
































































































































    it's pancakes.
















































































































































































































































































    Whoooo! My album is here!!!!















































































































































































































































    A lot of people are comparing their work to































































































































































































































































    the older albums.































































































































































































































































    I personally think if you were a true fan































































































































































































































































    you would support them through































































































































































































































































    all their different phases!






























































































































































































































































































































































































    I kind of actually like their light rock!































































































































































































































































    They are still as handsome and talented as ever!






























































































































































































































































































































































































    alice nine. FIGHTING!





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    WOWERS! Good for you!! ^.^... Mine (well Mirrorball single actually) will arrive next WEEK!!! YAY~!
































































































































    Yeah... I noticed how people are commenting about the change not only in their clothing style but also the music they're creating now. I agree that fans should support them during their different phases but if they really don't like it... it's no problem, take a break from their fandom and come back when they want to.
































































































































    No one can please everybody.... Alice Nine isn't an exception.
































































































































    If a fan still like the music they make then good.
































































































































    If not... don't go around saying they're turning worse. Just because they don't like Alice Nine's new style don't give them the right to judge the music. It's just unfair and biased.
































































































































    :sweatingbullets: sorry for the rant!
















































































































    ^ On the OHP, they spelt his name like that. XDD;















































































































































































































































    I'm still going to spell his name Shou though... Maybe it's to show how to pronounce it. O.O My friends kept calling him shoe. T__T;































































































































































































































































    LOL! SHOE!!!!

    show... ;_; shou looks 82704792074626 times betters
































































































































    correction....... XD Shou is like negative infinity to positive infinity times better than show!

    Shou's voice bothers me -__-;

    I wish they had a better vocalist.
































































































































    Other than that, I think they're fine. (:
































































































































    Love the melodies~































































































































































































































































    we all have our own opinions. But if shou isn't the vocalist then Alice Nine wouldn't be what it is now. :D every member counts.
































































































































    But I do hope you give Shou a chance. I admit I used to not like Tora and Saga but they're quite Ok with me now. ^_~
































































































































    Oh and........ there is no such thing as a better vocalist. Everyone's singing style varies. Comparing people..... it's not cool.

    nao + glasses = ♥

    well, nao = ♥ too, but anyways xD
































































































































    thanks for the pics <3































































































































































































































































    YAY! Fellow Nao lover! x3
































































































































    I ditto to you!
































































































































    Thanks for the pic share~ ai0no0ff
















































































































































































    YAY! Finally watched both pv's (and not to mention downloaded)! XD... I had my sister reformat the whole computer just for that~ lols
































































































































    Anyhoots~ Mirror Ball's Ok... it wasn't what I expected but pwahaha it was good! X3 my sister was rambling on and on about how Shou looks absolutely gorgeous. ^^;; Eraser... it kinda made me laugh. I like this version better than the Alpha one but it does sound a bit boyband-ish to me. xD
































































































































    fallen-anjoOL: XD.... Pin-up models?? LOL~ well that's basically what I love about Alice Nine. They shift styles but they manage to retain the Alice Nine spice. Ahaha... again I must say that you're not the only one who loves to ramble a lot!
































































































































    ^.^... I also stayed away from the heavy stuffs at first. *.*... hey! Yami ni Chiru Sakura is one of the first hard rock Alice Nine song I heard (and watched) too! It was just Ok to me. *________________* and then came Kowloon! Gawd! I have to admit I'm still hung up on that song~ The PV was freakishly appealing to me too! *Q* imo Tora looks absolutely hott there!
































































































































    LOL! You reminded me of that ENGURISH segment of Tora and Saga!!! -dies of laughter- Saga was hilarious! I also just noticed that Shou is in fact holding a gun when you mentioned it~ XD
































































































































    alice nine.: first off... yes... you did snag the best username~ 8D... maybe I should change mine to Nao? Or... or.. Hiroto!
































































































































    Ah yes~ I recall their very visual clothing style pv's. It was~ awwwesoommeee.... 8D I'm definitely aiming for Shou's/Hiroto's Gradation outfit. Their new outfits are just fine~ nothing excessive. +_+ plus, we get to see their somewhat natural beauty~

    btw anyone remember how they got into a9? x]
































































































































    ahaha... blame it on my sister! She was watching/fangirling over Akatsuki and Ruri no Ame at that time. She has this certain appeal to drag people to her fandom.
































































































































    Oh and I just remembered this comment in youtube about Nao not liking fans typing "a" instead of "Alice". XD... it was funny~ the poster wrote it was Shou who said that and that everytime Nao sees "a9" instead of "alice nine".... he does a strange dance. O_O... then Shou looked concerned! x3... I wanna see Nao's strange dance! LOL!
































































































































    SamLien: yep~ you're totally making sense. ^^... I think I said something similar to that in this post. O.o... well... somewhere in this post.
































































































































    And of course~ I agree... we should just drift along with them and support them. They still make good music afterall~
















































































































































































    oh man! I'm missing quite alot~ -hasn't read up to the last page where she posted- ><... my computer's so slow today!!
































































































































    nice~ so 5 = ha. :3 I've been thinking about that!
































































































































    X_X the bags under G&M's eyes are darker now~ they should get some rest. So wait~ since I haven't really read that far back -kicks the computer- has it been decided who goes with who?
































































































































    YAY! Mysty also thinks Mike and Toey look cute together!!
































































































































    T____T... I'll probably check this thread out tomorrow~~~ when the connection's not so irritably slow
















































































































































































    Okay~ so I have time to come back here after a week of undesirable exile. *___* I can't believe I missed not only Mirrorball's pv release but also Eraser's!!! -dies- I'm still waiting for the pv link to work though. T_T... my computer crashed last week and I lost some of Alice Nine stuffs along with my other 'fangirl' stuffs. -sigh-
































































































































    ><... hmm... at this rate maybe I might get to finish the pv's after an hour. :tears: internet connection's slow... computer's slow... everything's just.............. -exhales- slow
































































































































    My friend got to order the cd's we've preordered and it'll arrive a few days before mah birthday! YAY! -celebrates-
































































































































    fallen-anjoOL: XD... no, I don't think you're the only one who enjoy's that train of thought
































































































































    alice nine.: xD... if you want to read blog posts that are sensible, avoid Nao's~ ahaha... his food blog posts are just too crazy *not to mention cute* But Shou's and Hiroto's are Ok. >_<... Saga and Tora takes forever to post
































































































































    -after some time of waiting for the pv to load-
































































































































    I read the comments on the Mirrorball pv link and some fans really don't like their new style.
































































































































    For some reason... I don't know how to react. XP I like their music... new and old. <33 though I have to admit they do great hard rock songs. I never liked listening to songs with some shouting involved... until Alice Nine came along~~
















































































































































































    syunikiss - thankies! ^.^.... Tora x Shou! -squeals-
































































































































    xstrawberry_bearx - I preordered it some time ago along with a copy of Hello Dear Numbers live tour limited edition~ I figured... since I'm buying something, why not go all the way? XD... ahaha... this is my first time ordering online! <33 My friend bought Version A for me and I bought Version B for myself! ^^;; I gotta admit I'm a little sad though. T^T... I like the cover of Version C best! waaa

































    lol update news bout their lakorn: short clips of gm in amusement parc are on youtube now, they'r there to film some scenes for their lakorn...

    go to:































































































































































































































































    golf looks cute in green 5555, is golf pairing with peak??? cuz it looks like it and they make a really cute couple^.^































































































































































































































































    ^will watch that next week.
































































































































    @.@.... school's almost over so it's swallowing everything me!
































































































































    <33... a bit late but congrats to mikie~~ ahaha.... may college be kind to him! O_o... have I congratulated him before? gosh I don't remember~~












































    -hearts fly everywhere-




















    I'm loving just about everything they're releasing right now! X3333
























































































































    -clicks the link and listens to the song immediately-




















    ^.^... Kiseki sounds nice... XD... but not as HOTT as Mirror Ball




















    syunikiss~!!! Thankies for the share! XD... ahaha... now I'm literally having a hard time deciding which member gets my undivided attention~!









    what are some good songs from alice NINE? the ones i like are: white prayer, akatsu, blue planet, comsic world, velvet, ruri no ame, tsubasa, yami ni chiru sakura.




















    looking back to the previous page... I just saw this anddd I must say you have said most of the songs I was going to answer~ But I also think Kowloon, Zero, 9th Revolver, and Stray Cat are also good songs. ^^;; I couldn't quite like their other songs unless I listen to them again and again.




















    btw... >_<... I'm now bent with the desire to buy the single. ^~^ the only problem is deciding which of the three covers to buy. Cover 3 is the cheapest because it's only the CD single but the other 2 has a bonus DVD both different from each other. :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets: I have no idea which one to buy!! help? x3




























































































    OH MY~ -wishing she could enter too- ahaha...




















    they're going to the same university?!?! XD... oh man! I'm wishing I could stalk them more!




















    @mysty: XD... maybe the other Mike fans. X_x I'm lacking budget! ahaha





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