Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by iamkatie
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    but usually i go on forums
































































































































































































































































    clean my room.
































































    i put my clothes on coat hangers and thats all...
































































    desk is still messy, bed unmade, bags all over the floor. <_<
































































































































































































































































    3pm - 11pm on school nights?
































































    12 30 afternoon - 5ish 6 on saturdays
































































    and from 11am - 9ish 10 on sundays
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    normally in photos, no teeth. (except individual school photo)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    im always on computer even if i dont need it for the work i still turn it on.
































































    occasionally i snack... but usually i eat before i work.. so im not hungry...
































































    and whenever my computers on.. i always find myself on msn :D lol~ i ask around for answers
































































    once before a test... we started a group convo and studied together ^^ it really helped.
































































    i dont think i can work in silence. music calms me down :)
































































    and when im bored.. i go on soompi and read~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    umm... i guess i used to be tomboy because i played with my cousins all the time when i was young.. which were guys... i have no girls in my age group in my family.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    -_____________-" my dad said if i cut my hair like a guy and post a picture on the internet... girls will be swooning over me <_<






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    i never had a barbie or any dolls when i was young.. maybe one.. but i rarely play with it.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i dont like make up.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    action movies and comedy :D sometimes romance.. classics are a bore.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i never watched titanic.. ._______________." is that normal? ive read about it.. but never watched it.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i prefer singing the guy parts in songs.. the girl bits are too high T__________T































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    high heels are off limits.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    T________________T;; i think i skipped the growing part of puberty D;































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    girl clothing? im still begging my mum to buy me a boy t-shirt for the summer... or a hoodie :D






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i have many headphones. they all broke in a few months :(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    i usually listen to music at home, on the computer
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    sometimes its slow because my brother, my mum and my dad are using the net at the same time. or: we're capped. :D
















    so is this average?
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    T________T" im serious D: i cant even draw an egg >.>""
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i LOVE this drama xD watched it continuously
































































































































    i got told off by my dad because i didnt do hw.
































































































































    but then he watched it and it was weird at first but then its normal because my parents ALWAYS watch drama :P
































































































































    they spend their sunday mornings and EVERY night watching drama -.-; and when they have nothing to watch, they re watch old ones
































































































































    YAY HOLIDAYS ^^ more time to watch drama :D
















































































































































































    I LOVE video games
















    xD its probably because i lived my whole life with boys influencing me. they love video games and so do I!! xD
















    i <3 nintendo, ps2, psp, wii, game cube, umm.. online games.. and many more xD I HATE X-BOX!! its got too many buttons which makes it complicated to use xP
















    i sound like a crazy person.. but all of this is TRUE!!
















    umm.. it been so long since i played a video game.. because of school work and stuff ><
















    -edit 1st october 2008
















    ahahhaahaha~ its my school holidays.. all i do is watch anime and play games ^^
















    my friend gave me a game called moedan, my current addiction.
















    umm... guitar heros 3 is fun too, but i can only play medium and easy because my fingers are too short and slow to move fast.
















    some games i stopped playing such as gb and maple.
















    ohohoho~ this year, me and my friends have sing star comps xD very fun ^^
















    but only some of my friends play games T______T"
















    at school when we still had money for the internet (we get $20 each year) we played minigames on the net on different websites. eg: www.oyunlar1.com <cooking games, crumbs. (Y)
















    i think im the one that knows the most games out of us... xD

















  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..