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Posts posted by denise31

  1. 2days 1night is a simple and fun Sunday enjoyment. As entertainers they gave us a break from reality giving us the experience of traveling around s.korea enjoying the scenery and awesome food. I love all the cast members because they bring a variety of personalities and uniqueness to the show. I'm sure if the show had all the same personalities  it would be boring. The cast and crew worked hard in order to bring us a show each week so let's enjoy it for what it is. I also love the family like atmosphere of each members and their support for one another. Whether it be JH or Jjy's personal issues or their support for Ysy & Cth's drama.

    P.s  the best hit cameso were awesome, hope to see Jjy's turn soon. 


    • Like 7
  2. I'm  sooooooo  sad that the drama is over. I hope  they  released  the drama with  good English  subtitles for  purchase. 

    Thank  you  for  all  the awesome updates  and  pics  of  the cast. This  forum  has  been a  fun stress reliever after each  crappie day of  work. Hehehe. I'm  gonna  miss  everyone in  here, hope  to  see  you  guys  when another great  drama is  worth  watching. :lol:

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  3. Darn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was  hoping for  a wedding but all  the fluffinesss and kisses made  up  for  it. Plus it appears that  they're  living together since  it shows  2 toothbrush in  the restroom.   Hehe. I can't  be  too greedy  since  it's  a happpppppppy ending. 

    Now I NEed to  find  myself  a sweetie like  JW or  10%  close  to  it.:D

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  4. Aweeee !!!!! I can't  wait  for  Lee Sang Woo's  new  drama. Loved  his  flash back  scenes in  High Society.  I  still loved his Life is  Beautiful character and  the settings on the  beautiful Jejudo islands was  simply breath taking.  

    @denise31Welcome and thank you for joining us at this thread 2015%2B-%2B1

    Cannot wait to hear LSW's news and update regarding his news drama.  Hope positive news will come our way soon.

    Like his role and acting in Life is Beautiful too,  It was really something very different vs his other dramas.  And, thought he really did well there and admired his courage for taking up the role.

    Are you following High Society?  Do you like it and do you think he will be back..in real time screening?  I hope so.




    yesyes !!!!! But  I was enjoying LSW scenes more. Lol. I hope  he  didn't  die, but  hide  so  his  sister could  take  over.  My  wishful thinking. Hehe. :)

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  5. While most of  us  think  that  GXT is  crazy to  break  up  with  a perfect  catch  as  JW. I've  come  to  an understanding of  why  she  felt  that way with  their relationship.  JW had  always been  the controller of  the relationship, yes  he's  nice  and  caring but  it  was  always  how  he  felt  and  what they should do  together. GXT on  the other hand, pretty much obey with  everything, even  though  they  tell  each  other  that  one should Tell the other  how  they  felt.  I think  that's  why  she  felt  that  she  lost  her  identity in  the relationship.  The cruise ship buffet event was  her  job  and  her  identity as  Dr. Love, but  because  he  wanted  to  be romantic  brought out the entire  event without  realizing how  important  her  job  was  to her. It  didn't  seem  like  he took  her  work  or  her  seriously until  they broke up. Now  you  can  tell he's  soo in  love  and smitten with  her. Lol

    I'm  loving  epi 17, it  seem  like  they  were  getting to  know  each  other again. I have  no  doubt that  we  will  have  our HAPPY Ending!!!!!! hehe.  

    • Like 4
  6. Aweeee !!!!! I can't  wait  for  Lee Sang Woo's  new  drama. Loved  his  flash back  scenes in  High Society.  I  still loved his Life is  Beautiful character and  the settings on the  beautiful Jejudo islands was  simply breath taking.  

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  7. How I wish  it  was  Friday already. I'm  loving all  the comments and  analysis of  the drama from  this  thread.  It's  so  much  fun  to  watch  and  read  all  the different viewpoints.

    Btw: I was  never  a Danson fan,  but  this  drama made  me  ship  him  with  Evelyn Lee. I wish  they  would  date  in  real  life  cause  they're  just  too cute  together.  The ex  gf is  too tall for  him, they  don't  match. 

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  8.  Guan Xao Tong was  right  when  she  told  Jia Wei that  one  should  not  change  themselves  too much  for  love.  To Love  someone is to accept whom  they're good or bad. Changing oneself too  much to accommodate each other's need  is  bound  to  create resentment and in long term unhappiness ensure thus, creating  tension.  One of the reasons most people divorces at  the end even  though, they  might  love one another. Considering there's 4 episodes left, there's bound to be more drama before a happy ending. Loving this drama, my ultimate Friday night date after work. 


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    I'm loving this drama soooo much and I'm seriously rooting for DY & HSR to be together. I'm having issues with YR's ethics of letting murders go free as a prosecutor. I don't admire her at all, especially the begging part just mad me more angry.






















    I'm glad Kim Kang Woo was able to play this part.( He's really awesome).






















    I don't think the original casting of PSH would work in this case ***sorry*** considering what happen in his personal life, this part wouldn't be appropriate.



  10. I fell in love with Kim Soo Hyun after watching his last Running Man episode with him and Lee Hyun Woo. I was impress with his athletic ability and team work with rm the gang, totally awesome. I was equally impress with him on "You Who Came From The Stars". His donation to the ferry accident is generous and admirable, it's strange that people would be critical of his actions and generosity. KSH fighting cause you're simply awesome!!!!!!

  11. I've been in love with Kim Woo Bin since White Christmas days. I knew he would make it big one of these days after watching my all time favorite drama. I love how he dresses, he knows how to put an outfit together. I love a guy in normal straight leg jeans and KWB wears them well.

    I can't stand guy's in skinny jeans ( btw: skinny jeans don't look good on guys... ever!!!!).

    I hope KWB will lead a drama very soon. :D

  12. I only watch RM with the guests that i like (i'm being bias) hehe. With that being said, i think it's cool that they have different guest each week consisting of actors, singer (idols) and entertainers. Just because a guest that is young or an idol doesn't necessary mean that they're strong, fast or athletic. That's just an assumption of how they should be, at least the guests comes on and try their best. For how they're perceived on television is different when they have to compete on a game show, which at times shows their real personality. :)

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