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Posts posted by aimii
































































































    Mom recently bought an X-Box360 for herself, but I'm going all out and buying games that I could never play on my PS3.
















































































    -Tales of Vesperia
















































































    -Record of Agarest War
















































































    -Magna Carta 2
















































































    -The Last Remnant
















































































    J-RPG Partyyyy!















    Hey guys. I'm doing a manga assignment in my Japanese Lit. class. And for this particular assignment we are suppose to read Love Suicides at Amijima and input text from the readings into the manga. But I'm kinda stuck and lost.





    Can someone please tell me what the Japanese text says?





    Thank you in advance!



  3. I finished Colleen Houck's Tiger's Curse. I really enjoyed it. It's the first of the series and people have already given reviews of the second book, which doesn't come out until June of this year. I looked all over for it online but couldn't find a thing. While I looked through the reviews, I found a comment that already told the ending of the second book which made me mad. SOOOO.....if anyone here has read this series, please let me know IF there is a copy of the first edition of Tiger's Quest (the 2nd book of the series).

    I recently finished this book too. It was good and nice read. The cover for Tiger's Curse and Tiger's Quest are so gorgeous!! Unfortunately I don't have an advanced copy.

    I'm currently reading:

    Passing Strange by Martha A. Sandweiss (this is for class but I really like it)

    Tatiana and Alexander by Paulina Simons

    Daughter of Xanadu by Dori Jones Yang

    Yay for history books and historical fiction!!








    I had one in Hawaii but then we lost contact with each other in college.






    I always feel excited when I get letters from a penpal.






    But I still have a bunch of leftover stationaries that I don't use, under my bed XD



    gah- last night was /phenomenal/














    I was there last night! It was awesome.







    I got the CD and shirt though.







    I really wanted to stay for the signing but the line was so long!







    But I did catch a glimpse of Die and Shinya on the way out when I was exiting; it was enough for me XD



    You guys are literally the cutest things I've ever seen hahaha. You guys look adorable together!

    <3 Kim: wow haruhi! :D I wanted to cosplay during halloween too but I was too late >_<;; I didn't plan this out





    I wanted to be a lolita/doll thing so I went and bought this










    Except with more personal touches :) I want to be punk lolita!





    I realized J-town around where I live.. had actual Lolita dresses. OMG. I want one so bad except they cost 3 times as much as this. Time to save up for it :D for next yearrrr









    I didn't have much money for a Lolita dress either; maybe next year!





    I was seriously gonna buy this costume too but I found something else.










    I'm gonna be a Harajuku girl!









    Such a cutie! I loved him in Se7en's Aitai PV.






    But I don't think he reminds me of Se7en at all :sweatingbullets:






    Gahhh, he has that innocent look that is so hard to resist!






    I loved him in Hana Kimi. He makes one of the cutest/funniest pouty faces ever.











    I have yet to see Kamen Rider. I'll probably watch it soon cause of him.







    OMG. Some soompiers here have been through such miserable things. It's so sad.




    Mine isn't as bad though.




    I remember in my freshman high school year, I met this guy in P.E. who just randomly talked to me and asking me questions of how to say words in Chinese.




    During this time, I had to transfer to a different math class because my previous math teacher didn't have a degree to teach math so I had to switch.




    I got switch into the same math class as the P.E. guy and I was assigned to sit behind him.




    I was a very quiet and shy girl my freshman year, and the P.E. guy asks why I'm so quiet and somehow switches to asking about my weight, am I a virgin, etc.




    I didn't answer anyone of them besides the quiet one.




    While my new math teacher was teaching us new material(his back was face towards us), the P.E. guy uses his hands to touch my leg.




    I was so shocked that I gasped. My teacher heard me and called me up to the board to finish the problem because he thought I wasn't paying attention.




    I managed to finish the problem and get it right but as I walked back to my seat, I was blushing and the P.E.guy saw me and smirked.




    I was scared and didn't know what to do. I was too embarrassed to tell anyone about it.




    After the incident, he continued to put his hand on my leg and tried to move further but I always manage to push his hand away.




    A week later, I got the courage to ask another classmate to switch seats.




    But he didn't stop cause we had to same P.E. class.




    He once groped my boobs and said, "dang, you have big ones for an Asian."




    And there were a couple times when he "accidentally" rubbed his hand against my butt when I was standing.




    I later found out from some of his friends that he really wanted to do it with me cause I was Asian and I had big boobs.




    uh...one of the most horrifying experience in my life.




    Now that I look back, I feel so stupid. I should have done something and reported him or speak up. I'm so mad at myself for that.







    My first post in this thread, I think? I tend to lose track of my posts.




    Yeah, Dir en Grey. I miss them.




    I haven't been paying attention to them for for a while.




    Yesterday, I had my laptop fixed and I started to upload songs into my ipod, and I remembered Diru!




    Aw, I miss their old stuff.




    I remember the first song I heard from them was "Yokan" and my love for Diru built after that.




    Anyone know if they will be coming to the US anytime soon?








    Since 2000, I listened to Japanese music through anime and through this one random graphics site that had a music playlist. Utada Hikaru's song "Time Will Tell" got me hooked.





    I didn't get into korean music until the following year, when I heard Shinhwa and H.O.T.





    My mom bought me their video VCDs and I watched the whole thing and got addicted to their songs and dances.








    I'm a girl and I've played since I was 7 years old. My parents didn't let me go out much so I resorted to playing videogames with my bro. I've been playing games since then. I have a Nintendo DS, PS2, PSP, and I'm hoping to get a Wii soon.





    I love to play RPG games or those fighting games like Tekken, Streetfight, Dead or Alive, and Super Smash Brothers.





    I am currently addicted to Super Smash Brother Brawl and I can beat my cousin and brother with Toon Link only.





    About two years ago, I got addicted to GTA. It's a violent game but it's soooooo funny!! I laughed so much playing this game!


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