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Posts posted by aaddler

  1. Wow, I was actually very impressed when I first stumbled on this thread at how A.) good the group was at self regulating and bringing the topic back to our mutual love of Sotus, and B.) how the Soompi forums seemed pretty reasonable about moderation enforcement and what a fun communal atmosphere it seemed to make. I mean, I've been a part of some forums where strict enforcement of the rules by the mods was absolutely necessary to really stop things from spiraling out of control, don't get me wrong, but it really doesn't seem necessary for this thread. All I can say is, if I have to wait for the official sub of episode 13 to be released I might actually die of frustration, especially since I'll be traveling and won't be able to see episode 14 until after it's been out for five days . . .

    Also, it's almost time . . .\o/

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  2. I started on a Sotus fanfic sometime around episode 5 or 6 that spiraled into this crazily detailed head canon, that now seems to have become it's own original story.  I've been thinking about writing it up and putting it on Wattled or some place, but it's too far a deviation from canon to still work as a fanfic, and too similar to Sotus for me to really feel comfortable making it an original fic. So I don't know . . . I also have a half finished KO/Hao Mei fic, but that's a ways away from being ready to post. I'm suuuuper slow when I decide to write fanfic, and I hardly ever do.

    • Like 7
  3. 12 minutes ago, jembut said:

    Maybe in the series they will give us a twist, a different plot from the novel, maybe namtarn will be break up with jay, and then she confess to arthit that she like him because arthit always give her his attention that she cannot got it from jay. Actually this scene happened after the kiss scene in the bridge so it will give arthit more confusion and will give us more angst. (Please forgive my fantasy hohoho)

    I feel like the scene where Arthit moved Kong's gear to the drawer was kind of symbolic of him letting go of his feelings for Namtarn and distinguishing them from his feelings for Kongpope. I think even if she did confess, Arthit would just distance himself, maybe after some internal conflict about it. Let's be honest, Namtarn basically confessed to him that she and Jay were on the rocks and all he did about it was offer a friendly ear and obsess about Kongpope.

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  4. What I'm curious about is if we are going to see any more of Namtarn/Jay in the remaining episodes or if that is just going to be a random loose thread they leave hanging. I feel like they got way too much screen time to just serve as a foil for the conversation between Namtarn and Arthit. On the other hand this series does kind of shuffle the supporting characters off to the side. Wad is practically a missing person at this point.

    Let me tell you, if I were Namtarn I would be like: Oon, how exactly do you know how Kongpope wakes up in the morning? And what he likes to eat? And how slow he is to dress

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  5. 9 minutes ago, pixiie07 said:

    Heyyy guys!! I want to hear your opinion on something!!  :flushed:
    Who do you think is the
    I have been watching Sotus and they don't really give the 'aura' of uke :vicx: 
    I do see Kong as a uke at times but I see Arthit as a uke also at times...so, I wanted to ask you guys what you think about it :grin:
    Though it won't be shown in the series, it's just for my own fantasies


    Personally, I think they switch. I can see Arthit being on the bottom more often, and it seems like it's kind of implied in the Kongpope The Hazer chapter, but, I can also see Kongpope offering to be on the bottom, especially if Arthit is being cranky, and Arthit getting all cute and flustered in response.

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  6. Ok, I've been lurking since around page 200 and I finally caved and got a Soompi account (and OMG people, 612+ pages??? this forum is insane)

    I love this series so much. Shounen ai is my favorite BL subgenre and this series totally brings it.

    I'm kind of on the fence about wanting a second season. On the one hand, I really, really want to see the progression of their relationship and how their families react to it. I so get the feeling that Kongpope will just come right out and drop that bomb right at the dinner table or something, lol. Arthit, I think, is the one who might have a harder time with it. He's so invested in his responsibilities as a good senior, a good student, etc. that I can see telling his family being a big emotional hurdle if he feels they might not approve of it. I also totally get the feeling that Kongpope is a rich kid, and that that might throw Arthit for a loop as well. On the other hand, if the series gives us that satisfying, happy ending we're all looking for then I'd almost rather have it end there than invite the risk of all sorts of needless angst they might feel is necessary for a second season. It's so hard to get a happy, relatively angst free ending in a BL series to begin with! What we need is more awesome SOTUS fan fiction (I'm already totally bummed that there is practically no KO/Hao Mei fanfic. Come on LoveO2O fans! I'm almost at the point of breaking down and writing it myself).

    Also, everyone posting their ages on here makes me feel absolutely ancient. I'm probably older than 2/3rds of the people on this forum . . . if not more . . .

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