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Posts posted by felixng
































































































































































































































































    I've finished watching this drama in 3 days. I watched 51 & 52 without the subs but since I fast forwarded most of the scenes without our main couple, I couldn't care less what the others were talking about. I would only watch these two episodes again for the sake of the main couple. I think this drama is average at best in terms of acting, story line, etc... But oh it's kind of addictive. Just because I like the chemistry between our two leads, I just keep watching the show for their story. I hope the scriptwriter had given them more screen time, instead of wasting it on minor characters like the trio at the gisaeng house.
































































































































    One thing that bugs me is Im Soo Hyang's nose. I'm not against plastic surgery, but still I got distracted because of obvious signs of it. My eyes kept reverting to her nose during her closeup scene. Gong Ju isn't a great beauty, but she's like a source of fresh air. She's so lively and adorable. Ra Ra was spoiled at first but later was redeemed as she is proven to be a good friend of Sa Ran. Da Mo is manly. The guy can act even though he's a newbie.
































































































































    Scenes that I would skip (in least favourable order):
































































































































    1. The gisaeng house's three male staff and the kitchen-hand lady
































































































































    2. Saran's adoptive father and step-mother (the latter is so annoying)
































































































































    3. Ra Ra's real parents
































































































































    4. Ra Ra and Kyle (I like Ra Ra as Sa Ran's friend, but I find her relationship with Kyle boring)
































































































































    5. Any scenes with Kyle in it after he met Ra Ra. (Before that his screen time is not much and short, so I didn't mind his appearance much. I have nothing against the actor, I just think their story is boring while what I want to see is our main couple).
































































































































    I'm not sure if the scriptwriter had the idea of making Soo Ra a portal for ghosts from the begining or not. Because she named the character Ah Soo Ra and it is explained to us that because of that name, he's easily possessed by ghosts. But I totally hate how the storyline veered off into the ghost possession land just to increase screen time. It turned a serious drama into a joke.
































































































































    I think there're gems inside that mess of a storyline. If they had just spent time to review and edit the script, we would have had a well told tale. Maybe a standard 20 episode drama would be enough instead of dragging it to 52. Episode 18 to 34 are poignant and are the highlight of the show and live up to the show title. Of course ep 18-34 are still peppered with unnecessary and draggy scenes with boring characters as previously, but at least the storyline is much faster and packed with stronger emotions.
































































































































    I'm a bit exasperated at Sa Ran's prudishness towards Da Mo even after she got married. Real couple won't act like that. She can act all prudish in public, but not in the bedroom or when there're only them two together. Then I get to question myself why one of the lead characters is a bore, but I still watch the drama. I need a break from Kdramas after a large dose of sedation like this.

































































  2. I'm so sad to hear of Eon's passing. I have my Coffee Prince DVDs and I don't think watching them again would be the same. There are so many joyful momments in the drama, and I even have hope for a sequel after Gong Yoo finishes his service. But now all hopes are crushed. It's just never be the same. It is like drinking coffee with a chipped cup, you may still enjoy the taste but your lips is bleeding from the cut.

  3. hey,

    i had eyelid surgery in china in january and returned back to aus exactly 8 days after surgery as well. i was also worried about checkout like what if they questioned me about the photo etc. but fortunately i didn't have any problems with checkout even though i looked significantly different to my photo since my eyes were still extremely swollen and bruised at that point. in fact, i don't think they even payed any attention to the passport photo, i pretty much just walked straight through, its really no big deal. so yeah, i'm pretty sure you'll be fine. btw, your eyes do recover alot within the first week, i noticed about a 40% reduction in the swelling by the time my stitches came out on day 7 and my swelling was very very bad plus i had significant bruising in one eye, so if mine looked presentable by day 7 you should definately be fine. goodluck.

    I'm kinda relieved to hear that. Thank you. Today is the 3rd day. My eyes are less swollen but the lids still look very fat and unnatural. I hope it's because of the swell. Sorry, no photo at the moment.

  4. Considering I always used to browse through this topic, I thought I would finally put in my two cents:

    I am currently in Seoul for a few weeks visiting relatives and I got my eyes (and nose, but thats another topic altogether) done about a week ago. The doctor I went to is a cousin of my aunt's close friend. He used to have his own clinic in Apkujong, but now works at the Ilsan Hospital (Ilsan is a suburb of Seoul for those of you who don't know). Apparently he's known for doing natural looking work. It actually worked out really well because I ended up paying about half as much as I would have if he had still been in Apkujong, plus I got a great deal because of my Aunt. Anyway I was expecting to get the fully incisional method (i didn't want to risk the suture method coming undone or something) but he actually explained that nowadays for young people, the best method is a mixture of the incisional and non-incisional method, and that I should expect to get them redone anyway in about 10 years; so thats what I got. I can't really say about the pain factor, naturally i didn't feel any pain under anesthesia. The shots were to the eyelids, not too bad. I would have to say that most of my pain after surgery was from the nose job (i really wanted to die). Another good thing about the method i got for my eyes is that there isn't too much swelling and it heals faster because they aren't cutting your entire lid. I looked pretty presentable (save for the bandages on my nose) after 3 days. Sorry I can't post any pics because my camera isn't compatible with my grandma's computer.

    Anyway the doctor I went to was really good and had my best interest in mind and didn't push any unecessary procedures on me, and he can probably speak english well, although my korean is acceptable so I didnt speak english with him. He is one of two plastic surgeons working at the Ilsan hospital (so you know hes a certified plastic surgeon and not just some quack wielding a knife) and I believe the quoted price at the hospital for double eyelid surgery is 150,000 won (~approx. $1500).

    The one bad thing is that Ilsan is about a 30-50 min (depending on traffic) drive from Seoul, but if you have the means to get there I would highly recommend him!

    Oh and i get my bandaids off my nose on Tuesday...finally!! :rolleyes:

    if you have any question just ask me!

    Hey, just wonder if you're already back to the US yet. 'Cos I had a nose job and double eyelid surgery done together 2 days ago. I'm expected to return to Australia exactly 8 days after the surgery. Now my eyes look swollen and overall my face doesn't look like my passport photo. Do you have any trouble at the airport checkpoints?

    I don't know if I can recover in a week. Someone posted in the previous page that she wore sunglasses during customs clearance but I doubt they allow you to do that at international airport.

    Anyone has any experience to share? I'm too worried now.

  5. Until now you have worked with pretty actresses Kim Sun Ah, Gong Hyo Jin, and Lee Yeon Hee, who did you work best with?

    It's Kim Sun Ah and Gong Hyo Jin of course.

    Firstly Kim Sun Ah is a great acting senior who cares/considers her partner and allows them to act with ease.Although Gong Hyo Jin is a year younger than me i think she follows along the path of Kim Sun Ah. She acts well and is an actress whom i personally like.I think that compared to the other actresses she has a special charm about her.It was fun acting with both of them. If felt like i was playing pool while i was acting. (laughter)

    hmmmmmm, wonder if he is asked again that question, what will his answer be? Will he include our lovely lady YEH?

  6. I rewatched the wrap party vid and saw another GY&YEH hug. Don't know if it is mentioned before.

    GY hugged Sun Ki (sorry, don't remember his real name) and patted his face then in the next scene we saw Euon hug Han Seong (again, don't know his name) and in the background, GY was giving our gorgeous YEH a comfy hug. The vid is quite blurry but I still can catch a glimse of YEH's head band to be sure that it's her.

    Check out this youtube vid, it's @ 3.06-3.09 (I don't want to be nosy but I can't help, I miss CP and need time to get over it. I don't want to speculate anything but just to see that the cast enjoy their filming period and have a strong bond. And I sympathize their sadness 'cos I also have to part with CP)


  7. I had never really watched any of YEH's dramas before though I was quite a Kdrama follower back then. I know she was in Goong and it got a massive fanbase but I think it's too cheesy for my taste (I don't like the Prince & Princess theme) so I never watch it.

    One day I was so bored that I randomly picked up and watched one episode of The Vineyard man unfortunately it didn't appeal much to me (I tend to lack enthusiasm when I don't know the cast, though I knew that that girl was from Goong). (the part where YEH's character went to the city to meet her dream (??!!) man and the male lead stayed at the vineyard fighting a plague in the rain (I thought this spraying antipest scene in the rain was kinda stupid, 'cos the rain would wash away all the chemical, and who knows one day they would be sue by the government for disposing a large amount of poison into the environment).

    However, I was stunned when I saw YEH in that. I was like "my god, she's so tall and lovely. But that was it. Until I watch CP...

    I was watching Hana Kimi (Japanese version) on you tube which was uploaded every Tuesday after the new eppies was aired. Just like the case of CP, the long waiting week was torturous. Then I heard about CP from some comment in one of Hana Kimi vids.

    And I was hooked. Someone said earlier in soompi CP's thread that her short hair

    was so ugly. But for me, I found her very lovely, especially when she smiles. Her front teeth are so adorable. I come to respect her more because she's what I consider a dedicated actor.

    I was once fed up with Kdrama because when it comes to kissing scene, it's not at all beautiful but seems toturous to watch and it spoiled the romance. I don't mean that YEH being a good kisser onscreen also means she can act, what I mean is that contributes to the fact that she acts for the sake of art.

  8. Hi YOOGALS, i red an article in Asian Fanatics that MBC expressed interest in filming a sequel of coffee Prince, YEH's Eun Chan as the 2nd store boss but bcoz of GY enlistment he may not be able to participate, ngekkkkkkkkkkkk.... No GY as HK, i don't think its a good idea. If MBC is planning a sequel, Gong Yoo is a must to be part of it.
    Oh no, please don't let them shoot a sequel without GY. I hate it when the main actor/actress is replaced. They may keep his/her character's name, but it would never be the same. I once watched that kind of sequel in which the lead actor was busy and his character was played by another. I felt like their love in the prequel had die and she got a new man (that is equivalent to betrayal). YEH is still young, let's wait another 2 years 'til GY's back in business.
    Hi aalhl, regarding the article from latest magazine 《Cool 轻音乐》August 2007, While dating, he usually let the girl make decisions. Although he knew that he needed to take initiatives and take care of his girlfriend, but somehow later he realized that in a relationship, he preferred his partner to take charge."
    I sense another clue for pachlex to investigate. Is it me or GY was sending a hint to Yoo-know-who that she shouldn't be put off by his shyness, he's waiting for her green light . Just kidding :lol: .
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