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Posts posted by audriena

  1. Anyway, to sum everything up. I enjoyed this show. To me, this is mostly due to the strength of the original storyline by Yoko Kamio. I've loved all versions - though some aspects more than others in each version, but they were all entertaining and a lot of fun and made me want to revisit all the versions and the manga time and time again. Having said that, the Japanese version proved that with careful planning and a deep understanding of the story and the strength of the characters, a good drama can be made within a limited number of episodes. BOF's main weakness was that it failed in its storytelling. But its strengths were brilliant casting, and a good enough budget to make everything look so rich and opulent and convincing. Maybe they should change their normal practice of filming and showing it at the same time, so they don't overwork the cast and crew, and pressure the scriptwriter to write as it went along. There were bound to be mistakes and discrepancies that way, and so it was.

    sorry to cut your post..

    it's like you're reading my mind

    completely agree with you, every single word

    i won't compare the taiwan version though

    it also got drag pretty much the same in my opinion

    i'm in the boat for NO SEASON 2.

    there's really nothing much to go on

    they summarized everything (in the manga) in the last 4 episode

    if they intend to make a movie

    probably okay just to have a proper closure

    of the last episode.

  2. previews (videos) is not up yet, right?

    honestly, i have no expectation for the ending anymore

    or how the plot will progress

    just want the drama to end.. :P

    ~why is the same kpculture spoiler posted here over and over again..

    would be so bad if this thread got closed again for spamming

    which i see a lot this couple of days..

    try checking the previous pages, guys!

    but if you prefer the thread closed before the last week

    be my guest -_-

  3. i personally think dragging to much of JP and JK storyline has left the producer and director with a very limit time to have a JD and JP scenes (smooching, reconciliation whatever you want it) in the drama.

    and now the amnesia part and another crisis with the two... after just reconcile (suppose the island scene)... i'm just afraid we'll have the typical drama ending where after all that jazz, at the very last minute in the finale episode the girl looks at the guy, their eyes meet and they just kindda understood that everything is ok now..... and that they really love each other. THE END.


    there gonna be a masacre!!! :D

  4. i remember some scene in meteor garden

    1. SH rented(?) a house and DMS kept guard, even waited till late at night with her (during this time he was sneaking behind his mom's back to see SH.

    2. SH worked as a miad at his mansion due to her economy situation.

    3. SH asked for a break up at the garden/driveway isle, and it's started raining on them

    4. DMS protest since his mother won't let him see SH, starving in his room, his fiancee asked the mother to bring SH over to talk some sense in DMS (the fiancee was hearbroken when she saw how in love DMS was with SH) - not sure whether they have broken the engagement by then

    i'm not sure whether my recollection is correct, it was a very very long time ago.

    thinks it gonna happen in this version?

  5. The scholarship was a PR move by Madam Kang to stem the outrage and protest from the citizens and netizen of JaHae's brother's attempted suicide, which was caused by F4. JD saved him and she was labeled "Wonder Woman."

    So, the scholarship will stay in place regardless if JD swims or not because if she is kicked out, it could bring more protest and outrage.

    mmm... that's sound logical

    but why does they (the family) working themselves to death, especially JD.

    according to manga there will come a time where makino needs to quit school because no more money for tution, right?

    but again, korean version MIGHT probably twist that already.. who knows.

  6. Or it will turn out like this:

    Ji Hoo is JD's soulmate

    and Chae Kyung is JP's soulmate.

    Possible right??

    it'll be fair for JD n JP..


    then a lot of the manga fan gonna fume up

    since they are suppose to be based on the manga, rite?

    a few twist in the storyline here and there is okay, i guess

    but to actually turned around with a totally new hook ups.. i doubt it..


    i dont even read the manga !

    so JP and JD will get married ?

    there was a scene in the church

    but i'm not sure whether they're getting married or not

    but the hero (i dun recall the name) asked the heroin

    to continue her study in university

  7. Quote from convo b/w JP and JH before JP goes to meet JanDi

    "And if I ask why you're doing it" - JP

    "This is all I can do right now." - JH

    I don't know about you guys, but I saw that as a complete challenge. Basically JH tells JP to decide, and then JH can have more things to do: i.e. pursue Jandi. No wonder why JP asked about JH at the end of the episode. lol, jealousy creeping its head.

    emfkrx: JP won't fall in love with the fiance. At least, I hope not. If he does, I'll also be very mad and will help you kill him!

    if JP fall in love with the fiancee

    it will totally be a new ball game, right?

    i mean, they won't be following

    the manga already

  8. here is picture that i found......do you think this is the ending scene of BOF........you could see in the picture Jun pyo have snorkle goggles around his neck (means he already overcome his fear of swimming) and jandi wearing the necklace that jun pyo gave her in ep 12 (just look at her neck to see the necklace coz its too small) :lol::o



    i hope it's noy just for a photo shoot

    for a magazine or something

  9. exactly~! that's how i felt about lee min ho, I'm not crazy about his looks really, what i am crazy about is his acting~~ it totally drew me in. Really its rare to find an actor who has such expressive and not exaggerated facial expression/

    by the way love your comments-long and insightful/



    i like the character

    not really about the person acting it

    but again, the face was a bonus! :D

  10. Sorry that this drama disappointed you but JD actress may not be pretty to you but she is pretty to a lot of people who appreciates and watch this drama. Beauty is always and will be in the eye of the beholder and she may not be like a Miss Universe like beauty but i think she is soooo perfect for the role...

    i agree^^ jandi really pretty to me^^

    beauty for some is in the looks

    for some it's they way they act (behavior)

    as they say,

    beauty lied between the eye of the beholder


    wouldn't it be lame if all heroin be drop dead gorgeous

    especially a poor, innocent, goofy character? :D

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