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    Other than that, I'm loving the different live wallpapers you can download lol.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The forums over at XDA-Developers.com is a great way to get started.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Picked up a HTC EVO and totally in love with the phone. Everything is great but I just hope the battery life could have been a little better.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I thought at first that you couldn't use bbm without a data plan, but something is making me wonder about that. I have a data plan on my blackberry 8520. Recently I went camping, where I had no mobile phone service. I couldn't send texts or make phone calls, however, the lodge where I was staying had wifi. While connected to it, I was able to receive email, use my browser, and also use bbm. This makes me think that bbm is possible without a data plan. Can anyone confirm?
































































































































































































































































































































































    Also the pin is built into the phone I think. Go Options > Status and it should be there.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The message goes through RIM server, and if you don't have BIS, your BBM service wont be active. Blackberries uses something call Service Books which gets pushed to your phone when you have the data service.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Pin: 30E68AEA
































































































































































































































































































































































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    Try logging in to your service provider's bb website and resend the service book.

































































    will the tour 2 also be with verizon?

    im debating between the tour or the curve 8530
































































































































































































































































































































































    the only reason why is because the curve has a trackpad and wifi
































































































































































































































































































































































    hence the tour 2!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    100% sure the Tour 2 is going to be with Verizon, but people are saying Sprint will get it about a month before Verizon. Keep on the look out though because the phone is not going to be getting that much promotion since Verizon is going to be pushing the Droid still, and soon the Palm Pixi and Pre.

































































    If anyone has the Blackberry Tour w/ Sprint can you give me a review? I'm so tired of my current phone lol.
































































































































































































































































































































































    Hold out for another month or 2, the Tour 2 will be coming out. Is going to be the same Tour except it has Wi-Fi, a trackpad instead of the trackball and a faster processor.


































































    I have another question. So Verizon is having a buy a Motorola droid, get a phone free. If I were to get the Blackberry Storm 2 as the free phone, would i have to pay an additional $30 for the Blackberry data even though i pay for data for the Droid or does the data plan carry over? I know you have to pay $30 for each phone if both phones are in use or activated, but what if I switch between the two?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The data for the Droid and BB are different things. Blackberry internet (BIS) goes through RIM's internal servers. So if you were to switch between the two phones you would have to switch the type of data packs every time.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I believe Verizon requires you to have the data plan with a Blackberry. As long as the BB is active on your account you're gonna have the data plan.

































































    I JUST bought the Blackberry Curve 8330 and I'm a bit confused...I'm currently using a touchphone and have the everything data plan with Sprint, but I bought the phone on its own. Will I have to upgrade my plan or anything? That's the only thing I'm concerned about, if so, I'll probably just go buy another touchphone from Sprint lol (the HTC Hero is sooo pretty, but $$$). Can't wait for my Blackberry to arrive, it'll be my first time with one!
































































































































































































































































































































































    You can use the phone once you switch your line over to the Blackberry but you won't be able to use the internet or the BBM on it, just make calls and text. You're gonna have to change to the Everything BB Data plan if you want the BB services.

































































































































































































































































































    Does anyone have the Blackberry Tour or has any experience with it? I think it's only available through Verizon?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It's also for Sprint. The phone is a mix of the Bold and the 8900 Curve. I'm using it right now and I just can't put it down.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Set your brightness to 100 ;] otherwise you might notice the screen bugging out, well that's my experience with 2 tours. And I'm taking it that your trackball works fine?

































































































































































































































































































    Anyone have the Tour? Any feedback on it? I'm debating on whether I should get it or not.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The Tour is a great phone. I got mine for about 2 weeks and it has been great. Supposedly a Tour with WIFI will be coming out soon, but IMO you don't need WIFI if you have 3G service.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Unlimited mobile 2 mobile

































    okay i'm tired of the "."

    if you have 113 you downgrade to 111 and jailbreak/upgrade/unlock to 112. Well this is for the iPhone, i'm a bit unclear what to do with iTouches.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ha it gets even simpler now, just download ziphone, the thing literally does all the work in 2 minutes and 30 seconds.


















    Can you tell me the limitations of the browser?



    How flash shows up on the browser? Like imeem music.




    Online web apps like Meebo? Facebook things like graffiti or the poke the pet novelty things?


    Can you save and download? What if they were streaming such as esnip music where its a mp3? Can you like save an image on a page or view source of a page?


    Does multiple tabs feel nice? Like does it really lag when you tab between?


    And the biggest question that NOTHIGN gives me numbers for how long does the battery last when you're on Wifi browsing? Most reports say 5 hr for movie, 20+ for music... but nothing to do with internet use.


    I appreciate your input.. if not ill hunt you down <_<...





    Haha, tracking me down. Let me start with the flash and java, no they don't work is a shame, so many websites now is loaded with those contents. I can surf via Wi-fi and listen to music for about 3.5 hours on a full charge. Now the ipod Touch is on a 400mhz processor so multi tabbing would lag, only if you're loading multiple pages, but if is just opening up one page at a time is pretty good for 400mhz. You can't view source nor save anything from safari. And I've tried using meebo, but it seems to be stuck on loading. I gave up after trying to make it load and just went with flickim.com for AIM, but my friend's touch was able to use meebo. I'm able to run certain web apps but not all. Ofcouse this is a 1st gen product so is not going to be perfect or close to it, I just hope the 2nd gen would be able to support java and flash. Either way for now, I'm pretty satsify with it.


  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..